Java Utililty Methods HashMap Copy

List of utility methods to do HashMap Copy


The list of methods to do HashMap Copy are organized into topic(s).


HashMapcopy(HashMap oldHashMap)
HashMap<Byte, String> newHashMap = new HashMap<Byte, String>();
for (Byte b : oldHashMap.keySet()) {
    String str = oldHashMap.get(b);
    newHashMap.put(b, str);
return newHashMap;
voidcopyDirective(HashMap directives, StringBuilder sb, String directive)
Copy the directive to the StringBuilder if not null.
String directiveValue = directives.get(directive);
if (directiveValue != null) {
    sb.append(directive).append(" = \"").append(directiveValue).append("\", ");
HashMapcopyHashMap(final HashMap map)
Returns copied HashMap.
return new HashMap<K, V>(map);
voidcopyHashWords(HashMap> ohwords, HashMap> nhwords, int start, int end, int nstart)
copy Hash Words
int ind_start = 0;
int ind_end = 1;
int ind_from = 2;
int ind_in = 3;
int k = nstart;
for (int i = start; i <= end; ++k, ++i) {
voidcopyItem(HashMap to, HashMap from, String key)
copy item from one map to another map
copyItem(to, from, key, key, false);
HashMapcopyMap(HashMap map)
copy Map
HashMap<Object, Object> newmap = new HashMap<>(10);
for (Object key : map.keySet()) {
    newmap.put(key, map.get(key));
return newmap;
voidcopyParam(HashMap from, HashMap to, String key)
copy Param
to.put(key, from.get(key));