List of utility methods to do Geometry Algorithm
Point2D | gridAlign(final Point2D point, final double gridX, final double gridY) Align the given point on the given grid. return new Point2D.Double(Math.round(point.getX() / gridX) * gridX, Math.round(point.getY() / gridY) * gridY); |
boolean | hitsLine(final Point2D p, final Point2D fromPoint, final Point2D toPoint, final double thickness) Whether a point is on a line of a given thickness. if ((fromPoint == null) || (toPoint == null)) { return false; double vx0 = fromPoint.getX(); double vy0 = fromPoint.getY(); double vx1 = toPoint.getX(); double vy1 = toPoint.getY(); double vx2 = p.getX(); ... |
boolean | insidePoly(Polygon pg, Point p) Polygon.contains(Point) seems to not consistantly return the right value, so here is a rewrite. double angle = 0; Point p1 = null, p2 = null; for (int i = 0; i < pg.npoints; i++) { p1 = new Point(pg.xpoints[i] - p.x, pg.ypoints[i] - p.y); p2 = new Point(pg.xpoints[(i + 1) % pg.npoints] - p.x, pg.ypoints[(i + 1) % pg.npoints] - p.y); angle += angle2D(p1, p2); return Math.abs(angle) >= Math.PI; ... |
Point2D | interceptLineAndBox(Point2D startPosition, Point2D endPosition, RectangularShape boundingBox) intercept Line And Box Point2D intercept = new Point2D.Double(); if (startPosition.getX() == endPosition.getX()) { if (startPosition.getY() > endPosition.getY()) { intercept.setLocation(startPosition.getX(), boundingBox.getMaxY()); } else { intercept.setLocation(startPosition.getX(), boundingBox.getMinY()); } else { ... |
Point | interpol(Point p1, Point p2, float factor) makes a curvic interpolation between points Point p = new Point((int) (p1.x * (1 - factor) + p2.x * factor), (int) (p1.y * (1 - factor) + p2.y * factor)); int targety = factor <= 0.5 ? p1.y : p2.y; float facy = Math.abs(factor - 0.5f) * 2; p.y = (int) (targety * facy + p.y * (1 - facy)); return p; |
Point2D | invVec(final Point2D v) Generates a vector pointing in the opposite direction. return mulVec(v, -1.0);
String | lonLatToString(Point2D.Double pt) Converts signed double longitude and latitude to string. return String.format("%s, %s", longitudeToString(pt.x), latitudeToString(pt.y)); |
GeneralPath | makeCircle(double xCenter, double yCenter, double r, int nPoints) make Circle if (nPoints < 4) throw new RuntimeException("too few points. n=" + nPoints); GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) { double angle = i / (double) nPoints * Math.PI * 2; double x = r * Math.cos(angle) + xCenter; double y = r * Math.sin(angle) + yCenter; if (i == 0) ... |
void | makeCornerTo(GeneralPath gp, Point2D cornerPoint, Point2D nextCornerPoint, float radius) Draws a corner relative to the current point of the GeneralPath. Point2D currentPoint = gp.getCurrentPoint(); double distance = currentPoint.distance(cornerPoint); double fraction = (distance - radius) / distance; double xDistance = (cornerPoint.getX() - currentPoint.getX()) * fraction; double yDistance = (cornerPoint.getY() - currentPoint.getY()) * fraction; lineToRelative(gp, (float) xDistance, (float) yDistance); Point2D startCurvePoint = gp.getCurrentPoint(); double distanceFromCornerToNextCorner = cornerPoint.distance(nextCornerPoint); ... |
Shape | makeLine(Point2D.Double center, Point2D.Double north, Point2D.Double east) Return a Shape object for the "line" symbol. Point2D.Double south = new Point2D.Double(center.x - (north.x - center.x), center.y - (north.y - center.y)); Line2D.Double p = new Line2D.Double(north, south); return p; |