Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2009 eXtensible Catalog Organization * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT/X11 license. The text of the * license can be found at and copy of the license can be found on the project * website * */ package xc.mst.oai; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.SimpleTimeZone; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.Namespace; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import; import; import; import; import; import xc.mst.constants.Constants; import xc.mst.dao.DataException; import xc.mst.dao.DatabaseConfigException; import xc.mst.manager.BaseManager; import xc.mst.manager.IndexException; import; import xc.mst.utils.LogWriter; import xc.mst.utils.MSTConfiguration; import xc.mst.utils.XMLUtil; import xc.mst.utils.XmlHelper; /** * A facade class to create the response to the different OAI verb requests * * @author Peter Kiraly -- Initial code * @author Eric Osisek -- Updated for Metadata Services Toolkit * @author Sharmila Ranganathan -- updated according to new MST architecture */ public class Facade extends BaseManager { /** The logger object */ private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Facade.class); private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Constants.LOGGER_HARVEST_OUT); protected static final DateTimeFormatter UTC_PARSER = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeParser(); protected static TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); protected Transformer transformer = null; protected XmlHelper xmlHelper = new XmlHelper(); /** The number of warnings in executing the current request */ private int warningCount = 0; /** The number of errors in executing the current request */ private int errorCount = 0; /** The service being harvested */ private Service service = null; /** * Returns response date element * * @return response date element */ public String getResponseDate() { // Add the element with the timestamp of the response try { Element responseDate = new Element("responseDate"); DateTimeFormatter fmt = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime(); String formattedDate = fmt.print(new DateTime()); responseDate.addContent(formattedDate); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Setting the responseDate in the OAI response header to " + formattedDate); return XMLUtil.format.outputString(responseDate); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("An exception occurred setting the response date.", e); return null; } } /** * Returns the common header for all responses * * @param url * The requested URL * @param oaiRequest * OAI request */ public String getRequestElement(String url, OaiRequestBean oaiRequest) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Creating the response header for the OAI repsonse."); // Add the request element, which echoes the data from the request we're responding to // Each field which is not null is added as an attribute on the request element try { Element requestEl = new Element("request"); requestEl.addContent(url.toString()); if (oaiRequest.getVerb() != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Setting the verb in the OAI response header to " + oaiRequest.getVerb()); requestEl.setAttribute("verb", oaiRequest.getVerb()); } if (oaiRequest.getFrom() != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Setting the from field in the OAI response header to " + oaiRequest.getFrom()); requestEl.setAttribute("from", oaiRequest.getFrom()); } if (oaiRequest.getUntil() != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Setting the until field in the OAI response header to " + oaiRequest.getUntil()); requestEl.setAttribute("until", oaiRequest.getUntil()); } if (oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix() != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Setting the metadataPrefix in the OAI response header to " + oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix()); requestEl.setAttribute("metadataPrefix", oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix()); } if (oaiRequest.getSet() != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Setting the set in the OAI response header to " + oaiRequest.getSet()); requestEl.setAttribute("set", oaiRequest.getSet()); } if (oaiRequest.getIdentifier() != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Setting the identifier in the OAI response header to " + oaiRequest.getIdentifier()); requestEl.setAttribute("identifier", oaiRequest.getIdentifier()); } if (oaiRequest.getResumptionToken() != