Java Utililty Methods FileChannel Copy

List of utility methods to do FileChannel Copy


The list of methods to do FileChannel Copy are organized into topic(s).


voidcopyFileOrDirectory(File source, File destination, boolean flag)
copy File Or Directory
if ((destination.isFile()) && (!(source.isFile()))) {
    throw new IOException("Impossible to copy  directory");
if ((source.isFile()) && (destination.isDirectory())) {
    copy(source, new File(destination.getPath(), source.getName()));
} else if (source.isFile()) {
    try {
        copy(source, destination);
voidcopyFiles(File originalFile, File destinationFile)
copy Files
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(originalFile);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destinationFile);
FileChannel inCh = fis.getChannel();
FileChannel outCh = fos.getChannel();
outCh.transferFrom(inCh, 0, inCh.size());
voidcopyFiles(File source, File dest)
copy Files
FileInputStream fis = null;
FileOutputStream fos = null;
try {
    fis = new FileInputStream(source);
    fos = new FileOutputStream(dest);
    FileChannel fichannel = fis.getChannel();
    FileChannel foChannel = fos.getChannel();
    long size = fichannel.size();
voidcopyFiles(File srcFile, File dstFile, boolean overwrite)
copy a file, allowing to overwrite if the destination already exists
if (!srcFile.exists())
    throw new IOException("Source file does not exist");
if (!overwrite && dstFile.exists())
    throw new IOException("Destination file already exists");
FileChannel srcChannel = null, dstChannel = null;
try {
    srcChannel = new FileInputStream(srcFile).getChannel();
    dstChannel = new FileOutputStream(dstFile).getChannel();
voidcopyFiles(final File fromFile, final File toFile)
Copies the contents of the input file to the output file
FileInputStream inFile = new FileInputStream(fromFile);
FileOutputStream outFile = new FileOutputStream(toFile);
FileChannel inChannel = inFile.getChannel();
FileChannel outChannel = outFile.getChannel();
int bytesWritten = 0;
long byteCount = inChannel.size();
while (bytesWritten < byteCount) {
    bytesWritten += inChannel.transferTo(bytesWritten, byteCount - bytesWritten, outChannel);
voidcopyFileToDir(File file, File destDir)
Copies file from it's location to destination dir.
String name = file.getName();
String filename = destDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + name;
File destFile = new File(filename);
copyFileToFile(file, destFile);
voidcopyFileToDirectory(String fileFrom, String destinationDirectory)
Obtains the file name from the fileIn parameter Copies the file to the destination directory using the same file name
File inFile = new File(fileFrom);
String fileName = inFile.getName();
copyFile(fileFrom, destinationDirectory + "/" + fileName);
booleancopyFileToFolder(final String resultFile, final String targetPath)
Copies stored memory leak analysis file to given folder.
FileChannel inputChannel = null;
FileChannel ouputChannel = null;
FileInputStream inStream = null;
FileOutputStream outStream = null;
boolean returnValue = true;
try {
    inStream = new FileInputStream(resultFile);
    inputChannel = inStream.getChannel();
voidcopyFileToStream(File in, OutputStream out)
copy File To Stream
FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(in);
FileChannel inChannel = is.getChannel();
WritableByteChannel outChannel = Channels.newChannel(out);
try {
    inChannel.transferTo(0, inChannel.size(), outChannel);
} finally {
    if (is != null)
voidcopyFileUsingChannel(File source, File dest)
copy File Using Channel
FileChannel sourceChannel = null;
FileChannel destChannel = null;
try {
    sourceChannel = new FileInputStream(source).getChannel();
    destChannel = new FileInputStream(dest).getChannel();
    sourceChannel.transferTo(0, sourceChannel.size(), destChannel);
} finally {