Java BigDecimal Power pow(BigDecimal savedValue, BigDecimal value)

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public static BigDecimal pow(BigDecimal savedValue, BigDecimal value) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
/*/*from www  .  j  a  v a2 s . c  om*/
 * $Id$
 * Copyright 2013 Valentyn Kolesnikov
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class Main {
    public static BigDecimal pow(BigDecimal savedValue, BigDecimal value) {
        BigDecimal result = null;
        result = exp(ln(savedValue, 32).multiply(value), 32);
        return result;

     * Compute e^x to a given scale.
     * Break x into its whole and fraction parts and
     * compute (e^(1 + fraction/whole))^whole using Taylor's formula.
     * @param x the value of x
     * @param scale the desired scale of the result
     * @return the result value
    public static BigDecimal exp(BigDecimal x, int scale) {
        // e^0 = 1
        if (x.signum() == 0) {
            return BigDecimal.valueOf(1);

        // If x is negative, return 1/(e^-x).
        else if (x.signum() == -1) {
            return BigDecimal.valueOf(1).divide(exp(x.negate(), scale), scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

        // Compute the whole part of x.
        BigDecimal xWhole = x.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);

        // If there isn't a whole part, compute and return e^x.
        if (xWhole.signum() == 0) {
            return expTaylor(x, scale);

        // Compute the fraction part of x.
        BigDecimal xFraction = x.subtract(xWhole);

        // z = 1 + fraction/whole
        BigDecimal z = BigDecimal.valueOf(1).add(xFraction.divide(xWhole, scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN));

        // t = e^z
        BigDecimal t = expTaylor(z, scale);

        BigDecimal maxLong = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE);
        BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.valueOf(1);

        // Compute and return t^whole using intPower().
        // If whole > Long.MAX_VALUE, then first compute products
        // of e^Long.MAX_VALUE.
        while (xWhole.compareTo(maxLong) >= 0) {
            result = result.multiply(intPower(t, Long.MAX_VALUE, scale)).setScale(scale,
            xWhole = xWhole.subtract(maxLong);

        return result.multiply(intPower(t, xWhole.longValue(), scale)).setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

     * Compute the natural logarithm of x to a given scale, x > 0.
    public static BigDecimal ln(BigDecimal x, int scale) {
        // Check that x > 0.
        if (x.signum() <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("x <= 0");

        // The number of digits to the left of the decimal point.
        int magnitude = x.toString().length() - x.scale() - 1;

        if (magnitude < 3) {
            return lnNewton(x, scale);

        // Compute magnitude*ln(x^(1/magnitude)).
        else {

            // x^(1/magnitude)
            BigDecimal root = intRoot(x, magnitude, scale);

            // ln(x^(1/magnitude))
            BigDecimal lnRoot = lnNewton(root, scale);

            // magnitude*ln(x^(1/magnitude))
            return BigDecimal.valueOf(magnitude).multiply(lnRoot).setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

     * Compute e^x to a given scale by the Taylor series.
     * @param x the value of x
     * @param scale the desired scale of the result
     * @return the result value
    private static BigDecimal expTaylor(BigDecimal x, int scale) {
        BigDecimal factorial = BigDecimal.valueOf(1);
        BigDecimal xPower = x;
        BigDecimal sumPrev;

        // 1 + x
        BigDecimal sum = x.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(1));

        // Loop until the sums converge
        // (two successive sums are equal after rounding).
        int i = 2;
        do {
            // x^i
            xPower = xPower.multiply(x).setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

            // i!
            factorial = factorial.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(i));

            // x^i/i!
            BigDecimal term = xPower.divide(factorial, scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

            // sum = sum + x^i/i!
            sumPrev = sum;
            sum = sum.add(term);

        } while (sum.compareTo(sumPrev) != 0);

        return sum;

     * Compute x^exponent to a given scale.  Uses the same
     * algorithm as class numbercruncher.mathutils.IntPower.
     * @param x the value x
     * @param exponent the exponent value
     * @param scale the desired scale of the result
     * @return the result value
    public static BigDecimal intPower(BigDecimal x, long exponent, int scale) {
        // If the exponent is negative, compute 1/(x^-exponent).
        if (exponent < 0) {
            return BigDecimal.valueOf(1).divide(intPower(x, -exponent, scale), scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

        BigDecimal power = BigDecimal.valueOf(1);

        // Loop to compute value^exponent.
        while (exponent > 0) {

            // Is the rightmost bit a 1?
            if ((exponent & 1) == 1) {
                power = power.multiply(x).setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

            // Square x and shift exponent 1 bit to the right.
            x = x.multiply(x).setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
            exponent >>= 1;


        return power;

    * Compute the natural logarithm of x to a given scale, x > 0.
    * Use Newton's algorithm.
    private static BigDecimal lnNewton(BigDecimal x, int scale) {
        int sp1 = scale + 1;
        BigDecimal n = x;
        BigDecimal term;

        // Convergence tolerance = 5*(10^-(scale+1))
        BigDecimal tolerance = BigDecimal.valueOf(5).movePointLeft(sp1);

        // Loop until the approximations converge
        // (two successive approximations are within the tolerance).
        do {

            // e^x
            BigDecimal eToX = exp(x, sp1);

            // (e^x - n)/e^x
            term = eToX.subtract(n).divide(eToX, sp1, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);

            // x - (e^x - n)/e^x
            x = x.subtract(term);

        } while (term.compareTo(tolerance) > 0);

        return x.setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

     * Compute the integral root of x to a given scale, x >= 0.
     * Use Newton's algorithm.
     * @param x the value of x
     * @param index the integral root value
     * @param scale the desired scale of the result
     * @return the result value
    public static BigDecimal intRoot(BigDecimal x, long index, int scale) {
        // Check that x >= 0.
        if (x.signum() < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("x < 0");

        int sp1 = scale + 1;
        BigDecimal n = x;
        BigDecimal i = BigDecimal.valueOf(index);
        BigDecimal im1 = BigDecimal.valueOf(index - 1);
        BigDecimal tolerance = BigDecimal.valueOf(5).movePointLeft(sp1);
        BigDecimal xPrev;

        // The initial approximation is x/index.
        x = x.divide(i, scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

        // Loop until the approximations converge
        // (two successive approximations are equal after rounding).
        do {
            // x^(index-1)
            BigDecimal xToIm1 = intPower(x, index - 1, sp1);

            // x^index
            BigDecimal xToI = x.multiply(xToIm1).setScale(sp1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

            // n + (index-1)*(x^index)
            BigDecimal numerator = n.add(im1.multiply(xToI)).setScale(sp1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

            // (index*(x^(index-1))
            BigDecimal denominator = i.multiply(xToIm1).setScale(sp1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

            // x = (n + (index-1)*(x^index)) / (index*(x^(index-1)))
            xPrev = x;
            x = numerator.divide(denominator, sp1, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);

        } while (x.subtract(xPrev).abs().compareTo(tolerance) > 0);

        return x;


  1. pow(BigDecimal arg0, BigDecimal arg1)
  2. pow(BigDecimal b, int p, int q)
  3. pow(BigDecimal base, BigDecimal exponent)
  4. pow(BigDecimal base, BigDecimal power)
  5. pow(BigDecimal one, int another)
  6. power(BigDecimal base, int exponent)
  7. power(final BigDecimal value, final long power)