Java Utililty Methods JTextComponent Tab

List of utility methods to do JTextComponent Tab


The list of methods to do JTextComponent Tab are organized into topic(s).


voiddisableTab(final JTextComponent txtComp)
Disable the tab key for text components.
txtComp.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.FORWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, null);
txtComp.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.BACKWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, null);
StringgetTab(JTextComponent target)
Return a string with number of spaces equal to the tab-stop of the TextComponent
return SPACES.substring(0, getTabSize(target));
intgetTabSize(JTextComponent text)
Return the TabStop property for the given text component, or 0 if not used
Integer tabs = (Integer) text.getDocument().getProperty(PlainDocument.tabSizeAttribute);
return (null == tabs) ? 0 : tabs.intValue();
voidpaintAboveline(Graphics g, JTextComponent tc, int pos0, int pos1)
paint Aboveline
TextUI ui = tc.getUI();
Rectangle r = ui.modelToView(tc, pos1 + 1);
int h = r.y;
int max = r.x - 2 + 1;
int current = ui.modelToView(tc, pos0).x - 1;
g.drawLine(current, h, max, h);
g.drawLine(current, h + 1, current, h + 2);