Java Utililty Methods Integer Mod

List of utility methods to do Integer Mod


The list of methods to do Integer Mod are organized into topic(s).


intmodulo(int a, int b)
return a - fQuotient(a, b) * b;
intmodulo(int dividend, int divisor)
Modulo Fix for negative numbers
return (dividend % divisor + divisor) % divisor;
intmodulo(int x, int m)
azzert(m > 0, "m must be > 0");
int y = x % m;
if (y < 0) {
    y += m;
return y;
intmodulo(int x, int mod)
The so-called 'euclidean' modulo, a modulo which won't yield negative results
if (x >= 0) {
    return x % mod;
int n = 1 + (-x / mod);
x += n * mod;
return x % mod;
intmodulo(int x, int y)
int z = x % y;
return z < 0 ? z + y : z;
intmoduloPositive(final int value, final int size)
modulo Positive
int wrappedValue = value % size;
wrappedValue += wrappedValue < 0 ? size : 0;
return wrappedValue;
intmoduloPowerOfTwo(final int x, final int powerOfTwoY)
modulo Power Of Two
return x & (powerOfTwoY - 1);
intmodulus(int a, int b)
return (a % b + b) % b;
intmodulus(int a, int b)
if (b == 0)
    return 0x7fffffff;
if (a == 0x80000000 && b == -1) {
    return 0x7fffffff;
return a % b;
intmodulus(int value, int truncate, boolean flag)
int newValue = value % truncate;
while (newValue < 0) {
    newValue += truncate;
return newValue;