Java JButton Settings toBold(final T button)

Here you can find the source of toBold(final T button)


to Bold


GNU General Public License


Parameter Description
btnDetails a parameter


public static <T extends AbstractButton> T toBold(final T button) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
/**//from   w  w w.  jav a2 s. c  o  m
 * ====================================================================================================================================================
 *         "AppWork Utilities" License
 *         The "AppWork Utilities" will be called [The Product] from now on.
 * ====================================================================================================================================================
 *         Copyright (c) 2009-2015, AppWork GmbH <>
 *         Schwabacher Stra?e 117
 *         90763 F?rth
 *         Germany
 * === Preamble ===
 *     This license establishes the terms under which the [The Product] Source Code & Binary files may be used, copied, modified, distributed, and/or redistributed.
 *     The intent is that the AppWork GmbH is able to provide their utilities library for free to non-commercial projects whereas commercial usage is only permitted after obtaining a commercial license.
 *     These terms apply to all files that have the [The Product] License header (IN the file), a <filename>.license or <filename>.info (like file that contains a reference to this license.
 * === 3rd Party Licences ===
 *     Some parts of the [The Product] use or reference 3rd party libraries and classes. These parts may have different licensing conditions. Please check the *.license and *.info files of included libraries
 *     to ensure that they are compatible to your use-case. Further more, some *.java have their own license. In this case, they have their license terms in the java file header.
 * === Definition: Commercial Usage ===
 *     If anybody or any organization is generating income (directly or indirectly) by using [The Product] or if there's any commercial interest or aspect in what you are doing, we consider this as a commercial usage.
 *     If your use-case is neither strictly private nor strictly educational, it is commercial. If you are unsure whether your use-case is commercial or not, consider it as commercial or contact us.
 * === Dual Licensing ===
 * === Commercial Usage ===
 *     If you want to use [The Product] in a commercial way (see definition above), you have to obtain a paid license from AppWork GmbH.
 *     Contact AppWork for further details: <>
 * === Non-Commercial Usage ===
 *     If there is no commercial usage (see definition above), you may use [The Product] under the terms of the
 *     "GNU Affero General Public License" (
 *     If the AGPL does not fit your needs, please contact us. We'll find a solution.
 * ====================================================================================================================================================
 * ==================================================================================================================================================== */

import java.awt.Font;

import javax.swing.AbstractButton;

import javax.swing.JLabel;

import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;

public class Main {
     * @param btnDetails
    public static <T extends AbstractButton> T toBold(final T button) {
        final Font f = button.getFont();
        button.setFont(f.deriveFont(f.getStyle() ^ Font.BOLD));
        return button;

     * @param ret
     * @return
     * @return
    public static <T extends JLabel> T toBold(final T label) {
        final Font f = label.getFont();
        label.setFont(f.deriveFont(f.getStyle() ^ Font.BOLD));
        return label;

     * @param label
    public static <T extends JTextComponent> T toBold(final T label) {
        final Font f = label.getFont();
        label.setFont(f.deriveFont(f.getStyle() ^ Font.BOLD));
        return label;


  1. setWithoutNotifyingListeners(AbstractButton button, boolean selected)
  2. showJFileChooser(javax.swing.JFileChooser chooser, java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String approveButtonText)
  3. showJFileChooser(JFileChooser chooser, Component parent, String approveButtonText)
  4. showOptions(int width, int type, String title, String text, Object... buttons)
  5. styleButton(final AbstractButton btn)
  6. tryToBuildAFocusGroup(AbstractButton... buttons)
  7. unifiedButtonLookAndFeel(JComponent b)
  8. updateSize(AbstractButton button, Dimension size)
  9. useOptimizedCustomButtonPainting()