Java Utililty Methods Byte Array to Unsigned Int

List of utility methods to do Byte Array to Unsigned Int


The list of methods to do Byte Array to Unsigned Int are organized into topic(s).


intbytesToUint(byte first, byte second, byte third, byte fourth)
bytes To Uint
int firstI = (first & 0xFF) << 24;
int secondI = (second & 0xFF) << 16;
int thirdI = (third & 0xFF) << 8;
int fourthI = (fourth & 0xFF);
return firstI | secondI | thirdI | fourthI;
longbytesToUInt(final byte[] bytes, final int position, final int length, final int bitShiftStart, final int bitShitIncrement)
bytes To U Int
long num = 0;
if (length > 4)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("The maximum capacity for an int is 32 bytes");
for (int i = 0, bitShift = bitShiftStart; i < length; i++, bitShift += bitShitIncrement) {
    final long tempVal = bytes[position + i] & 0xff;
    num += tempVal << bitShift;
return num;
intbytesToUIntLE(byte[] data)
bytes To U Int LE
return bytesToUIntLE(data, 0, data.length);
longbytesToUIntLong(byte[] bytes, int index)
Combines four bytes (most significant bit first) into a 32 bit unsigned integer.
long accum = 0;
int i = 3;
for (int shiftBy = 0; shiftBy < 32; shiftBy += 8) {
    accum |= ((long) (bytes[index + i] & 0xff)) << shiftBy;
return accum;
intbytesToUnsignedInt(byte ib1, byte ib2)
bytes To Unsigned Int
return ((ib1 << 8) + (ib2 & 0xff)) & 0xffff;
int[]bytesToUnsignedInts(byte[] bytes)
bytes To Unsigned Ints
int[] realvalues = new int[bytes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
    realvalues[i] = bytes[i] & 0xFF;
return realvalues;
intbytesToUshort(byte b1, byte b2)
bytes To Ushort
return ((b1 & 0xFF) << 8) + (b2 & 0xFF);
shortbytesToUshort(byte first, byte second)
bytes To Ushort
short value = (short) (((first & 0xFF) << 8) | (second & 0xFF));
return value;