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Setting the resumptionToken in the OAI response header to " + oaiRequest.getResumptionToken()); requestEl.setAttribute("resumptionToken", oaiRequest.getResumptionToken()); } // Set the request header to the form's URL field return XMLUtil.format.outputString(requestEl); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("An exception occurred setting up the response's request element.", e); return null; } } /** * Executes the correct OAI function based on the verb * * @param oaiRequest * OAI request * @throws DatabaseConfigException * Thrown when there is problem connecting to database */ public String execute(OaiRequestBean oaiRequest) throws DatabaseConfigException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Executing request for verb " + oaiRequest.getVerb() + "."); // Get the service service = getServicesService().getServiceById(oaiRequest.getServiceId()); String prefix = oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix(); MetadataService ms = service.getMetadataService(); String xslFileName = ms.getConfig().getProperty("output.format." + prefix + ".xsl"); if (xslFileName != null) { xslFileName = MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getServicePath() + service.getName() + "/xsl/" + xslFileName; try { transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(new FileInputStream(xslFileName))); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("", t); } } // If the verb was null, return a bad verb error // Otherwise execute the correct funtionality, and // return a bad verb error only when the verb is not // recognized try { String oaiVerbOutput = null; if (oaiRequest.getVerb() == null) { LogWriter.addWarning(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "The OAI request did not contain a verb."); warningCount++; oaiVerbOutput = ErrorBuilder.badVerbError(); } else if (oaiRequest.getVerb().equalsIgnoreCase("Identify")) { oaiVerbOutput = doIdentify(oaiRequest); } else if (oaiRequest.getVerb().equalsIgnoreCase("ListSets")) { oaiVerbOutput = doListSets(oaiRequest); } else if (oaiRequest.getVerb().equalsIgnoreCase("ListMetadataFormats")) { oaiVerbOutput = doListMetadataFormats(oaiRequest); } else if (oaiRequest.getVerb().equalsIgnoreCase("ListIdentifiers")) { oaiVerbOutput = doListIdentifiers(oaiRequest); } else if (oaiRequest.getVerb().equalsIgnoreCase("ListRecords")) { oaiVerbOutput = doListRecords(oaiRequest); } else if (oaiRequest.getVerb().equalsIgnoreCase("GetRecord")) { oaiVerbOutput = doGetRecord(oaiRequest); } else { LogWriter.addWarning(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "The OAI request did not contain a valid verb: " + oaiRequest.getVerb()); warningCount++; oaiVerbOutput = ErrorBuilder.badVerbError(oaiRequest.getVerb()); } if (oaiVerbOutput != null) { // Build the OAI response StringBuilder oaiResponseElement = new StringBuilder(); // Append the header oaiResponseElement.append(Constants.OAI_RESPONSE_HEADER); // Append the response date element oaiResponseElement.append(getResponseDate()).append("\n"); if (oaiRequest.getRequest() != null) { // Append the request element oaiResponseElement.append(getRequestElement(oaiRequest.getRequest(), oaiRequest)).append("\n"); } // Append the response itself oaiResponseElement.append(oaiVerbOutput).append("\n"); // Append the footer oaiResponseElement.append(Constants.OAI_RESPONSE_FOOTER); String response = oaiResponseElement.toString(); if (transformer != null) { Document oaiDoc = xmlHelper.getJDomDocument(response); Element oaiEl = oaiDoc.getRootElement(); Element listRecordsEl = oaiEl.getChild("ListRecords", oaiEl.getNamespace()); if (listRecordsEl != null) { for (Object recordObj : listRecordsEl.getChildren("record", oaiEl.getNamespace())) { Element recordEl = (Element) recordObj; Element metadataEl = recordEl.getChild("metadata", oaiEl.getNamespace()); if (metadataEl != null) { Element metadataContentEl = (Element) metadataEl.getChildren().get(0); metadataEl.removeContent(metadataContentEl); metadataEl.addContent(transformRecord(metadataContentEl)); } } response = xmlHelper.getString(oaiEl); } else { } } return response; } else { LogWriter.addWarning(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "The OAI request contained an invalid verb: " + oaiRequest.getVerb() + "."); warningCount++; return ErrorBuilder.badVerbError(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("An exception occurred while executing the request.", e); LogWriter.addError(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "An unexpected error occurred while executing the " + oaiRequest.getVerb() + " request."); errorCount++; return ""; } finally // Update the error and warning count for the service { // Load the provider again in case it was updated during the harvest Service service = getServiceDAO().getById(this.service.getId()); // Increase the warning and error counts as appropriate, then update the provider service.setHarvestOutWarnings(service.getHarvestOutWarnings() + warningCount); service.setHarvestOutErrors(service.getHarvestOutErrors() + errorCount); // Increase number of harvests if this is the initial request for harvest if (oaiRequest.getVerb() != null && (oaiRequest.getVerb().equalsIgnoreCase("ListRecords")) && (oaiRequest.getResumptionToken() == null || oaiRequest.getResumptionToken().trim().length() == 0) && (oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix() != null && oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix().trim().length() != 0)) { service.setNumberOfHarvests(service.getNumberOfHarvests() + 1); } try { getServiceDAO().update(service); } catch (DataException e) { log.warn("Unable to update the provider's warning and error counts due to a Data Exception.", e); } } } /** * Create response to the Identify verb. The parameters arrive in the * form (which is a FormBean). The XML response will be set to the value of * the form bean's xml field. * * @throws DatabaseConfigException */ public String doIdentify(OaiRequestBean oaiRequest) throws DatabaseConfigException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Entering doIdentify"); // Build the Identify element which will contain information on the OAI repository. // Most of the information is pulled from the configuration file, but the earliestDatestamp // is read from the database as the lowest value for the OAI_datestamp column in the results table Element root = new Element("Identify"); root.