List of utility methods to do Hex Calculate
String | toHexString(int i) to Hex String char ac[] = new char[32]; int j = 32; byte byte0 = 16; int k = byte0 - 1; do { ac[--j] = HEX_DIGITS[i & k]; i >>>= 4; } while (i != 0); ... |
String | toHexString(int i) to Hex String char[] buffer = new char[8]; int index = 8; do { buffer[--index] = _HEX_DIGITS[i & 15]; i >>>= 4; } while (i != 0); return new String(buffer, index, 8 - index); |
String | toHexString(int i) Convert an integer to a 16-digit hex string. String s = Integer.toHexString(i).toUpperCase(); if (s.length() < 8) return "00000000".substring(8 - s.length()) + s; else return s; |
String | toHexString(int i) to Hex String String hex = Integer.toHexString(i); if (hex.length() == 1) { return "0" + hex; } else { return hex; |
String | toHexString(int i, int digits) Converts int value to hex string. String hexString = Integer.toHexString(i); int len = hexString.length(); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (int j = 0; j < digits; j++) { if (len < (digits - j)) result.append("0"); else result.append(hexString.charAt(len - digits + j)); ... |
String | toHexString(int input) Converts the given int to a Big Endian hex string char[] hex = new char[8]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { final int b = (input >>> (24 - 8 * i)) & 0xFF; hex[index++] = HEX_CHAR_TABLE[b >>> 4]; hex[index++] = HEX_CHAR_TABLE[b & 0xF]; String result = null; ... |
String | toHexString(int iValue) to Hex String String str = Integer.toHexString(iValue); if (str.length() == 1) return "0" + str; else if (str.length() == 8) return str.substring(6, 8); return str; |
String | toHexString(int n) to Hex String return String.format("0x%8s", Integer.toHexString(n)).replace(' ', '0').toUpperCase(); |
String | toHexString(int number, int digit) to Hex String String result = ""; while (digit-- > 0) { int n = number % 16; number /= 16; result = HEX_LETTER.substring(n, n + 1) + result; return result; |
String | toHexString(int r, int g, int b, int a) Transforms a color rgba components to their hex string representation argb coded. StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder("0x"); hexString.append(formatByteToPaddedHex(a, 2)); hexString.append(formatByteToPaddedHex(r, 2)); hexString.append(formatByteToPaddedHex(g, 2)); hexString.append(formatByteToPaddedHex(b, 2)); return hexString.toString(); |