List of utility methods to do Color Lighten
Color | lighten(Color color) lighten return lighten(color, colorComponentChangeFactor);
Color | lighten(Color color, double strength) lighten int red = (int) ((color.getRed() * (1 - strength) / 255 + strength) * 255); int green = (int) ((color.getGreen() * (1 - strength) / 255 + strength) * 255); int blue = (int) ((color.getBlue() * (1 - strength) / 255 + strength) * 255); return new Color(red, green, blue); |
Color | lighten(final Color color, final int amount) Lightens of the desired amount the given color. int red = (color.getRed() + amount > 255) ? 255 : color.getRed() + amount; int green = (color.getGreen() + amount > 255) ? 255 : color.getGreen() + amount; int blue = (color.getBlue() + amount > 255) ? 255 : color.getBlue() + amount; Color colorLightened = new Color(red, green, blue); return colorLightened; |
Color | lighten(int r, int g, int b, double percent) lighten int r2, g2, b2; r2 = r + (int) ((255 - r) * percent); g2 = g + (int) ((255 - g) * percent); b2 = b + (int) ((255 - b) * percent); return new Color(r2, g2, b2); |
Color | lightenColor(Color col, float factor) Lightens up a color for groove, ridge, inset and outset border effects. float[] cols = new float[4]; cols = col.getRGBComponents(cols); if (factor > 0) { cols[0] += (1.0 - cols[0]) * factor; cols[1] += (1.0 - cols[1]) * factor; cols[2] += (1.0 - cols[2]) * factor; } else { cols[0] -= cols[0] * -factor; ... |
Color | lightenColor(Color color) Deschide o culoare, adunand la fiecare componenta offsetul standard return lightenColor(color, OFFSET_COLOR);
Color | lighter(Color c) lighter if (c == null) return null; else { int r = c.getRed(); int g = c.getGreen(); int b = c.getBlue(); r += 64 * (255 - r) / 255; g += 64 * (255 - g) / 255; ... |
Color | lighter(Color c) Create a color derived from the given color, but lighter. float[] hsb = Color.RGBtoHSB(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), null); hsb[1] = hsb[1] * 0.75f; hsb[2] = Math.min(hsb[2] * 1.1f, 1.0f); return new Color(Color.HSBtoRGB(hsb[0], hsb[1], hsb[2])); |
Color | lighter(Color c, boolean transparant) lighter double org = 0.6; double white = 0.4; if (!transparant) return new Color((int) (c.getRed() * org + 0xff * white), (int) (c.getGreen() * org + 0xff * white), (int) (c.getBlue() * org + 0xff * white)); else return new Color((int) (c.getRed() * org + 0xff * white), (int) (c.getGreen() * org + 0xff * white), (int) (c.getBlue() * org + 0xff * white), (int) (0.8 * 0xff)); ... |
Color | lighter(Color c, float factor) Returns a lighter version of the given color by the given factor. return blend(c, Color.WHITE, factor);