Java tutorial
/** * The Land of Alembrum * Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Evariste Boussaton * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package zildo.platform.opengl; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException; import org.lwjgl.Sys; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display; import org.lwjgl.opengl.DisplayMode; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import zildo.Zildo; import zildo.client.ClientEngineZildo; import zildo.client.stage.GameStage; import zildo.fwk.input.KeyboardHandler; import zildo.fwk.opengl.OpenGLGestion; import zildo.platform.input.LwjglKeyboardHandler; import zildo.server.EngineZildo; public class LwjglOpenGLGestion extends OpenGLGestion { final static String title = "Zildo OpenGL"; private DisplayMode displayMode = null; KeyboardHandler kbHandler = Zildo.pdPlugin.kbHandler; public static final byte[] icon = { 92, -109, 121, -1, 99, -101, -128, -1, 114, -81, -114, -1, 106, -91, -122, -1, 101, -98, -121, -1, 75, 127, 91, -1, 76, -105, 72, -1, 76, -110, 73, -1, 66, 121, 63, -1, 61, 116, 60, -1, 63, 126, 63, -1, 80, -122, 62, -1, 117, -101, 64, -1, -127, -76, 71, -1, 67, -108, 75, -1, 68, -124, 68, -1, 68, -128, 72, -1, 76, -109, 84, -1, 75, -124, 89, -1, 67, 118, 77, -1, 78, -119, 95, -1, 55, 117, 61, -1, 36, 80, 37, -1, 36, 77, 38, -1, 48, 110, 56, -1, 64, -117, 68, -1, 61, 118, 61, -1, 62, 127, 63, -1, 60, 122, 62, -1, -111, -83, 65, -1, -62, -34, 73, -1, 73, -104, 74, -1, 66, -126, 66, -1, 67, -124, 63, -1, 73, -127, 88, -1, 87, -112, 115, -1, 60, 110, 81, -1, 83, 28, 19, -1, -125, 7, 14, -1, -126, 16, 15, -1, 81, 34, 15, -1, 48, 70, 46, -1, 58, 115, 63, -1, 61, 116, 58, -1, 58, 113, 59, -1, 57, 123, 65, -1, -85, -59, 68, -1, -57, -43, 67, -1, 69, -119, 71, -1, 72, -114, 79, -1, 62, 96, 75, -1, 64, 86, 63, -1, 84, 34, 31, -1, -90, 22, 17, -1, -73, 39, 22, -1, -71, 44, 21, -1, -63, 44, 18, -1, 116, 20, 9, -1, 34, 63, 32, -1, 62, 127, 61, -1, 62, 120, 59, -1, 53, 117, 59, -1, 78, 126, 51, -1, -42, -39, 57, -1, 72, -112, 75, -1, 70, -121, 84, -1, 98, -111, 112, -1, 118, 63, 28, -1, 127, 3, 6, -1, -128, 19, 14, -1, 122, 16, 10, -1, 117, 12, 6, -1, -105, 31, 12, -1, -73, 40, 14, -1, 42, 34, 19, -1, 53, 112, 57, -1, 52, 110, 51, -1, 62, 92, 52, -1, 91, 117, 91, -1, -80, -76, 93, -1, 63, 127, 66, -1, 66, 122, 70, -1, 56, 101, 86, -1, 78, 22, 22, -1, -120, 24, 14, -1, -124, 45, 17, -1, -93, 86, 40, -1, -96, 89, 55, -1, -97, 91, 46, -1, -107, 106, 39, -1, 63, 39, 30, -1, 95, 89, 75, -1, 126, -118, 124, -1, -110, -111, -117, -1, -112, -103, -114, -1, 90, -126, 94, -1, 64, 125, 65, -1, 72, -124, 74, -1, 70, 117, 93, -1, 62, 29, 12, -1, -104, 83, 31, -1, -88, 119, 41, -1, -75, -112, 78, -1, -69, -74, -100, -1, 123, -123, 105, -1, 91, 78, 43, -1, 86, 43, 41, -1, 112, 84, 73, -1, 100, 104, 96, -1, 119, -108, 120, -1, 67, 119, 66, -1, 46, 102, 45, -1, 70, -116, 73, -1, 73, -117, 80, -1, -120, -69, -107, -1, 105, -123, 102, -1, 65, 62, 46, -1, -115, 107, 43, -1, -70, -115, 69, -1, -55, -86, 115, -1, -60, -86, 107, -1, -128, 103, 56, -1, 66, 55, 46, -1, 85, 56, 51, -1, 105, 99, 91, -1, -88, -81, -89, -1, -88, -83, -92, -1, 98, -123, 91, -1, 67, -123, 70, -1, 70, -123, 76, -1, -127, -78, -113, -1, -109, -57, -102, -1, 88, 120, 97, -1, 18, 15, 63, -1, 93, 64, 53, -1, 122, 81, 41, -1, 91, 57, 44, -1, 58, 71, 79, -1, 81, -118, 92, -1, 