Java Integer Hash intHash(int input)

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Redistribute integer identifier keyspace using Knuth's multiplicative method.


Open Source License


public static int intHash(int input) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;

public class Main {
    /** Redistribute integer identifier keyspace using Knuth's multiplicative method.
     *  Modified to use long internally since java does not have unsigned int.
     *  This performs one-to-one remapping from integer to integer to avoid collisions
     *//*from   www . j  a  va 2 s .c  om*/
    public static int intHash(int input) {
        // convert to unsigned long
        long unsignedValue = ((long) input) - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        long unsignedIntMax = (1l << 32);
        // Knuth's multiplicative method
        long unsignedHashValue = ((unsignedValue * 2654435761l) % unsignedIntMax);
        // convert back to signed integer
        return (int) (unsignedHashValue + Integer.MIN_VALUE);


  1. intHash(final long a)
  2. intHash(int i)
  3. intHash(int key)
  4. intHash(int number, int max)
  5. intHash(long a)
  6. intHashCode(final int value)