Java Utililty Methods Array Region Match

List of utility methods to do Array Region Match


The list of methods to do Array Region Match are organized into topic(s).


booleanarrayRegionMatches(char[] source, int sourceStart, char[] target, int targetStart, int len)
Convenience utility to compare two char[]s.
int sourceEnd = sourceStart + len;
int delta = targetStart - sourceStart;
for (int i = sourceStart; i < sourceEnd; i++) {
    if (source[i] != target[i + delta])
        return false;
return true;
booleanarrayRegionMatches(Object[] source, int sourceStart, Object[] target, int targetStart, int len)
Convenience utility to compare two Object[]s Ought to be in System.
int sourceEnd = sourceStart + len;
int delta = targetStart - sourceStart;
for (int i = sourceStart; i < sourceEnd; i++) {
    if (!arrayEquals(source[i], target[i + delta]))
        return false;
return true;
booleanarrayRegionMatches(Object[] source, int sourceStart, Object[] target, int targetStart, int len)
Convenience utility to compare two Object[]s Ought to be in System.
int sourceEnd = sourceStart + len;
int delta = targetStart - sourceStart;
for (int i = sourceStart; i < sourceEnd; i++) {
    if (!arrayEquals(source[i], target[i + delta]))
        return false;
return true;
booleanarrayRegionsEqual(boolean[] a, int aoff, int alen, boolean[] b, int boff, int blen)
array Regions Equal
if (alen != blen)
    return false;
else {
    for (int i = 0; i < alen; ++i)
        if (a[aoff + i] != b[boff + i])
            return false;
    return true;