Java Float Number Convert to convertFloatBitsToHFloat(final int floatBits)

Here you can find the source of convertFloatBitsToHFloat(final int floatBits)


convert Float Bits To H Float


Open Source License


Parameter Description
floatBits int




public static short convertFloatBitsToHFloat(final int floatBits) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
//License from project: Open Source License 

public class Main {
    /**/* www  .  j  a  v  a2  s  .co  m*/
     * @param floatBits int
     * @return short
    //@SuppressWarnings ( "NumericCastThatLosesPrecision" )
    public static short convertFloatBitsToHFloat(final int floatBits) {
        final int s = (floatBits >> 16) & 0x00008000;
        int e = ((floatBits >> 23) & 0x000000ff) - (127 - 15);
        int m = floatBits & 0x007fffff;

        /** Now reassemble s, e and m into a half: */
        if (e <= 0) {
            if (e < -10) {

                 * E is less than -10. The absolute value of f is less than HALF_MIN (f may be a small normalized float, a denormalized float or a zero).
                 * We convert f to a half zero with the same sign as f.
                return (short) s;

             * E is between -10 and 0. F is a normalized float
             * whose magnitude is less than HALF_NRM_MIN.
             * We convert f to a denormalized half.
             * Add an explicit leading 1 to the significand.
            m |= 0x00800000;

             * Round to m to the nearest (10+e)-bit value (with e between
             * -10 and 0); in case of a tie, round to the nearest even value.
             * Rounding may cause the significand to overflow and make
             * our number normalized. Because of the way a half's bits
             * are laid out, we don't have to treat this case separately;
             * the code below will handle it correctly.
            final int t = 14 - e;
            final int a = (1 << (t - 1)) - 1;
            final int b = (m >> t) & 1;

            m = (m + a + b) >> t;

            /** Assemble the half from s, e (zero) and m. */
            final int r = s | m;

            return (short) r;
        } else if (e == 0xff - (127 - 15)) {
            if (m == 0) {

                 * F is an infinity; convert f to a half infinity with the same sign as f.
                final int r = s | 0x7c00;

                return (short) r;
            } else {

                 * F is a NAN; we produce a half NAN that preserves
                 * the sign bit and the 10 leftmost bits of the
                 * significand of f, with one exception: If the 10
                 * leftmost bits are all zero, the NAN would turn
                 * into an infinity, so we have to set at least one
                 * bit in the significand.
                m >>= 13;

                final int r = s | 0x7c00 | m | ((m == 0) ? 1 : 0);

                return (short) r;
        } else {

             * E is greater than zero. F is a normalized float.
             * We try to convert f to a normalized half.
             * Round to m to the nearest 10-bit value. In case of
             * a tie, round to the nearest even value.
            m += 0x00000fff + ((m >> 13) & 1);

            if ((m & 0x00800000) != 0) {
                m = 0; // overflow in significand,
                e += 1; // adjust exponent

            /** Handle exponent overflow */
            if (e > 30) {
                //overflow();                // Cause a hardware floating point overflow;

                final int r = s | 0x7c00; // if this returns, the half becomes an infinity with the same sign as f.

                return (short) r;

            /** Assemble the half from s, e and m. */
            final int r = s | (e << 10) | (m >> 13);

            return (short) r;


  1. convertFloat(float amount, boolean speech)
  2. convertFloat(String str, float defaults)
  3. convertFloatArray(float[] arr)
  4. convertFloatArrayToString(float[] value, String separator)
  5. convertFloatDouble(float[] in)
  6. convertFloatFromBytes(byte[] byteArray)
  7. convertFloatFromStream(byte[] stream, int intStart, int decStart, int intNumbers, int decNumbers)
  8. convertFloatMatrixToDoubles(float[][] input, int dimRows, int dimColoumns)