54, 101, 55, -1, 125, -120, 115, -1, -67, -66, -71, -1, -60, -63, -60, -1, -94, -99, -112, -1, 65, -126, 67, -1, 72, -120, 79, -1, -125, -74, -115, -1, 77, 104, 91, -1, 46, 41, 69, -1, 35, 23, 74, -1, 62, 40, 21, -1, 64, 41, 8, -1, 33, 39, 36, -1, 84, 110, 106, -1, 91, -108, 99, -1, 54, 113, 54, -1, 57, 90, 55, -1, 86, 105, 82, -1, 117, -121, 104, -1, 86, 109, 78, -1, 70, -122, 72, -1, 69, -122, 79, -1, 63, 93, 78, -1, 29, 28, 94, -1, 53, 57, -73, -1, 37, 38, -125, -1, 46, 30, 31, -1, 39, 28, 66, -1, 59, 79, 88, -1, 121, -85, -125, -1, 95, -102, 109, -1, 59, 122, 57, -1, 54, 102, 55, -1, 47, 90, 46, -1, 66, 118, 55, -1, 58, 118, 57, -1, 122, -79, -119, -1, 50, 47, 30, -1, 42, 21, 75, -1, 33, 36, -83, -1, 43, 45, -73, -1, 39, 40, -71, -1, 26, 29, -93, -1, 15, 21, -100, -1, 25, 38, 72, -1, -122, -73, -118, -1, -114, -65, -104, -1, 79, -116, 82, -1, 64, 114, 60, -1, 107, -120, 105, -1, 100, -122, 99, -1, 60, 119, 59, -1, -94, -33, -79, -1, 100, 115, 92, -1, 55, 3, 7, -1, 36, 34, 99, -1, 40, 45, -101, -1, 27, 28, -113, -1, 37, 36, 122, -1, 45, 14, 48, -1, 37, 20, 18, -1, 96, -128, 99, -1, -111, -58, -99, -1, 86, -116, 86, -1, -113, -102, -125, -1, -48, -53, -49, -1, -60, -63, -63, -1, -120, -114, 121, -1, -80, -25, -73, -1, -111, -62, -102, -1, 35, 47, 36, -1, 2, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 72, 0, 6, -1, -86, 36, 1, -1, -121, 48, 0, -1, 83, 109, 86, -1, -99, -48, -91, -1, 84, -117, 84, -1, 107, -128, 97, -1, -85, -80, -89, -1, -73, -71, -72, -1, -101, -103, -118, -1, -95, -42, -87, -1, -92, -40, -85, -1, -102, -52, -93, -1, 95, 126, 100, -1, 49, 66, 53, -1, 31, 54, 35, -1, 44, 50, 29, -1, 72, 73, 50, -1, 89, 101, 69, -1, -121, -77, -114, -1, -109, -62, -102, -1, 78, -127, 80, -1, 47, 85, 46, -1, 72, 96, 69, -1, 102, 124, 87, -1, 75, 112, 69, -1, 120, -85, -116, -1, 117, -91, -121, -1, 122, -83, -115, -1, -127, -75, -109, -1, -116, -61, -97, -1, 95, -92, 108, -1, 64, -110, 77, -1, 117, -75, -109, -1, 117, -84, -112, -1, 108, -104, 124, -1, 105, -108, 122, -1, 70, 123, 73, -1, 51, 96, 51, -1, 56, 99, 55, -1, 75, 118, 60, -1, 52, 109, 51, -1, }; public static final byte[] bigIcon = { 107, -90, -122, -1, 93, -109, 123, -1, 95, -106, 125, -1, 118, -74, -112, -1, 121, -70, -110, -1, 107, -90, -122, -1, 101, -98, -126, -1, 118, -74, -112, -1, 107, -90, -122, -1, 89, -114, 120, -1, 79, -127, 108, -1, 66, 122, 69, -1, 69, -119, 69, -1, 71, -112, 71, -1, 70, -116, 70, -1, 67, -126, 67, -1, 66, -128, 66, -1, 64, 123, 64, -1, 63, 117, 63, -1, 63, 122, 63, -1, 63, 122, 63, -1, 65, -124, 65, -1, 81, -112, 66, -1, 108, -110, 63, -1, 89, -118, 64, -1, 104, -104, 67, -1, -75, -53, 69, -1, 82, -106, 70, -1, 75, -106, 75, -1, 76, -103, 76, -1, 74, -110, 74, -1, 67, -126, 67, -1, 87, -114, 109, -1, 74, -126, 90, -1, 79, -113, 96, -1, 99, -100, 126, -1, 101, -98, -127, -1, 87, -114, 109, -1, 81, -121, 101, -1, 99, -101, -128, -1, 91, -112, 121, -1, 81, -121, 108, -1, 79, -111, 94, -1, 66, 124, 68, -1, 71, -112, 71, -1, 73, -102, 73, -1, 71, -112, 71, -1, 65, 120, 65, -1, 63, 118, 63, -1, 63, 119, 63, -1, 65, -126, 65, -1, 63, 126, 63, -1, 61, 115, 61, -1, 61, 118, 61, -1, 62, 125, 62, -1, 62, 124, 62, -1, 62, 120, 62, -1, 90, -121, 64, -1, -102, -74, 67, -1, -95, -56, 72, -1, -91, -49, 76, -1, 121, -72, 77, -1, 76, -101, 76, -1, 72, -115, 72, -1, 72, -127, 83, -1, 68, -124, 68, -1, 76, -100, 78, -1, 78, -117, 99, -1, 