List of utility methods to do Class Name Format
String | classToAttributeName(Class clazz) Helper method to convert a class name into a suitable attribute name. String ret = clazz.getName(); ret = ret.replaceAll("\\.", "_"); return ret; |
String | classToFile(String name) Converts a clas name to a file name. return name.replace('.', '/').concat(".class"); |
String | classToFilename(Class clazz) class To Filename return classnameToFilename(clazz.getName());
String | classToFileName(String str) A method that gets a class based on its file name. str = str.replace('.', '/'); if (!str.endsWith(".class")) { str = str + ".class"; return str; |
String | classToInstance(String uriClass) Constructs the URI for instance by the URI of class. int sepidx = uriClass.indexOf('#'); if (sepidx == -1) { sepidx = uriClass.lastIndexOf('/'); if (sepidx == -1) { sepidx = uriClass.lastIndexOf(':'); if (sepidx == -1) { ... |
String | classToLDAPName(Class c) convert a full classname like to an ldap friendly version by replacing all "." return c.getName().replaceAll("\\.", "-"); |
String | classToPath(Class clazz) translates path to class in package notation to standard path notation with addition of .class suffix return clazz.getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".class"; |
String | classToPath(String name, boolean resource) class To Path boolean i18nClass = false; String propSuffix = ".properties"; if (name.startsWith("com.pari.client.Helper") || name.startsWith("com.pari.server.Helper")) { i18nClass = true; String classsuffix = ".class"; char oldChar = '.'; char newChar = '/'; ... |
String | classToResource(String className) Converts a class name (with dots) to the corresponding resource we're trying to find in the classpath. return className.replace('.', '/') + ".class"; |
String | classToResourceKeyPrefix(final Class clazz) class To Resource Key Prefix return clazz.getName().replace('$', '.'); |