Java Utililty Methods ByteBuffer Write

List of utility methods to do ByteBuffer Write


The list of methods to do ByteBuffer Write are organized into topic(s).


voidwriteVarLong(ByteBuffer buff, long x)
Write a variable size long.
while ((x & ~0x7f) != 0) {
    buff.put((byte) (0x80 | (x & 0x7f)));
    x >>>= 7;
buff.put((byte) x);
voidwriteVarLong(long n, ByteBuffer buff)
Writes a signed long with the "VarInt" format.
while ((n & 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FF80l) != 0) {
    byte data = (byte) (n | 0x80);
    n >>>= 7;
buff.put((byte) n);
voidwriteVarLong(long value, ByteBuffer buf)
write Var Long
while ((value & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF80L) != 0L) {
    buf.put((byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80));
    value >>>= 7;
buf.put((byte) (value & 0x7F));
intwriteVInt(ByteBuffer bb, int i)
write V Int
return writeVLong(bb, i);
voidwriteWithLength(ByteBuffer buffer, byte[] src)
write With Length
int length = src.length;
if (length < 251) {
    buffer.put((byte) length);
} else if (length < 0x10000L) {
    buffer.put((byte) 252);
    writeUB2(buffer, length);
} else if (length < 0x1000000L) {
    buffer.put((byte) 253);
voidwriteXid(ByteBuffer logBuf, Xid xid)
write Xid
byte[] gid = xid.getGlobalTransactionId();
byte[] bqual = xid.getBranchQualifier();
writeInt(logBuf, xid.getFormatId());
if (gid == null) {
    logBuf.put((byte) -1);
} else {
    logBuf.put((byte) (gid.length));