Java Resource Load getResourcePath(Class c, String name)

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Get resource in test scope for some class.


Open Source License


public static String getResourcePath(Class<?> c, String name) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;


public class Main {
    private static String baseResourcePath = new StringBuilder().append("src").append(File.separator).append("test")

    /**//w w  w  .j a  v  a 2s  . com
     * Get resource in test scope for some class.
     * Example: class org.test.MyTest and name "my_resource.txt" returns "src/test/resource/org/test/my_resource.txt"
    public static String getResourcePath(Class<?> c, String name) {
        return new StringBuilder().append(baseResourcePath)
                .append(c.getPackage().getName().replace('.', File.separatorChar)).append(File.separator)


  1. getResourceNameFromFileName(final String pFileName)
  2. getResourceNames(File dir)
  3. getResourceNames(String resName)
  4. getResourceNamesFromDir(File dir, String extension)
  5. getResourcePath()
  6. getResourceReader(final String aResName)
  7. getResources(File root, File path, Vector result)
  8. getResources(final Pattern pattern)
  9. getResourceScripts(String path)