77, -126, 99, -1, 71, 124, 82, -1, 68, 123, 75, -1, 76, 127, 99, -1, 76, 127, 99, -1, 77, -118, 93, -1, 76, -101, 76, -1, 49, 92, 49, -1, 50, 101, 50, -1, 51, 108, 51, -1, 50, 101, 50, -1, 47, 89, 47, -1, 55, 105, 55, -1, 65, -127, 65, -1, 67, -119, 67, -1, 66, 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97, 89, 32, -1, 68, 48, 32, -1, 81, 49, 42, -1, 107, 78, 65, -1, 121, 112, 103, -1, -125, 126, 121, -1, -103, -103, -103, -1, -79, -79, -79, -1, -80, -80, -80, -1, 124, -109, 124, -1, 117, -110, 117, -1, 110, -112, 110, -1, 57, 114, 57, -1, 67, 122, 71, -1, 60, 116, 60, -1, 61, 116, 61, -1, 70, 121, 76, -1, 78, 125, 97, -1, 40, 63, 53, -1, 34, 11, 4, -1, 120, 42, 15, -1, -115, 67, 26, -1, -90, 102, 38, -1, -93, 109, 34, -1, -100, 90, 27, -1, -72, -111, 84, -1, -61, -88, 108, -1, -59, -77, -120, -1, -65, -64, -65, -1, 122, -128, 122, -1, 83, 84, 58, -1, -82, -105, 97, -1, 18, 16, 10, -1, 84, 47, 47, -1, 106, 65, 55, -1, 102, 79, 63, -1, 122, 117, 110, -1, 118, 116, 112, -1, -128, -124, -128, -1, -93, -80, -93, -1, -94, -80, -94, -1, 89, -120, 89, -1, 57, 114, 57, -1, 55, 107, 55, -1, 54, 101, 54, -1, 87, -103, 99, -1, 64, -121, 64, -1, 68, -119, 70, -1, 99, -100, 119, -1, 106, -95, 127, -1, 61, 90, 71, -1, 52, 37, 17, -1, -111, 83, 28, -1, -97, 97, 45, -1, -79, -128, 62, -1, -80, -103, 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Clear the screen and the depth buffer GL11.glClear(GL11.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL11.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_MODELVIEW); GL11.glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The Projection Matrix // invert the y axis, down is positive float zz = z * 5.0f; if (zz != 0.0f) { GL11.glTranslatef(-zoomPosition.getX() * zz, zoomPosition.getY() * zz, 0.0f); } GL11.glScalef(1 + zz, -1 - zz, 1); if (ClientEngineZildo.filterCommand != null) { ClientEngineZildo.filterCommand.doPreFilter(); } clientEngineZildo.renderFrame(awt); /* if (!p_clientReady && !awt) { clientEngineZildo.renderMenu(); } */ for (GameStage stage : ClientEngineZildo.getClientForGame().getCurrentStages()) { stage.renderGame(); } if (ClientEngineZildo.filterCommand != null) { ClientEngineZildo.filterCommand.doFilter(); ClientEngineZildo.filterCommand.doPostFilter(); } if (framerate != 0) { Display.sync(framerate); } if (!awt) { Display.update(); } } @Override protected void cleanUpExt() { ClientEngineZildo.cleanUp(); } /** * Switch display with given fullscreen mode (TRUE or FALSE=windowed) * @param p_fullscreen */ @Override public void switchFullscreen(boolean p_fullscreen) { fullscreen = p_fullscreen; try { if (fullscreen) { // Hide mouse in fullscreen Mouse.setGrabbed(true); } else { Mouse.setGrabbed(false); Display.setDisplayMode(displayMode); } Display.setFullscreen(p_fullscreen); } catch (LWJGLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to switch full/windowed mode"); } } private void showDisplayMode(DisplayMode d) { System.out.println("mode: " + d.getWidth() + "x" + d.getHeight() + " " + d.getBitsPerPixel() + "bpp " + d.getFrequency() + "Hz"); } private void createWindow() throws Exception { Display.setFullscreen(fullscreen); DisplayMode d[] = Display.getAvailableDisplayModes(); List<DisplayMode> selecteds = new ArrayList<DisplayMode>(); for (DisplayMode element : d) { if (element.getWidth() == Zildo.screenX && element.getHeight() == Zildo.screenY // && d[i].getBitsPerPixel() == 32 ) { selecteds.add(element); } } // Sort display modes from best to worse Collections.sort(selecteds, new DisplayModeComparator()); boolean success = false; for (DisplayMode dm : selecteds) { displayMode = dm; showDisplayMode(dm); success = initDisplayMode(dm); if (success) { break; } } if (!success) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to set up screen !"); } } public boolean initDisplayMode(DisplayMode d) { try { Display.setDisplayMode(displayMode); Display.setTitle(windowTitle); framerate = Display.getDisplayMode().getFrequency(); Display.create(); } catch (LWJGLException e) { Display.destroy(); return false; } return true; } @Override public void initDisplay() throws Exception { createWindow(); } @Override public void init() { initAppIcon(); initGL(); } private void initAppIcon() { ByteBuffer iconBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(16 * 16 * 4); iconBuf.put(LwjglOpenGLGestion.icon); iconBuf.flip(); ByteBuffer bigIconBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(32 * 32 * 4); bigIconBuf.put(LwjglOpenGLGestion.bigIcon); bigIconBuf.flip(); Display.setIcon(new ByteBuffer[] { iconBuf, bigIconBuf }); } private void initGL() { GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Enable Texture Mapping GL11.glShadeModel(GL11.GL_SMOOTH); // Enable Smooth Shading GL11.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // Black Background GL11.glClearDepth(1.0f); // Depth Buffer Setup GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Enables Depth Testing GL11.glDepthFunc(GL11.GL_LEQUAL); // The Type Of Depth Testing To Do // initProjectionScene(); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE); ByteBuffer temp = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(16); temp.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); GL11.glLight(GL11.GL_LIGHT1, GL11.GL_AMBIENT, (FloatBuffer) temp.asFloatBuffer().put(lightAmbient).flip()); // Setup The Ambient // Light GL11.glLight(GL11.GL_LIGHT1, GL11.GL_DIFFUSE, (FloatBuffer) temp.asFloatBuffer().put(lightDiffuse).flip()); // Setup The Diffuse // Light GL11.glLight(GL11.GL_LIGHT1, GL11.GL_POSITION, (FloatBuffer) temp.asFloatBuffer().put(lightPosition).flip()); // Position The // Light GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_LIGHT1); // Enable Light One // GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); Display.setVSyncEnabled(true); } @Override public void cleanUp() { cleanUpExt(); Display.destroy(); Mouse.destroy(); } @Override public boolean mainloop() { boolean done = false; if (!awt) { if (Display.isCloseRequested()) { // Exit if window is closed done = true; } mainloopExt(); } return done; } @Override public double getTimeInSeconds() { if (ticksPerSecond == 0) { // initialize ticksPerSecond ticksPerSecond = Sys.getTimerResolution(); } return (((double) Sys.getTime()) / (double) ticksPerSecond); } @Override public ByteBuffer capture() { GL11.glReadBuffer(GL11.GL_FRONT); int width = Zildo.screenX; int height = Zildo.screenY; int bpp = 3; // Assuming a 32-bit display with a byte each for red, green, blue, and alpha. ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(width * height * bpp); GL11.glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, GL11.GL_RGB, GL11.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer); return buffer; } }