Java Utililty Methods slf4j Logger

List of utility methods to do slf4j Logger


The list of methods to do slf4j Logger are organized into topic(s).


voidlogDebug(String string)
log Debug"debug :" + string);
voidlogEntrance(Logger logger, String methodName, String methodArguments)

Logs for entrance into every public methods with Level#DEBUG .

logger.debug(String.format(ENTRANCE_METHOD_PATTERN, methodName, methodArguments));
voidlogError(final Logger logger, final String message, final Throwable cause)
IntelliJ bubbles up all error level logging to user, and if there is a "cause", it makes it a clickable link and user can view the stacktrace.
logger.warn(message, cause);
voidlogError(Logger log, Throwable t, String message)
log Error
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    log.error(message, t);
} else {
voidlogError(String message, Throwable ex, Logger logger, String userId)
This is used for logging exceptions with additional information in the log message.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(getLogElement("LdapId", userId)).append(getLogElement("Exception", message))
        .append(getLogElement("Cause", ex.getMessage()));
logger.error(sb.toString(), ex);
voidlogErrors(Logger logger, List strings)
Efetua log de varios erros.
if (strings != null) {
    for (String error : strings) {
        logger.error("logErrors :: " + error);
voidLogException(Logger log, String descrption, Throwable e)
Log Exception
String msg = e.getMessage();
log.error("{}:{}", descrption, msg);
voidlogExit(Logger logger, String methodName, String returnValue, long timeSpent)

Logs for exit from every public methods with Level#DEBUG .

logger.debug(String.format(EXIT_METHOD_PATTERN, methodName, returnValue, timeSpent));
logger For This Class
final StackTraceElement myCaller = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2];
if (!"<clinit>".equals(myCaller.getMethodName())) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Logger must be static");
return LoggerFactory.getLogger(myCaller.getClassName());
LoggerloggerWithName(Class klass, String name)
logger With Name
return LoggerFactory.getLogger(String.format("%s.%s", klass.getName(), name));