Java Utililty Methods List Splice

List of utility methods to do List Splice


The list of methods to do List Splice are organized into topic(s).


Stringsplice(List strings, String separator)
Return a composite string comprising each element od strings separated by separator.
if (strings == null)
    return null;
int iMax = strings.size();
if (iMax <= 0)
    return "";
if (iMax == 1)
    return strings.get(0);
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
Listsplice(List list, int index, int deleteCount)
Removes n elements found at the specified index.
return spliceImpl(list, index, deleteCount, false, null);
Listsplice(List list1, List list2)
Splices the input lists into a single list
List<T> outputList = new ArrayList<T>();
return outputList;