Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009 IT Mill Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import com.vaadin.Application; import; import; import com.vaadin.event.ItemClickEvent; import com.vaadin.terminal.ThemeResource; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import data.PersonContainer; import data.SearchFilter; import ui.*; /** * The Application's "main" class */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class MyVaadinApplication extends Application implements Button.ClickListener, Property.ValueChangeListener, ItemClickEvent.ItemClickListener { private ListView listView = null; private NavigationTree tree = new NavigationTree(this); private Button newContact = new Button("Add contact"); private Button search = new Button("Search"); private Button share = new Button("Share"); private Button help = new Button("Help"); private SplitPanel horizontalSplit = new SplitPanel(SplitPanel.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); private PersonList personList = null; private PersonForm personForm = null; private HelpWindow helpWindow = null; private PersonContainer dataSource = PersonContainer.createWithTestData(); private SearchView searchView = null; @Override public void init() { buildMainLayout(); setTheme("runo"); } private void buildMainLayout() { //setTheme("contacts"); setMainWindow(new Window("My Demo Application")); setMainComponent(getListView()); horizontalSplit.setFirstComponent(tree); VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setSizeFull(); getMainWindow().addWindow(getHelpWindow()); //getMainWindow().addWindow(getSharingOptions()); layout.addComponent(createToolbar()); layout.addComponent(horizontalSplit); /* Allocate all available extra space to the horizontal split panel */ layout.setExpandRatio(horizontalSplit, 1); /* Set the initial split position so we can have a 200 pixel menu to the left */ horizontalSplit.setSplitPosition(200, SplitPanel.UNITS_PIXELS); getMainWindow().setContent(layout); } public HelpWindow getHelpWindow() { return new HelpWindow(); } public SharingOptions getSharingOptions() { return new SharingOptions(); } public HorizontalLayout createToolbar() { share.setIcon(new ThemeResource("icons/32/users.png")); help.setIcon(new ThemeResource("icons/32/help.png")); newContact.setIcon(new ThemeResource("icons/32/document-add.png")); search.setIcon(new ThemeResource("icons/32/folder-add.png")); HorizontalLayout lo = new HorizontalLayout(); lo.addComponent(newContact); lo.addComponent(search); lo.addComponent(share); lo.addComponent(help); lo.setMargin(true); lo.setSpacing(true); lo.setStyleName("toolbar"); search.addListener((Button.ClickListener) this); newContact.addListener((Button.ClickListener) this); share.addListener((Button.ClickListener) this); help.addListener((Button.ClickListener) this); return lo; } public void search(SearchFilter searchFilter) { // clear previous filters getDataSource().removeAllContainerFilters(); // filter contacts with given filter getDataSource().addContainerFilter(searchFilter.getPropertyId(), searchFilter.getTerm(), true, false); showListView(); getMainWindow().showNotification("Searched for " + searchFilter.getPropertyId() + "=*" + searchFilter.getTerm() + "*, found " + getDataSource().size() + " item(s).", Window.Notification.TYPE_TRAY_NOTIFICATION); } private ListView getListView() { if (listView == null) { personList = new PersonList(this); personForm = new PersonForm(this); listView = new ListView(personList, personForm); } return listView; } public PersonContainer getDataSource() { return dataSource; } private void setMainComponent(Component c) { horizontalSplit.setSecondComponent(c); } private SearchView getSearchView() { if (searchView == null) { searchView = new SearchView(this); } return searchView; } public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { final Button source = event.getButton(); if (source == search) { showSearchView(); } if (source == newContact) { addNewContanct(); } } private void showSearchView() { setMainComponent(getSearchView()); } private void showListView() { setMainComponent(getListView()); } public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { Property property = event.getProperty(); if (property == personList) { Item item = personList.getItem(personList.getValue()); if (item != personForm.getItemDataSource()) { personForm.setItemDataSource(item); } } } private void addNewContanct() { showListView(); personForm.addContact(); } public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == tree) { Object itemId = event.getItemId(); if (itemId != null) { if (itemId == NavigationTree.SHOW_ALL) { // clear previous filters getDataSource().removeAllContainerFilters(); showListView(); } else if (itemId == NavigationTree.SEARCH) { showSearchView(); } else if (itemId instanceof SearchFilter) { search((SearchFilter) itemId); } } } } public void saveSearch(SearchFilter searchFilter) { tree.addItem(searchFilter); tree.setParent(searchFilter, NavigationTree.SEARCH); // mark the saved search as a leaf (cannot have children) tree.setChildrenAllowed(searchFilter, false); // make sure "Search" is expanded tree.expandItem(NavigationTree.SEARCH); // select the saved search tree.setValue(searchFilter); } }