Java Utililty Methods MBean

List of utility methods to do MBean


The list of methods to do MBean are organized into topic(s).


ClassgetClassFromInfo(MBeanAttributeInfo attributeInfo)
get Class From Info
return getClassFromInfo(attributeInfo.getType());
ObjectgetCompatibleData(Object object, MBeanParameterInfo beanParameterInfo)
get Compatible Data
return tryParseToType(object, getClassFromInfo(beanParameterInfo.getType()));
StringgetDescription(MBeanFeatureInfo element)
get Description
String desc = element.getDescription();
return desc != null && desc.equals(element.getName()) ? null : desc; 
ObjectNamegetDynamicMBean(String mbeanName)
get Dynamic M Bean
return new ObjectName(mbeanName);
ObjectNamegetJmxNameInternal(final Class mBeanClass, final String name)
get Jmx Name Internal
return new ObjectName(
        mBeanClass.getPackage().getName() + ":type=" + mBeanClass.getSimpleName() + ",name=" + name);
SetgetMatchingObjectNames(CharSequence wildcardEq, CharSequence wildcardWc, MBeanServerConnection conn)
Returns a set of ObjectNames matching the passed wildcard object names
ObjectName wildcardEquals = objectName(wildcardEq);
ObjectName wildcard = objectName(wildcardWc);
final String wc = new StringBuilder("(").append(wildcardEquals).append("$)").toString();
Set<ObjectName> names = new HashSet<ObjectName>();
Map<String, Pattern> wildcardQueryProps = new HashMap<String, Pattern>();
Hashtable<String, String> wildcardProps = objectName(wildcard).getKeyPropertyList();
Hashtable<String, String> queryProps = new Hashtable<String, String>();
MBeanAttributeInfogetMBeanAttribute(final MBeanServerConnection connection, final String nameString, final String attributeName)
get M Bean Attribute
MBeanAttributeInfo attribute = null;
ObjectName objectName;
try {
    objectName = new ObjectName(nameString);
    MBeanInfo mBeanInfo;
    mBeanInfo = connection.getMBeanInfo(objectName);
    final MBeanAttributeInfo[] attributes = mBeanInfo.getAttributes();
    for (final MBeanAttributeInfo thisAttribute : attributes) {
Map>getMBeanAttributeMap(MBeanServerConnection server, ObjectName objectName, String delimeter, String... attributeNames)
Retrieves maps of attribute values keyed by attribute name, in turn keyed by the ObjectName of the MBean.
if (server == null)
    throw new RuntimeException("MBeanServerConnection was null", new Throwable());
if (objectName == null)
    throw new RuntimeException("ObjectName was null", new Throwable());
if (attributeNames == null || attributeNames.length < 1)
    throw new RuntimeException("Attribute names array was null or zero length", new Throwable());
String[] rootNames = new String[attributeNames.length];
Map<String, String> compoundNames = new HashMap<String, String>();
MapgetMBeanAttributes(final MBeanServer mBeanServer, final String objectNameString)
get M Bean Attributes
Map<String, MBeanAttributeInfo[]> attributesMap = null;
Set<ObjectName> objectNames;
try {
    objectNames = mBeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName(objectNameString), null);
    attributesMap = new TreeMap<>();
    for (final ObjectName objectName : objectNames) {
        MBeanInfo mBeanInfo;
        mBeanInfo = mBeanServer.getMBeanInfo(objectName);
ObjectgetMBeanAttributeValue(final MBeanServerConnection connection, final ObjectName objName, final String attributeName)
get M Bean Attribute Value
Object attributeValue = "Unavailable";
try {
    attributeValue = connection.getAttribute(objName, attributeName);
} catch (final AttributeNotFoundException e) {
} catch (final MBeanException e) {
} catch (final InstanceNotFoundException e) {
} catch (final ReflectionException e) {
} catch (final IOException e) {