Java Utililty Methods Short Number Create

List of utility methods to do Short Number Create


The list of methods to do Short Number Create are organized into topic(s).


short[]toShort(byte[] src)
Convert an array of byte 's into an array of short '.
int number = src.length;
short[] dst = new short[number];
for (int j = 0; j < number; ++j) {
    dst[j] = (short) src[j];
return dst;
shorttoShort(byte[] value)
byte[] -> short
if (value == null || value.length != 2) {
    return 0x0;
return (short) ((0xff & value[0]) << 8 | (0xff & value[1]) << 0);
shorttoShort(char[] bytes, boolean le)
to Short
if (bytes.length != 4)
    return 0;
return (short) Long.parseLong(bytesToString(bytes, le, true), 16);
shorttoShort(final byte[] b)
Build a short from first 2 bytes of the array.
return (short) ((b[1] & 0xFF) + ((b[0] & 0xFF) << 8));
shorttoShort(final byte[] b)
Converts the bytes in an array into the corresponding short value.
return toShort(b, 0);
shorttoShort(final byte[] buffer, final int offset, final int length)
to Short
short ret = 0;
final int done = offset + length;
for (int i = offset; i < done; i++) {
    ret = (short) (((ret << 8) & 0xffff) + (buffer[i] & 0xff));
return ret;
shorttoShort(final byte[] inputBytes, int offset)
Form a short value reading 2 bytes
return (short) ((inputBytes[offset] << 8) + (inputBytes[++offset] & 0xff));
shorttoShort(final String bitString)
Convert a bit string into a short value.
assert (bitString.length() <= Short.SIZE);
return (short) toLong(bitString);
ShorttoShort(final String value)
create Intger from str.
return Short.parseShort(value);
shorttoShort(int src)
to Short
return (short) (src & 0xFFFF);