Java Rectangle Intersect intersects(Rectangle2D rect1, Rectangle2D rect2)

Here you can find the source of intersects(Rectangle2D rect1, Rectangle2D rect2)


Checks, whether the given rectangle1 fully contains rectangle 2 (even if rectangle 2 has a height or width of zero!).


Open Source License


Parameter Description
rect1 the first rectangle.
rect2 the second rectangle.


A boolean.


public static boolean intersects(Rectangle2D rect1, Rectangle2D rect2) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
/* ===========================================================
 * JFreeChart : a free chart library for the Java(tm) platform
 * ===========================================================
 * (C) Copyright 2000-2016, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.
 * Project Info:
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.//from   w  w  w  .  j a v  a2  s.c  om
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301,
 * USA.
 * [Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. 
 * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.]
 * ---------------
 * ---------------
 * (C)opyright 2003-2016, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.
 * Original Author:  David Gilbert (for Object Refinery Limited);
 * Contributor(s):   -;
 * Changes
 * -------
 * 13-Aug-2003 : Version 1 (DG);
 * 16-Mar-2004 : Moved rotateShape() from to here (DG);
 * 13-May-2004 : Added new shape creation methods (DG);
 * 30-Sep-2004 : Added createLineRegion() method (DG);
 *               Moved drawRotatedShape() method from RefineryUtilities class
 *               to this class (DG);
 * 04-Oct-2004 : Renamed ShapeUtils --> ShapeUtilities (DG);
 * 26-Oct-2004 : Added a method to test the equality of two Line2D
 *               instances (DG);
 * 10-Nov-2004 : Added new translateShape() and equal(Ellipse2D, Ellipse2D)
 *               methods (DG);
 * 11-Nov-2004 : Renamed translateShape() --> createTranslatedShape() (DG);
 * 07-Jan-2005 : Minor Javadoc fix (DG);
 * 11-Jan-2005 : Removed deprecated code in preparation for 1.0.0 release (DG);
 * 21-Jan-2005 : Modified return type of RectangleAnchor.coordinates()
 *               method (DG);
 * 22-Feb-2005 : Added equality tests for Arc2D and GeneralPath (DG);
 * 16-Mar-2005 : Fixed bug where equal(Shape, Shape) fails for two Polygon
 *               instances (DG);
 * 01-Jun-2008 : Fixed bug in equal(GeneralPath, GeneralPath) method (DG);
 * 16-Jun-2012 : Moved from JCommon to JFreeChart (DG);

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;

public class Main {
     * Checks, whether the given rectangle1 fully contains rectangle 2
     * (even if rectangle 2 has a height or width of zero!).
     * @param rect1  the first rectangle.
     * @param rect2  the second rectangle.
     * @return A boolean.
    public static boolean intersects(Rectangle2D rect1, Rectangle2D rect2) {
        double x0 = rect1.getX();
        double y0 = rect1.getY();
        double x = rect2.getX();
        double width = rect2.getWidth();
        double y = rect2.getY();
        double height = rect2.getHeight();
        return (x + width >= x0 && y + height >= y0 && x <= x0 + rect1.getWidth() && y <= y0 + rect1.getHeight());


  1. intersects(float cx, float cy, float radius, float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
  2. intersects(Point p1, Point p2, Rectangle rect)
  3. intersects(Rectangle aRectangle, Line2D aLine)
  4. intersects(Rectangle rect1, Rectangle rect2, boolean vertical)
  5. intersects(Rectangle2D r, Object o)
  6. intersectsOutline(Rectangle2D r, Shape s)
  7. intersectsRectangle(final double checkMinX, final double checkMinY, final double checkMaxX, final double checkMaxY, final double againstMinX, final double againstMinY, final double againstMaxX, final double againstMaxY)
  8. intersectsRectangle(final double checkMinX, final double checkMinY, final double checkMaxX, final double checkMaxY, final double againstMinX, final double againstMinY, final double againstMaxX, final double againstMaxY)