Java Folder Size Get setFontOfPixelHeight(Graphics2D g, int style, double targetSize)

Here you can find the source of setFontOfPixelHeight(Graphics2D g, int style, double targetSize)


Sets the font on the given graphics context to have the given style and target size


Open Source License


Parameter Description
g a parameter
style The font style (e.g. Font.PLAIN)
targetSize The target height of the line


private static void setFontOfPixelHeight(Graphics2D g, int style,
        double targetSize) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;

import java.awt.Font;

import java.awt.Graphics2D;

public class Main {
    /**/*from w w w.j  a v  a  2  s .c  om*/
     * Sets the font on the given graphics context to have the given style and target size
     * @param g
     * @param style The font style (e.g. Font.PLAIN)
     * @param targetSize The target height of the line
    private static void setFontOfPixelHeight(Graphics2D g, int style,
            double targetSize) {
        // Likely DPI ranges for a monitor: 120 to 500 pixels per inch (via wikipedia)
        // An inch is 72 points, so range is something like 1 pixel per point to 8 pixels per point
        // So we explore from 1 point, up to the desired pixel size in points.
        // e.g. if we want 40 pixels, then a 40 point font is going to be bigger than 40 pixels if the display is above 72 DPI
        Font font = new Font("SansSerif", style, 1);

        for (int i = 1; i < targetSize; i++) {
            Font bigger = font.deriveFont((float) i);
            // This string should be full height in the font:
            if (bigger
                    .getLineMetrics("WBLMNqpyg", g.getFontRenderContext())
                    .getHeight() < targetSize) // getStringHeight(g, "WBLMNqpyg") < targetSize)
                font = bigger;
            } else {
                break; // Too big; keep previous



  1. folderSize(File directory)
  2. folderSize(File directory)
  3. fontSize(Font f)
  4. fontSize(Font f)
  5. setFileChooserFont(Component[] comp, int newFontSize)
  6. setFontSize(Component c, float size)
  7. setFontSize(final C component, final int fontSize)
  8. setFontSize(int size, Graphics g)
  9. setMonospacedFont(int size, Component... components)