Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2015 Ziver Koc * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package zutil.parser.wsdl; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; public class WSDLWriter { /** Current Web service definition ***/ private WebServiceDef ws; /** Cache of generated WSDL **/ private String cache; /** A list of services **/ private ArrayList<WSDLService> services; public WSDLWriter(WebServiceDef ws) { = new ArrayList<WSDLService>(); = ws; } /** * Add a service to be published with the WSDL */ public void addService(WSDLService serv) { cache = null; services.add(serv); } public void write(Writer out) throws IOException { out.write(generate()); } public void write(PrintStream out) { out.print(generate()); } public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException { out.write(generate().getBytes()); } private String generate() { if (cache == null) { try { OutputFormat outformat = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); StringOutputStream out = new StringOutputStream(); XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(out, outformat); Document docroot = generateDefinition(); writer.write(docroot); writer.flush(); this.cache = out.toString(); out.close(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return cache; } private Document generateDefinition() { Document wsdl = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element definitions = wsdl.addElement("wsdl:definitions"); definitions.addNamespace("wsdl", ""); definitions.addNamespace("soap", ""); definitions.addNamespace("http", ""); definitions.addNamespace("xsd", ""); definitions.addNamespace("soap-enc", ""); definitions.addNamespace("tns", ws.getNamespace() + "?type"); definitions.addAttribute("targetNamespace", ws.getNamespace()); generateType(definitions); generateMessages(definitions); generatePortType(definitions); generateBinding(definitions); generateService(definitions); return wsdl; } private void generateMessages(Element definitions) { for (WSMethodDef method : ws.getMethods()) { generateMessage(definitions, method); } // Default message used for functions without input parameters // definitions -> message: empty Element empty = definitions.addElement("wsdl:message"); empty.addAttribute("name", "empty"); // definitions -> message: empty -> part Element empty_part = empty.addElement("wsdl:part"); empty_part.addAttribute("name", "empty"); empty_part.addAttribute("type", "td:empty"); // Exception message // definitions -> message: exception Element exception = definitions.addElement("wsdl:message"); exception.addAttribute("name", "exception"); // definitions -> message: exception -> part Element exc_part = exception.addElement("wsdl:part"); exc_part.addAttribute("name", "exception"); exc_part.addAttribute("type", "td:string"); } private void generateMessage(Element parent, WSMethodDef method) { //*************************** Input if (method.getInputCount() > 0) { // definitions -> message Element input = parent.addElement("wsdl:message"); input.addAttribute("name", method.getName() + "Request"); // Parameters for (WSParameterDef param : method.getInputs()) { // definitions -> message -> part Element part = input.addElement("wsdl:part"); part.addAttribute("name", param.getName()); part.addAttribute("type", "xsd:" + getClassName(param.getParamClass())); if (param.isOptional()) part.addAttribute("minOccurs", "0"); } } //*************************** Output if (method.getOutputCount() > 0) { // definitions -> message Element output = parent.addElement("wsdl:message"); output.addAttribute("name", method.getName() + "Response"); // Parameters for (WSParameterDef param : method.getOutputs()) { // definitions -> message -> part Element part = output.addElement("wsdl:part"); part.addAttribute("name", param.getName()); Class<?> paramClass = param.getParamClass(); Class<?> valueClass = getClass(paramClass); // is an binary array if (byte[].class.isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) { part.addAttribute("type", "xsd:base64Binary"); } // is an array? else if (paramClass.isArray()) { part.addAttribute("type", "td:" + getArrayClassName(paramClass)); } else if (WSReturnObject.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) { // its an SOAPObject part.addAttribute("type", "td:" + getClassName(paramClass)); } else {// its an Object part.addAttribute("type", "xsd:" + getClassName(paramClass)); } } } } private void generatePortType(Element definitions) { // definitions -> portType Element portType = definitions.addElement("wsdl:portType"); portType.addAttribute("name", ws.getName() + "PortType"); for (WSMethodDef method : ws.getMethods()) { // definitions -> portType -> operation Element operation = portType.addElement("wsdl:operation"); operation.addAttribute("name", method.getName()); // Documentation if (method.getDocumentation() != null) { Element doc = operation.addElement("wsdl:documentation"); doc.setText(method.getDocumentation()); } //*************************** Input if (method.getInputCount() > 0) { // definitions -> message Element input = operation.addElement("wsdl:input"); input.addAttribute("message", "tns:" + method.getName() + "Request"); } //*************************** Output