Java Calendar Calculate calculateMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(Calendar calendar)

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calculate Minimal Days In First Week


Open Source License


public static int calculateMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(Calendar calendar) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
/*//  w  ww  .jav  a  2 s.c  om
 * Copyright 2009 Yodlee, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  Your use of this code 
 * requires a license from Yodlee.  Any such license to this code is 
 * restricted to evaluation/illustrative purposes only. It is not intended 
 * for use in a production environment, and Yodlee disclaims all warranties 
 * and/or support obligations concerning this code, regardless of the terms 
 * of any other agreements between Yodlee and you."

import java.util.Calendar;

public class Main {
    public static int calculateMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(Calendar calendar) {

        Calendar temp = (Calendar) calendar.clone();
        temp.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);
        int firstDayOfJan = temp.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
        return 8 - firstDayOfJan;


  1. calcDifferenceAsYearsPrivate(Calendar aBaseDate, Calendar aTargetDate)
  2. calcTime(Date end, Date start, int calendarField)
  3. calcTimezone(Calendar cal)
  4. calculateDuration(Calendar para_c1, Calendar para_c2)
  5. calculateHourDiff(Calendar cal1, Calendar cal2)
  6. calculateMonthsInBetween(Calendar startPoint, Calendar endPoint)
  7. calculateRangeInDays(Calendar start, Calendar end)
  8. calculateWeeksInBetween(Calendar startPoint, Calendar endPoint)
  9. calDateOnly(Calendar iniCal)