Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2009 eXtensible Catalog Organization * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT/X11 license. The text of the * license can be found at and copy of the license can be found on the project * website * */ package xc.mst.utils; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.apache.commons.collections.OrderedMapIterator; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class TimingStats { public static final String DEFAULT = "DEFAULT"; public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TimingLogger.class); protected static int longestThreadName = 0; protected int currentIndent = 0; protected boolean manualShutOff = false; protected ListOrderedMap namedTimers = new ListOrderedMap(); protected Map<String, Integer> indentation = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); protected Map<String, Long> namedLastTimes = new TreeMap<String, Long>(); protected Map<String, Long> namedBeginTimes = new TreeMap<String, Long>(); protected long lastReset = System.currentTimeMillis(); protected long memUsedAtLastReset = 0; private long batchSize = 0l; private boolean displayPerformanceData = false; public void log(String message) { log(null, message, false); } public void log(String message, boolean suppressOutput) { log(null, message, suppressOutput); } public void log(String name, String message, boolean suppressOutput) { if (TimingStats.LOG.isDebugEnabled() && !manualShutOff) { long tnow = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (name == null) { name = DEFAULT; } Long lastTime = namedLastTimes.get(name); long incrTime = 0; if (lastTime == null) { lastTime = 0l; } else { incrTime = tnow - lastTime; } Long beginTime = namedBeginTimes.get(name); if (beginTime == null) { beginTime = tnow; namedBeginTimes.put(name, beginTime); } if (!suppressOutput) { String thisTime = StringUtils.leftPad((incrTime) + "", 6); String totalTime = StringUtils.leftPad((tnow - beginTime) + "", 7); StringBuilder sb = getStringBuilder(); sb.append("TimingLogger! " + thisTime + " " + totalTime + " : " + message); LOG.debug(sb.toString()); } if (name != DEFAULT) { Timer timer = (Timer) namedTimers.get(name); if (timer == null) { timer = new Timer(); namedTimers.put(name, timer); } timer.totalTime.addAndGet(incrTime); if (timer.longestTime < incrTime) { timer.longestTime = incrTime; } timer.numTimes.incrementAndGet(); } namedLastTimes.put(name, tnow); } } protected StringBuilder getStringBuilder() { String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); int threadNameLength = threadName.length(); if (longestThreadName < threadNameLength) { longestThreadName = threadNameLength; } int diff = longestThreadName - threadNameLength; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (diff > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++) { sb.append(" "); } } return sb; } protected void start(String name) { if (TimingStats.LOG.isDebugEnabled() && !manualShutOff) { Timer timer = (Timer) namedTimers.get(name); if (timer == null) { timer = new Timer(); namedTimers.put(name, timer); } long tnow = System.currentTimeMillis(); namedLastTimes.put(name, tnow); if (!indentation.containsKey(name)) { indentation.put(name, currentIndent); } currentIndent++; } } protected void stop(String name) { if (TimingStats.LOG.isDebugEnabled() && !manualShutOff) { log(name, null, true); currentIndent--; } } public void turnOn() { if (TimingStats.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { manualShutOff = false; } } public void turnOff() { if (TimingStats.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { manualShutOff = true; } } public void add(String name, long val) { if (!manualShutOff) { indentation.put(name, currentIndent); Timer timer = (Timer) namedTimers.get(name); if (timer == null) { timer = new Timer(); namedTimers.put(name, timer); } timer.totalTime.addAndGet(val); if (timer.longestTime < val) { timer.longestTime = val; } timer.numTimes.incrementAndGet(); } } protected void outputMemory() { outputMemory(true); } private void outputMemory(boolean runGC) { if (runGC) { System.gc(); } Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); long maxMem = r.maxMemory() / 1048576; long totalMem = r.totalMemory() / 1048576; long freeBytes = r.freeMemory(); long freeMem = freeBytes / 1048576; long usedMem = totalMem - freeMem; long memIncrease = usedMem - memUsedAtLastReset; memUsedAtLastReset = usedMem; LOG.debug(""); LOG.debug("Free memory: " + StringUtils.leftPad(freeMem + "", 7) + " MB."); LOG.debug("Used memory: " + StringUtils.leftPad(usedMem + "", 7) + " MB."); LOG.debug("Increased by: " + StringUtils.leftPad(memIncrease + "", 7) + " MB."); LOG.debug("Total memory: " + StringUtils.leftPad(totalMem + "", 7) + " MB."); LOG.debug("Max'm memory: " + StringUtils.leftPad(maxMem + "", 7) + " MB."); //double percentageUsed = ((double) usedMem) / maxMem; //System.out.println("percentageUsed = " + percentageUsed); //MemoryWarningSystem.setPercentageUsageThreshold(0.8); // 80% } private void resetIfNecessary(boolean displayPerformanceData) { if ((namedTimers != null && namedTimers.size() > 0)) { TimingLogger.start("System.gc"); System.gc(); TimingLogger.stop("System.gc"); LOG.debug(""); LOG.debug("*********************************"); LOG.debug("reset()"); displayResetData(true, displayPerformanceData); currentIndent = 0; outputMemory(false); LOG.debug("*********************************"); LOG.debug(""); } } // come through this one if you DO want to display performance data public void reset(long counts) { // set the fact that you want to display performance! displayPerformanceData = true; batchSize = counts; resetIfNecessary(true); } // come through this one if you do NOT want to display performance data public void reset() { displayPerformanceData = false; batchSize = 0l; resetIfNecessary(false); } protected void reset(String name) { displayPerformanceData = false; batchSize = 0l; StringBuilder sb = getStringBuilder(); Timer timer = (Timer) namedTimers.get(name); if (timer != null) { String totalTime = StringUtils.leftPad(timer.totalTime.get() + "", 10); if (indentation.containsKey(name)) { // LOG.debug("indentation.get("+name+"):"+ indentation.get(name)); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < indentation.get(name); i++) { sb2.append(" "); } name = sb2.append(name).toString(); } String avgTime = ""; if (timer.numTimes.get() != 0) { double avg = (0. + timer.totalTime.get()) / timer.numTimes.get(); avgTime = String.format("%.2f", avg); } else { avgTime = "n/a"; } avgTime = StringUtils.leftPad(avgTime, 12); String longestTime = StringUtils.leftPad(timer.longestTime + "", 9); String num = StringUtils.leftPad(timer.numTimes + "", 7); sb.append("TimingLogger! total: " + totalTime + " avg:" + avgTime + " longest:" + longestTime + " num:" + num + " " + name); LOG.debug(sb); } } protected void reset(boolean includeDefault) { displayPerformanceData = false; batchSize = 0l; displayResetData(includeDefault, false); } private void displayResetData(boolean includeDefault, boolean displayPerformanceData) { synchronized (this) { if (TimingStats.LOG.isDebugEnabled() && !manualShutOff) { if (lastReset != 0) { final long timeSinceLastReset = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastReset; lastReset = System.currentTimeMillis(); LOG.debug("timeSinceLastReset: " + timeSinceLastReset); if (displayPerformanceData) { printPerformanceData(timeSinceLastReset); } } LOG.debug("namedTimers.size(): " + namedTimers.size()); LOG.debug("includeDefault: " + includeDefault); OrderedMapIterator omi = namedTimers.orderedMapIterator(); while (omi.hasNext()) { reset((String); } /* for (String key : namedTimers.keySet()) { reset(key); } */ namedTimers = new ListOrderedMap(); Long nullLastTime = namedLastTimes.get(DEFAULT); namedLastTimes = new TreeMap<String, Long>(); Long nullBeginTime = namedBeginTimes.get(DEFAULT); namedBeginTimes = new TreeMap<String, Long>(); if (!includeDefault) { namedLastTimes.put(DEFAULT, nullLastTime); namedBeginTimes.put(DEFAULT, nullBeginTime); } } } } private void printPerformanceData(final long timeSinceLastReset) { // final long _batchSize = MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getPropertyAsInt("db.insertsAtOnce", 10000); if (displayPerformanceData) { if (batchSize != 0l) { final long millisecInAnHour = 3600000l; double avg = ((batchSize * millisecInAnHour) / timeSinceLastReset) /* / 1000000l */; // in terms of (x) million records/hour LOG.debug("performance for the last " + batchSize + " commits: " + avg + " records/hr."); } } } public class Timer { public AtomicLong totalTime = new AtomicLong(0); public Long longestTime = 0l; public AtomicLong numTimes = new AtomicLong(0); public void reset() { totalTime = new AtomicLong(); longestTime = 0l; numTimes = new AtomicLong(); } } }