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("repositoryName", MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getProperty(Constants.CONFIG_OAI_REPO_NAME))); root.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("baseURL", oaiRequest.getOaiRepoBaseURL())); root.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("protocolVersion", MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getProperty(Constants.CONFIG_OAI_REPO_PROTOCOL_VERSION))); root.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("adminEmail", MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getProperty(Constants.CONFIG_OAI_REPO_ADMIN_EMAIL))); // Get the earliest record. If it's not null, set the earliestDatestamp to it's datestamp. // Otherwise, there were no records, and we will set it to the beginning of the epoch Record earliest = recordService.getEarliest(oaiRequest.getServiceId()); root.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("earliestDatestamp", (earliest != null ? new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z'").format(earliest.getOaiDatestamp()) : "1970-01-01T12:00:00Z"))); root.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("deletedRecord", MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getProperty(Constants.CONFIG_OAI_REPO_DELETED_RECORD))); root.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("granularity", MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getProperty(Constants.CONFIG_OAI_REPO_GRANULARITY))); String[] compressions = MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getProperty(Constants.CONFIG_OAI_REPO_COMPRESSION) .split(";"); for (String compression : compressions) root.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("compression", compression)); // Create the description's oai-identifier element Namespace mstNS = Namespace.getNamespace("mst", ""); Element oaiIdentifier = new Element("oai-identifier", mstNS); // Add child elements to the oaiIdentifier element with useful information oaiIdentifier.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("scheme", MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getProperty(Constants.CONFIG_OAI_REPO_SCHEME), mstNS)); oaiIdentifier.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("repositoryIdentifier", MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getProperty(Constants.CONFIG_DOMAIN_NAME_IDENTIFIER), mstNS)); oaiIdentifier.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("delimiter", MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getProperty(Constants.CONFIG_OAI_REPO_DELIMITER), mstNS)); oaiIdentifier.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("sampleIdentifier", "oai:" + MSTConfiguration.getInstance().getProperty(Constants.CONFIG_DOMAIN_NAME_IDENTIFIER) + ":" + MSTConfiguration.getInstanceName() + "/" + service.getName().replace(" ", "_") + "/1", mstNS)); // Add a description element with the oai-identifier element we just created root.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("description", null).addContent(oaiIdentifier)); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Setting the doIdentifiy response based on values in the configuration file."); return XMLUtil.format.outputString(root).replaceAll(" xmlns=\"\"", ""); } /** * Create an XML response to the ListMetadataFormat verb. * * @throws DatabaseConfigException */ public String doListMetadataFormats(OaiRequestBean oaiRequest) throws DatabaseConfigException, IndexException { // Create the ListMetadataFormats element for the OAI response Element listMetadataFormats = new Element("ListMetadataFormats"); // If the identifier was not null, it contains the record ID of the specific record whose format // should be returned. In this case the response will contain just the format of that record // (since we won't be able to convert it to different formats.) Otherwise it will contain all formats // supported by the service. if (oaiRequest.getIdentifier() != null && oaiRequest.getIdentifier().length() > 0) { // Get the record Record record = service.getMetadataService().getRepository().getRecord(oaiRequest.getIdentifier()); // If the record didn't exist, the XML should be an error explaining this. if (record == null) { log.warn("The record with OAI identifier " + oaiRequest.getIdentifier() + " could not be found."); return XMLUtil.xmlTag("error", Constants.ERROR_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST, new String[] { "code", "idDoesNotExist" }); } // Get the record's format. Format format = record.getFormat(); // Add the format to the response if it wasn't null. If it was null, the requested record did not exist if (format != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Adding the format " + format.getName() + " as the format for the requested record with identifier " + oaiRequest.getIdentifier() + "."); for (Format f : getAllFormats(format)) { // Add the metadata prefix, schema, and namespace information to the ListMetadataFormats element listMetadataFormats.