Java Utililty Methods BufferedImage Equal

List of utility methods to do BufferedImage Equal


The list of methods to do BufferedImage Equal are organized into topic(s).


booleanbufferedImagesEqual(final BufferedImage img1, final BufferedImage img2)
buffered Images Equal
if (img1.getWidth() != img2.getWidth() || img1.getHeight() != img2.getHeight()) {
    return false;
for (int x = 0; x < img1.getWidth(); x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < img1.getHeight(); y++) {
        if (img1.getRGB(x, y) != img2.getRGB(x, y)) {
            return false;
return true;
booleanequals(BufferedImage a, BufferedImage b)
int aw = a.getWidth();
int ah = a.getHeight();
int bw = b.getWidth();
int bh = b.getHeight();
if ((aw != bw) || (ah != bh))
    return false;
for (int y = 0; y < ah; y++)
    for (int x = 0; x < bw; x++) {
booleanequals(BufferedImage img1, BufferedImage img2)
Returns true if the 2 images are equal, false otherwise
if (img1.getWidth() != img2.getWidth()) {
    return false;
if (img1.getHeight() != img2.getHeight()) {
    return false;
System.err.println("Equal size");
int[] data1 = img1.getRGB(0, 0, img1.getWidth(), img1.getHeight(), null, 0, img2.getWidth());
booleanequals(final BufferedImage image1, final BufferedImage image2)
final int width1 = image1.getWidth();
final int width2 = image2.getWidth();
if (width1 != width2) {
    return false;
final int height1 = image1.getHeight();
final int height2 = image2.getHeight();
if (height1 != height2) {
booleanimagesAreEqual(BufferedImage image1, BufferedImage image2)
images Are Equal
if (image1.getWidth() != image2.getWidth() || image1.getHeight() != image2.getHeight()) {
    return false;
for (int x = 1; x < image2.getWidth(); x++) {
    for (int y = 1; y < image2.getHeight(); y++) {
        if (image1.getRGB(x, y) != image2.getRGB(x, y)) {
            return false;
return true;
booleanimagesAreEqual(String referenceImagePath, String capturedImagePath, int x, int y, int w, int h)
images Are Equal
BufferedImage referenceImage = null;
BufferedImage capturedImage;
try {
    referenceImage = ImageIO
    capturedImage = File(capturedImagePath));
} catch (IOException e) {
booleanimagesEqual(File file1, File file2)
images Equal
BufferedImage image1 =;
BufferedImage image2 =;
int columns = image1.getWidth();
int rows = image1.getHeight();
for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
    for (int col = 0; col < columns; ++col) {
        int rgb1 = image1.getRGB(col, row);
        int rgb2 = image2.getRGB(col, row);
booleanimgEquals(File imgRef, File img)
img Equals
if (isCached(imgRef, img)) {
    return getComparisons(imgRef).get(img).booleanValue();
} else if (isCached(img, imgRef)) {
    return getComparisons(img).get(imgRef).booleanValue();
} else {
    BufferedImage refBI =;
    BufferedImage imgBi =;
    int width = imgBi.getWidth();