Java Utililty Methods BigInteger Calculate

List of utility methods to do BigInteger Calculate


The list of methods to do BigInteger Calculate are organized into topic(s).


StringnumberToShortString(BigInteger number)
Returns a string representing the shortened numeric value.
int scale;
String suffix;
BigDecimal work;
if (number.compareTo(DISPLAY_1P) >= 0) {
    scale = 15;
    suffix = "P";
} else if (number.compareTo(DISPLAY_1T) >= 0) {
    scale = 12;
BigIntegerorder(BigInteger a, BigInteger p, BigInteger f[], BigInteger e[])
Find the order of a in Z_p where p-1 has the factors in array f each with the corresponding exponent in array e
BigInteger order = p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
for (int k = 0; k < f.length; k++) {
    int _e = e[k].intValue();
    for (int i = 0; i < _e; i++) {
        BigInteger exponent = order.divide(f[k]);
        BigInteger test = a.modPow(exponent, p);
        if (BigInteger.ONE.equals(test)) {
            order = exponent;
BigIntegerparseBigInteger(String s, BigInteger defaultValue)
parse Big Integer
String ch = getNumberChars(s);
if (ch == null) {
    return defaultValue;
return new BigInteger(ch);
longparseBinaryBigInteger(final byte[] buffer, final int offset, final int length, final boolean negative)
parse Binary Big Integer
byte[] remainder = new byte[length - 1];
System.arraycopy(buffer, offset + 1, remainder, 0, length - 1);
BigInteger val = new BigInteger(remainder);
if (negative) {
    val = val.add(BigInteger.valueOf(-1)).not();
if (val.bitLength() > 63) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("At offset " + offset + ", " + length + " byte binary number"
BigIntegerparseScaledNonNegativeBigInteger(String str)
parse Scaled Non Negative Big Integer
str = adjustForSign(str);
int radix = computeRadix(str);
str = adjustForRadix(str);
long scale = computeScale(str);
str = adjustForScale(str, scale);
BigInteger value = new BigInteger(str, radix);
if (scale != 1) {
    value = value.multiply(new BigInteger(String.valueOf(scale)));
BigIntegerproduct(final BigInteger min, final BigInteger max)
Compute the product of all integers in the range [min,max].
BigInteger ret = BigInteger.ONE;
for (BigInteger i = min; i.compareTo(max) <= 0; i = i.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
    ret = ret.multiply(i);
return ret;
BigIntegerrandomFromZn(BigInteger n, Random rand)
random From Zn
BigInteger result;
do {
    result = new BigInteger(n.bitLength(), rand);
} while (result.compareTo(n) != -1);
return result;
BigInteger[]removeDuplicates(final BigInteger... values)
Removes duplicate values from a BigInteger array

if (values == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final HashSet<BigInteger> hashSet = new HashSet<BigInteger>(Arrays.asList(values));
return hashSet.toArray(new BigInteger[hashSet.size()]);
byte[]renderBigInteger(final BigInteger bint)
Return an 8 byte array from a BigInteger value.
final byte[] retval = new byte[8];
byte[] arry = bint.toByteArray();
if (arry.length > retval.length)
    System.arraycopy(arry, arry.length - retval.length, retval, 0, retval.length);
else if (arry.length < retval.length)
    System.arraycopy(arry, 0, retval, retval.length - arry.length, arry.length);
    System.arraycopy(arry, 0, retval, 0, retval.length);
BigIntegerretrieveBigInteger(final byte[] buf, final int offset)
Get an unsigned integer (U64) from 8 bytes in a byte[] buffer.
final byte[] chunk = new byte[8];
System.arraycopy(buf, offset, chunk, 0, 8);
return new BigInteger(1, chunk);