Java Median median(final int[] values)

Here you can find the source of median(final int[] values)


Get the median of an array of integer.




Parameter Description
values The array of integer


the median


public static double median(final int[] values) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
/*/*w ww .  jav a2s. c  om*/
 *                  Eoulsan development code
 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or
 * later and CeCILL-C. This should be distributed with the code.
 * If you do not have a copy, see:
 * Copyright for this code is held jointly by the Genomic platform
 * of the Institut de Biologie de l'?cole normale sup?rieure and
 * the individual authors. These should be listed in @author doc
 * comments.
 * For more information on the Eoulsan project and its aims,
 * or to join the Eoulsan Google group, visit the home page
 * at:

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Main {
     * Get the median of an array of integer.
     * @param values The array of integer
     * @return the median
    public static double median(final int[] values) {

        return percentile(values, 50.0);

     * Get the median of an array of doubles.
     * @param values The array of doubles
     * @return the median
    public static double median(final double[] values) {

        return percentile(values, 50.0);

     * Get the percentile of a array of integers.
     * @param values The array of integers
     * @param p the percentile to compute
     * @return the percentile
    public static double percentile(final int[] values, final double p) {

        if (values == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("values is null");

        return percentile(values, 0, values.length, p);

     * Get the percentile of a array of doubles.
     * @param values The array of doubles
     * @param p the percentile to compute
     * @return the percentile
    public static double percentile(final double[] values, final double p) {

        if (values == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("values is null");

        return percentile(values, 0, values.length, p);

    private static double percentile(final int[] values, final int begin, final int length, final double p) {

        test(values, begin, length);

        if ((p > 100) || (p <= 0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid quantile value: " + p);
        if (length == 0) {
            return Double.NaN;
        if (length == 1) {
            return values[begin]; // always return single value for n = 1
        double pos = p * ((double) length + 1) / 100;
        double fpos = Math.floor(pos);
        int intPos = (int) fpos;
        double dif = pos - fpos;
        double[] sorted = new double[length];
        System.arraycopy(values, begin, sorted, 0, length);

        if (pos < 1) {
            return sorted[0];
        if (pos >= (double) length) {
            return sorted[length - 1];
        double lower = sorted[intPos - 1];
        double upper = sorted[intPos];
        return lower + dif * (upper - lower);

    private static double percentile(final double[] values, final int begin, final int length, final double p) {

        test(values, begin, length);

        if ((p > 100) || (p <= 0)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid quantile value: " + p);
        if (length == 0) {
            return Double.NaN;
        if (length == 1) {
            return values[begin]; // always return single value for n = 1
        double pos = p * ((double) length + 1) / 100;
        double fpos = Math.floor(pos);
        int intPos = (int) fpos;
        double dif = pos - fpos;
        double[] sorted = new double[length];
        System.arraycopy(values, begin, sorted, 0, length);

        if (pos < 1) {
            return sorted[0];
        if (pos >= (double) length) {
            return sorted[length - 1];
        double lower = sorted[intPos - 1];
        double upper = sorted[intPos];
        return lower + dif * (upper - lower);

    private static boolean test(final int[] values, final int begin, final int length) {

        if (values == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("input value array is null");

        if (begin < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("start position cannot be negative");

        if (length < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length cannot be negative");

        if (begin + length > values.length) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("begin + length > values.length");

        if (length == 0) {
            return false;

        return true;

    private static boolean test(final double[] values, final int begin, final int length) {

        if (values == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("input value array is null");

        if (begin < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("start position cannot be negative");

        if (length < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("length cannot be negative");

        if (begin + length > values.length) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("begin + length > values.length");

        if (length == 0) {
            return false;

        return true;


  1. median(double[][] values)
  2. median(final ArrayList values)
  3. median(final double... in)
  4. median(final double... values)
  5. median(final double[] values)
  6. median(float a, float b, float c)
  7. median(float[] vals)
  8. median(float[] values)
  9. median(float[] vector)