Java Utililty Methods JComponent Container

List of utility methods to do JComponent Container


The list of methods to do JComponent Container are organized into topic(s).


WindowgetRootWindow(Component component)
get rootwindow for a component
Component root = SwingUtilities.getRoot(component);
if (root instanceof Window) {
    return (Window) root;
return null;
StringgetStringValue(JComponent component)
get String Value
if (component instanceof JTextComponent) {
    return ((JTextComponent) component).getText();
if (component instanceof JComboBox) {
    return ((JComboBox) component).getSelectedItem().toString();
if (component instanceof JList) {
    return ((JList) component).getSelectedValue().toString();
ContainergetTopAncestor(JComponent start)
search of the hierarcy of components for an instance of a given class
Container parent = start.getParent();
if (parent == null)
    return start;
if (parent instanceof JComponent)
    return getTopAncestor((JComponent) parent);
if (parent instanceof JFrame)
    return parent;
if (parent instanceof JDialog)
JLayeredPanegetTopLevelContainer(JComponent component)
Returns the layered pane that is the top level container for the given component
Window window = SwingUtilities.windowForComponent(component);
if (window instanceof JWindow) {
    return ((JWindow) window).getLayeredPane();
} else if (window instanceof JFrame) {
    return ((JFrame) window).getLayeredPane();
} else if (window instanceof JDialog) {
    return ((JDialog) window).getLayeredPane();
return null;
WindowgetWindow(final JComponent comp)
get Window
if (comp.getRootPane() != null) {
    final Container cont = comp.getRootPane().getParent();
    if (cont != null) {
        if (cont instanceof Window) {
            return (Window) cont;
return null;
WindowgetWindow(JComponent c)
get Window
Container p = c.getParent();
while (p != null && !(p instanceof Window)) {
    p = p.getParent();
return (Window) p;
PointgetWindowLocation(JComponent start)
search of the hierarcy of components for an instance of a given class
Point loc = start.getLocation();
Container parent = start.getParent();
if (parent == null)
    return loc;
if (parent instanceof JComponent) {
    Point ancestorLoc = getWindowLocation((JComponent) parent);
    return new Point(loc.x + ancestorLoc.x, loc.y + ancestorLoc.y);
} else {
voidinvokeRepaintOnLayeredRoot(Component leaf, boolean everything)
If the given component is part of a JLayeredPane the lowest layer of that JLayeredPane is used for the repaint; otherwise the component itself.
Component con = leaf.getParent();
if (con != null && con instanceof JLayeredPane) {
    JLayeredPane lp = (JLayeredPane) con;
    Component[] cs = null;
    synchronized (leaf.getTreeLock()) {
        cs = lp.getComponentsInLayer(lp.lowestLayer());
    if (cs != null && cs.length > 0)
booleanisCopyEnabled(JComponent targetComponent)
Testeaza daca o componenta este buna pentru copy
TransferHandler transferHandler = targetComponent.getTransferHandler();
if (transferHandler == null)
    return false;
int sourceActions = transferHandler.getSourceActions(targetComponent);
if (sourceActions == TransferHandler.COPY || sourceActions == TransferHandler.COPY_OR_MOVE)
    return true;
    return false;
booleanisPasteEnabled(JComponent targetComponent)
Testeaza daca o componenta este buna pentru copy
Clipboard clipboard = getClipboard(targetComponent);
Transferable trans = null;
if (clipboard != null)
    trans = clipboard.getContents(null);
TransferHandler.TransferSupport transferSupport = new TransferHandler.TransferSupport(targetComponent,
TransferHandler transferHandler = targetComponent.getTransferHandler();
if (transferHandler != null && trans != null)