Java tutorial
/** * Xtreme Media Player a cross-platform media player. * Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Besmir Beqiri * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package xtrememp.playlist; import com.melloware.jspiff.jaxp.XspfPlaylist; import com.melloware.jspiff.jaxp.XspfPlaylistTrackList; import com.melloware.jspiff.jaxp.XspfTrack; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import xtrememp.tag.TagInfo; import xtrememp.util.Utilities; /** * Playlist input/output utility. * This class provides static utility methods for loading and saving playlist. * It support .m3u and .pls playlist format. * * @author Besmir Beqiri */ public final class PlaylistIO { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PlaylistIO.class); /** * Loads playlist from the specified location. * * @param location * @return a list of playlist items */ public static List<PlaylistItem> load(String location) throws PlaylistException { if (!Utilities.isNullOrEmpty(location)) { String filenameExt = FilenameUtils.getExtension(location); if (filenameExt.equalsIgnoreCase("m3u")) { return loadM3U(location); } else if (filenameExt.equalsIgnoreCase("pls")) { return loadPLS(location); } else if (filenameExt.equalsIgnoreCase("xspf")) { return loadXSPF(location); } } return null; } /** * Load playlist in M3U format. * * @param location * @return a list of playlist items. */ protected static List<PlaylistItem> loadM3U(String location) throws PlaylistException { List<PlaylistItem> itemList = new ArrayList<PlaylistItem>(); BufferedReader br = null; try { // Playlist from URL ? (http:, ftp:, file: ....) if (Utilities.startWithProtocol(location)) { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((new URL(location)).openStream())); } else { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(location)); } String line = null; String songName = null; String songFile = null; String songLength = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (line.trim().length() == 0) { continue; } if (line.startsWith("#")) { if (line.toUpperCase().startsWith("#EXTINF")) { int indA = line.indexOf(",", 0); if (indA != -1) { songName = line.substring(indA + 1, line.length()); } int indB = line.indexOf(":", 0); if (indB != -1) { if (indB < indA) { songLength = (line.substring(indB + 1, indA)).trim(); } } } } else { songFile = line; if (songName == null) { songName = songFile; } if (songLength == null) { songLength = "-1"; } PlaylistItem pli = null; if (Utilities.startWithProtocol(songFile)) { // URL pli = new PlaylistItem(songName, songFile, Integer.parseInt(songLength), false); } else { // File File f = new File(songFile); if (f.exists()) { pli = new PlaylistItem(songName, songFile, Integer.parseInt(songLength), true); } else { // Try relative path String parent = new File(location).getParent(); f = new File(parent, songFile); if (f.exists()) { pli = new PlaylistItem(songName, f.getAbsolutePath(), Integer.parseInt(songLength), true); } } } if (pli != null) { itemList.add(pli); } songFile = null; songName = null; songLength = null; } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Can't load M3U playlist", ex); throw new PlaylistException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(br); } return itemList; } /** * Load playlist in PLS format. * * @param location * @return a list of playlist items. */ protected static List<PlaylistItem> loadPLS(String location) throws PlaylistException { List<PlaylistItem> itemList = new ArrayList<PlaylistItem>(); BufferedReader br = null; try { // Playlist from URL ? (http:, ftp:, file: ....) if (Utilities.startWithProtocol(location)) { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((new URL(location)).openStream())); } else { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(location)); } String line = null; boolean markerFound = false; int numberOfEntries = -1; int lineNumber = 0; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); lineNumber++; if (line.length() > 0) { // Header // The PLS marker string if (!markerFound) { if (!line.equalsIgnoreCase("[playlist]")) { logger.warn("Not a PLS playlist format"); } markerFound = true; continue; } if (line.indexOf('=') <= 0) { logger.error("Malformed PLS playlist {}", location); break; } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, "="); String key = st.nextToken().trim(); String value = st.nextToken().trim(); if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("numberofentries")) { int tmpValue; try { tmpValue = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { logger.error("Error on parsing NumberOfEntries in PLS playlist: {} at line {}", location, lineNumber); break; } if (tmpValue < 0) { logger.warn("Invalid NumberOfEntries in PLS playlist: {} at line {}", location, lineNumber); } // Test if already found. if ((numberOfEntries >= 0) && (numberOfEntries != tmpValue)) { logger.warn("PLS playlist number of entries already specified with a different value"); } numberOfEntries = tmpValue; } // Track entry else if (key.toLowerCase().startsWith("file")) { PlaylistItem pli = null; if (Utilities.startWithProtocol(value)) { // URL. pli = new PlaylistItem(value, value, -1, false); } else { // File. File f = new File(value); if (f.exists()) { pli = new PlaylistItem(value, value, -1, true); } else { // Try relative path. String parent = new File(location).getParent(); f = new File(parent, value); if (f.exists()) { pli = new PlaylistItem(value, f.getAbsolutePath(), -1, true); } } } if (pli != null) { itemList.add(pli); } } else if (key.toLowerCase().startsWith("title")) { try { int index = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(5)) - 1; PlaylistItem pli = itemList.get(index); pli.setFormattedName(value); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Corrupted PLS playlist {} at line {}", location, lineNumber); continue; } } else if (key.toLowerCase().startsWith("length")) { try { int duration = Integer.parseInt(value); int index = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(6)) - 1; PlaylistItem pli = itemList.get(index); pli.setDuration(duration); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Corrupted PLS playlist {} at line {}", location, lineNumber); continue; } } // Footer else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("version")) { // If present, shall be "2". if (!value.equals("2")) { logger.error("Unknown PLS version " + value); break; } } } } if (numberOfEntries < 0) { logger.warn("No number of entries in PLS playlist"); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Can't load PLS playlist", ex); throw new PlaylistException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(br); } return itemList; } /** * Load playlist in XSPF format. * * @param location * @return a list of playlist items. */ protected static List<PlaylistItem> loadXSPF(String location) throws PlaylistException { List<PlaylistItem> itemList = new ArrayList<PlaylistItem>(); XspfPlaylist xspfPlaylist = new XspfPlaylist(); try { // Playlist from URL ? (http:, ftp:, file: ....) if (Utilities.startWithProtocol(location)) { xspfPlaylist.setup(new URL(location)); } else { xspfPlaylist.setup(new FileReader(location)); } XspfPlaylistTrackList tracks = xspfPlaylist.getPlaylistTrackList(); for (XspfTrack track : tracks.getTrack()) { PlaylistItem pli = null; String trackLocation = track.getLocation(0); if (Utilities.startWithProtocol(trackLocation)) { // URL. if (Utilities.startWithProtocol(trackLocation, "file:")) { File f = new File(new URI(trackLocation)); if (f.exists()) { String baseName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(f.getName()); pli = new PlaylistItem(baseName, f.getAbsolutePath(), -1, true); } } else { String trackTitle = track.getTitle(); if (Utilities.isNullOrEmpty(trackTitle)) { pli = new PlaylistItem(trackLocation, trackLocation, -1, false); } else { pli = new PlaylistItem(trackTitle, trackLocation, -1, false); } } } else { // File. File f = new File(trackLocation); if (f.exists()) { String baseName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(f.getName()); pli = new PlaylistItem(baseName, f.getAbsolutePath(), -1, true); } } if (pli != null) { itemList.add(pli); } trackLocation = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Can't load XSPF playlist", ex); throw new PlaylistException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause()); } return itemList; } /** * Saves playlist in M3U format. * * @param playlist * @param location * @return <code>true</code> if playlist is successfully saved, else <code>false</code>. */ public static boolean saveM3U(Playlist playlist, String location) throws PlaylistException { if (playlist != null) { BufferedWriter bw = null; try { bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(location)); bw.write("#EXTM3U"); bw.newLine(); for (PlaylistItem pli : playlist.listAllItems()) { bw.write("#EXTINF:" + pli.getM3UExtInf()); bw.newLine(); bw.write(pli.getLocation()); bw.newLine(); } playlist.setModified(false); return true; } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("Can't save playlist in M3U format", ex); throw new PlaylistException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(bw); } } return false; } /** * Saves playlist in XSPF format. * * @param playlist * @param location * @return <code>true</code> if playlist is successfully saved, else <code>false</code>. */ public static boolean saveXSPF(Playlist playlist, String location) throws PlaylistException { if (playlist != null) { File xspfFile = new File(location); // Create a xspf playlist XspfPlaylist xspfPlaylist = new XspfPlaylist(); xspfPlaylist.setVersion("1"); xspfPlaylist.setTitle("Playlist"); xspfPlaylist.setLocation(xspfFile.toURI().toString()); // Create track list XspfPlaylistTrackList tracks = new XspfPlaylistTrackList(); for (PlaylistItem pli : playlist.listAllItems()) { // Create a track and add to list XspfTrack track = new XspfTrack(); track.setIdentifier(String.valueOf(playlist.indexOf(pli))); if (pli.isFile()) { track.setLocation(new File(pli.getLocation()).toURI().toString()); } else { track.setLocation(pli.getLocation()); } if (pli.isFile()) { TagInfo tagInfo = pli.getTagInfo(); if (tagInfo != null) { String title = tagInfo.getTitle(); if (!Utilities.isNullOrEmpty(title)) { track.setTitle(title); } String artist = tagInfo.getArtist(); if (!Utilities.isNullOrEmpty(artist)) { track.setCreator(artist); } String album = tagInfo.getAlbum(); if (!Utilities.isNullOrEmpty(album)) { track.setAlbum(album); } String trackNum = tagInfo.getTrack(); if (!Utilities.isNullOrEmpty(trackNum)) { try { track.setTrackNum(new BigInteger(trackNum)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { logger.debug("{} is not a valid number", trackNum, ex); } } String genre = tagInfo.getGenre(); if (!Utilities.isNullOrEmpty(genre)) { track.setAnnotation(genre); } long duration = pli.getDuration(); if (duration >= 0) { try { track.setDuration(new BigInteger(String.valueOf(duration))); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { logger.debug("{} is not a valid number", duration, ex); } } } } else { String name = pli.getFormattedName(); if (!Utilities.isNullOrEmpty(name)) { track.setTitle(name.trim()); } } tracks.addTrack(track); } // add track to playlist xspfPlaylist.setPlaylistTrackList(tracks); // save to file OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); FileWriter fw = null; Document doc = null; try { fw = new FileWriter(xspfFile); XMLWriter xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(fw, format); doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(xspfPlaylist.makeTextDocument()); xmlWriter.write(doc); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Can't save playlist in XSPF format", ex); throw new PlaylistException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fw); } } return false; } }