Java Utililty Methods Byte to ASCII

List of utility methods to do Byte to ASCII


The list of methods to do Byte to ASCII are organized into topic(s).


charbyteToASCII(final byte b)
Convert a byte to a character representation.
if ((b < 32) || (b > 126)) {
    return ' ';
} else {
    return (char) b;
charbyteToASCII(final byte b)
Retrieves the printable ASCII representation of the provided byte.
if (isPrintable(b)) {
    return (char) b;
return ' ';
charbyteToAscii(final byte byteToAscii)
byte To Ascii
return (char) byteToAscii;
StringbyteToAscii(int val)
Very fast 8-bit int to ASCII conversion.
if (val >= 32 && val <= 126) {
    return ASCII_CONSTANTS[val - 32];
} else {
    return NON_PRINTABLE;