if (method.getOutputCount() > 0) { // definitions -> message Element output = operation.addElement("wsdl:output"); output.addAttribute("message", "tns:" + method.getName() + "Response"); } //*************************** Fault if (method.getOutputCount() > 0) { // definitions -> message Element fault = operation.addElement("wsdl:fault"); fault.addAttribute("message", "tns:exception"); } } } private void generateBinding(Element definitions) { // definitions -> binding Element binding = definitions.addElement("wsdl:binding"); binding.addAttribute("name", ws.getName() + "Binding"); binding.addAttribute("type", "tns:" + ws.getName() + "PortType"); for (WSDLService serv : services) { serv.generateBinding(binding); for (WSMethodDef method : ws.getMethods()) { serv.generateOperation(binding, method); } } } private void generateService(Element parent) { // definitions -> service Element root = parent.addElement("wsdl:service"); root.addAttribute("name", ws.getName() + "Service"); // definitions -> service -> port Element port = root.addElement("wsdl:port"); port.addAttribute("name", ws.getName() + "Port"); port.addAttribute("binding", "tns:" + ws.getName() + "Binding"); for (WSDLService serv : services) { // definitions -> service-> port -> address Element address = port.addElement(serv.getServiceType() + ":address"); address.addAttribute("location", serv.getServiceAddress()); } } /** * This function generates the Type section of the WSDL. * <b><pre> * -wsdl:definitions * -wsdl:type * </pre></b> */ private void generateType(Element definitions) { ArrayList<Class<?>> types = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); // Find types for (WSMethodDef method : ws.getMethods()) { if (method.getOutputCount() > 0) { for (WSParameterDef param : method.getOutputs()) { Class<?> paramClass = param.getParamClass(); Class<?> valueClass = getClass(paramClass); // is an array? or special class if (paramClass.isArray() || WSReturnObject.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) { // add to type generation list if (!types.contains(paramClass)) types.add(paramClass); } } } } // definitions -> types Element typeE = definitions.addElement("wsdl:types"); Element schema = typeE.addElement("xsd:schema"); schema.addAttribute("targetNamespace", ws.getNamespace() + "?type"); // empty type Element empty = schema.addElement("xsd:complexType"); empty.addAttribute("name", "empty"); empty.addElement("xsd:sequence"); for (int n = 0; n < types.size(); n++) { Class<?> c = types.get(n); // Generate Array type if (c.isArray()) { Class<?> ctmp = getClass(c); Element type = schema.addElement("xsd:complexType"); type.addAttribute("name", getArrayClassName(c)); Element sequence = type.addElement("xsd:sequence"); Element element = sequence.addElement("xsd:element"); element.addAttribute("minOccurs", "0"); element.addAttribute("maxOccurs", "unbounded"); element.addAttribute("name", "element"); element.addAttribute("nillable", "true"); if (WSReturnObject.class.isAssignableFrom(ctmp)) element.addAttribute("type", "tns:" + getClassName(c).replace("[]", "")); else element.addAttribute("type", "xsd:" + getClassName(c).replace("[]", "")); if (!types.contains(ctmp)) types.add(ctmp); } // Generate SOAPObject type else if (WSReturnObject.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { Element type = schema.addElement("xsd:complexType"); type.addAttribute("name", getClassName(c)); Element sequence = type.addElement("xsd:sequence"); Field[] fields = c.getFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { WSValueName tmp = fields[i].getAnnotation(WSValueName.class); String name; if (tmp != null) name = tmp.value(); else name = "field" + i; Element element = sequence.addElement("xsd:element"); element.addAttribute("name", name); // Check if the object is an SOAPObject Class<?> cTmp = getClass(fields[i].getType()); if (WSReturnObject.class.isAssignableFrom(cTmp)) { element.addAttribute("type", "tns:" + getClassName(cTmp)); if (!types.contains(cTmp)) types.add(cTmp); } else { element.addAttribute("type", "xsd:" + getClassName(fields[i].getType())); } // Is the Field optional if (tmp != null && tmp.optional()) element.addAttribute("minOccurs", "0"); } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: FIX THESE ARE DUPLICATES FROM SOAPHttpPage /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private Class<?> getClass(Class<?> c) { if (c != null && c.isArray()) { return getClass(c.getComponentType()); } return c; } private String getArrayClassName(Class<?> c) { return "ArrayOf" + getClassName(c).replaceAll("[\\[\\]]", ""); } private String getClassName(Class<?> c) { Class<?> cTmp = getClass(c); if (byte[].class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { return "base64Binary"; } else if (WSReturnObject.class.isAssignableFrom(cTmp)) { return c.getSimpleName(); } else { String ret = c.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(); if (cTmp == Integer.class) ret = ret.replaceAll("integer", "int"); else if (cTmp == Character.class) ret = ret.replaceAll("character", "char"); return ret; } } public void close() { } }