Java Method Call invokeTargetCheckPoint(String resuming_checkpoint_path, Object jobObject, final java.util.Map globalMap)

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invoke Target Check Point


Open Source License


    public static void invokeTargetCheckPoint(String resuming_checkpoint_path, Object jobObject,
            final java.util.Map<String, Object> globalMap) throws Exception 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
// %InstallDIR%\features\org.talend.rcp.branding.%PRODUCTNAME%\%PRODUCTNAME%license.txt

public class Main {
    public static void invokeTargetCheckPoint(String resuming_checkpoint_path, Object jobObject,
            final java.util.Map<String, Object> globalMap) throws Exception {
        /*//from   w  w w . j  a  v a2  s . com
         * String resuming_checkpoint_path =
         * "/JOB:parentJob/SUBJOB:tRunJob_1/NODE:tRunJob_1/JOB:ChildJob/SUBJOB:tSystem_2" ;
        String currentJob_checkpoint_path = null;

        // 1. get currentJob_checkpoint_path
        if (resuming_checkpoint_path != null) {
            int indexOf = resuming_checkpoint_path.indexOf("/NODE:");

            if (indexOf != -1) {
                // currentJob_checkpoint_path: /JOB:parentJob/SUBJOB:tRunJob_1
                currentJob_checkpoint_path = resuming_checkpoint_path.substring(0, indexOf);
            } else {
                // currentJob_checkpoint_path: /JOB:ChildJob/SUBJOB:tSystem_2
                currentJob_checkpoint_path = resuming_checkpoint_path;

        String currentJob_subJob_resuming = null;
        // 2. get the target SUBJOB
        if (currentJob_checkpoint_path != null) {
            int indexOf = currentJob_checkpoint_path.indexOf("/SUBJOB:");
            if (indexOf != -1) {
                currentJob_subJob_resuming = currentJob_checkpoint_path.substring(indexOf + 8);

        String subjobMethodName = currentJob_subJob_resuming + "Process";
        // System.out.println(subjobMethodName);

        // 3. invoke the target method
        if (currentJob_subJob_resuming != null) {
            for (java.lang.reflect.Method m : jobObject.getClass().getMethods()) {
                if (m.getName().compareTo(subjobMethodName) == 0) {
                    m.invoke(jobObject, new Object[] { globalMap });


  1. invokeSet(Object o, String fieldName, Object value)
  2. invokeSetFieldValue(Object bean, Field field, Object value)
  3. invokeSilent(Object obj, String methodName, Class[] parameterTypes, Object[] args)
  4. invokeSimple(Object target, String name)
  5. invokeTarget(Method method, Object obj, Object... args)
  6. invokeTargetMethods(Object obj, T data, List methods)
  7. invokeToStringMethod(Object value, Class type)
  8. invokeUnchecked(Method method, Object target, Object... arguments)
  9. invokeUnwrapException(final Object target, final Method method, @Nullable final Object[] args)