Java Utililty Methods Byte to Boolean

List of utility methods to do Byte to Boolean


The list of methods to do Byte to Boolean are organized into topic(s).


boolean[]byteToBoolArr(final byte value)
Gets the bit states from a byte as boolean[].
final boolean[] result = new boolean[BYTE_BIT_LENGTH];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
    result[i] = bitToBoolean(value, i);
return result;
booleanbyteToBoolean(byte b)
byte To Boolean
return b != 0 ? true : false;
booleanByteToBoolean(byte value)
Converts a single byte value to a boolean
if (value == 0) {
    return false;
return true;
booleanbyteToBoolean(final byte b)
Byte to boolean.
return b >= 1;
booleanbyteToboolean(final byte value)
byte Toboolean
return value != 0;