Java Utililty Methods sin

List of utility methods to do sin


The list of methods to do sin are organized into topic(s).


doublesin(double a)
Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle.
return Math.sin(a);
doublesin(double anAngle)
Returns the sign of the given angle in degrees.
return Math.sin(Math.toRadians(anAngle));
doublesin(double d)
return SIN_TABLE[(int) ((float) d * 10430.378F) & 65535];
doublesin(double radians)
Get the sine of an angle
radians = reduceSinAngle(radians); 
if (Math.abs(radians) <= Math.PI / 4) {
    return Math.sin(radians);
} else {
    return Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 - radians);
double[]sin(double... v)
double[] r = new double[v.length];
for (int i = 0; i < v.length; i++)
    r[i] = Math.sin(v[i]);
return r;
doublesin(final double value)
final int temp;
if (value > 0) {
    if ((int) value > 360d) {
        if ((temp = ((int) value - ((int) (value / 360d)) * 360)) != 0) {
            return (double) SIN_TABLE[temp];
        } else {
            return (double) SIN_TABLE[360];
    } else {
        return (double) SIN_TABLE[(int) (value)];
} else if ((-(int) value) > 360d) {
    if ((temp = (-((int) value - ((int) (value / 360d)) * 360))) != 0) {
        return (double) SIN_TABLE[temp];
    } else {
        return (double) SIN_TABLE[360];
} else {
    return (double) SIN_TABLE[-(int) (value)];
floatsin(final float angle)
Faster sin method using special cache, based on Mojang code.
return sinCache[((int) (angle * UNKNOWN_CONST) & SIN_CACHE_SIZE)];
floatsin(float angle)
return (float) Math.sin(angle);
floatsin(float angle)
float angle1 = angle % (2 * PI);
if (angle1 < 0) {
    angle1 += 2 * PI;
return sin_table[(int) (angle1 * accuracy_level / 2 / PI)];
floatsin(float n)
return sin[(int) (n * 10430.378F) & 0xffff];