Java Utililty Methods Long to Short

List of utility methods to do Long to Short


The list of methods to do Long to Short are organized into topic(s).


shortLong2Short(long i)
Long Short
short o;
try {
    o = new Long(i).shortValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
    o = 0;
return o;
shortlong2short(long l)
Converts a Long value to a Short value.
return (short) ((l << 48) >> 48);
shortlong2short(long l)
return (short) (int) (l << 48 >> 48);
ShortlongToShort(final long value)
long To Short
return (short) value;
ShortlongToShort(long l)
long To Short
if (l >= Short.MIN_VALUE && l <= Short.MAX_VALUE) {
    return (short) l;
return null;
short[]longToShort(long[] values)
long To Short
if (values == null) {
    return null;
short[] results = new short[values.length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
    results[i] = (short) values[i];
return results;
shortlongToShortBounds(long value)
casts a long to an short, but if the long is outside the short-range, it will mapped to the end of the range
if (value > Short.MAX_VALUE)
    return Short.MAX_VALUE;
else if (value < Short.MIN_VALUE)
    return Short.MIN_VALUE;
    return (short) value;
short[]longToShorts(long n)
long To Shorts
return longToShorts(n, new short[4], 0);
short[]longToShorts(long value)
long To Shorts
short[] shorts = new short[4];
shorts[0] = (short) (value >>> 48);
shorts[1] = (short) (value >>> 32);
shorts[2] = (short) (value >>> 16);
shorts[3] = (short) (value >>> 0);
return shorts;