List of utility methods to do Char Array to Char
char[] | charArrayToLowerCase(char[] arr) char Array To Lower Case char[] result = new char[arr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) { result[i] = arr[i] > 0x40 && arr[i] < 0x5B ? (char) ((int) arr[i] + 0x20) : arr[i]; return result; |
char | charAt(char[] s, int pos) char At if (pos >= 0 && pos < s.length) { return s[pos]; return '\0'; |
char | charAt(CharSequence chars, int i) Convenience for peeking at a character which might be beyond the end of the sequence. return i < chars.length() ? chars.charAt(i) : 0;
char | charAt(CharSequence chars, int index, boolean ignoreCase) char At return (ignoreCase ? Character.toLowerCase(chars.charAt(index)) : chars.charAt(index));
boolean | hasCharAt(char toLookFor, int position, char[] toSearch) Returns true iff the given array contains the given char at the given position if (toSearch.length <= position) { return false; return toSearch[position] == toLookFor; |