Java Utililty Methods floor

List of utility methods to do floor


The list of methods to do floor are organized into topic(s).


intfloor(final double num)
Round down given number.
final int floor = (int) num;
return (floor == num) ? floor : ((num > 0) ? floor : (floor - 1));
intfloor(final float val)
Faster floor function.
final int intVal = (int) val;
return val < 0 ? val == intVal ? intVal : intVal - 1 : intVal;
intfloor(final float x)
This method is a *lot* faster than using (int)Math.floor(x).
int y = (int) x;
if (x < 0 && x != y) {
return y;
intfloor(float a)
Rounds the number down
return (int) a;
intfloor(float f)
int i = (int) f;
return f >= (float) i ? i : i - 1;
intfloor(float f)
boolean neg = f < 0;
int r = (int) f;
if (neg)
    r -= 1;
return r;
intfloor(float f)
Rounds the given number down to an int.
return (int) (f - f % 1f);
intfloor(float f)
Returns the first integer that is smaller than the given float.
int i = (int) f;
if (i > f)
return i;
intfloor(float value)
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified float.
return (int) (value + BIG_ENOUGH_FLOOR) - BIG_ENOUGH_INT;
intfloor(float value)
Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the float argument
int i = (int) value;
return value < i ? i - 1 : i;