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("metadataFormat", null) .addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("metadataPrefix", f.getName())) .addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("schema", f.getSchemaLocation())) .addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("metadataNamespace", f.getNamespace()))); } } else // The record didn't exist so the format could not be found. Log the problem and return an error { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("The format for the requested record with identifier " + oaiRequest.getIdentifier() + " did not exist. This suggests the record itself did not exist"); LogWriter.addWarning(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "The OAI ListMetadataFormats request did not contain a metadataFormat."); warningCount++; return ErrorBuilder.idDoesNotExistError(); } } else // The OAI Identifier was not specified, so just return all formats supported by the OAI repository { // Iterate over the formats and add each to the ListMetadataFormats element for (Format format : service.getOutputFormats()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Adding the format " + format.getName() + " to the list of returned formats."); LogWriter.addInfo(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "Adding the format " + format.getName() + " to the list of returned formats."); listMetadataFormats.addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("metadataFormat", null) .addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("metadataPrefix", format.getName())) .addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("schema", format.getSchemaLocation())) .addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("metadataNamespace", format.getNamespace()))); } } // Set the ListMetadataFormat XML as the OAI response on the form return XMLUtil.format.outputString(listMetadataFormats); } /** * Create response to the ListSets verb. List the sets in XML format. * The parameters arrive in the form parameter (which is a FormBean). The XML * response will be the value of the form xml field. * * @throws DatabaseConfigException */ public String doListSets(OaiRequestBean oaiRequest) throws DatabaseConfigException { // The ListSets element for the OAI response Element listSets = new Element("ListSets"); // If service sets are requested, then list only the sets for that service if (service != null) { if (service.getOutputSets() == null || service.getOutputSets().size() <= 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("There are no sets in the repository."); LogWriter.addInfo(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "There are no sets in the OAI Repository, so sending a noSetHierarchy error in the ListSets response."); return ErrorBuilder.noSetHierarchyError(); } for (Set set : service.getOutputSets()) { try { listSets.addContent( XMLUtil.xmlEl("set", null).addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("setSpec", set.getSetSpec())) .addContent(XMLUtil.xmlEl("setName", set.getDisplayName()))); } catch (Exception e) { LogWriter.addWarning(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "The OAI ListIdentifiers request failed returning set spec or display name."); warningCount++; } } } // Set the result to the form return XMLUtil.format.outputString(listSets); } /** * Create the response to the ListIdentifiers verb. * * @throws DatabaseConfigException */ public String doListIdentifiers(OaiRequestBean oaiRequest) throws DatabaseConfigException, IndexException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Entering doListIdentifiers"); // Return an error if the metadataPrefix was null or empty if (oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix() == null || oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix().trim().length() == 0) { log.warn("The OAI request did not contain an metadataPrefix element."); LogWriter.addWarning(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "The OAI ListIdentifiers request did not contain a metadataFormat."); warningCount++; return ErrorBuilder.badArgumentError("Missing metadataPrefix parameter"); } // Get the XML for the identifiers // The last parameter is true to query for just the identifiers and not the full records return handleRecordLists(oaiRequest.getFrom(), oaiRequest.getUntil(), getPersistedMetadataPrefix(oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix()), oaiRequest.getSet(), oaiRequest.getResumptionToken(), false); } public String getPersistedMetadataPrefix(String mp) { MetadataService ms = service.getMetadataService(); String origFormat = ms.getConfig().getProperty("output.format." + mp + ".orig-format"); if (origFormat != null) { return origFormat; } else { return mp; } } public List<Format> getAllFormats(Format f) { List<Format> allFormats = new ArrayList<Format>(); try { allFormats.add(f); MetadataService ms = service.getMetadataService(); for (String fPref : ms.getConfig().getPropertyAsList("")) { if (!fPref.equals(f.getName())) { String origFormat = ms.getConfig().getProperty("output.format." + fPref + ".orig-format"); if (f.getName().equals(origFormat)) { allFormats.add(getFormatDAO().getByName(fPref)); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("", t); } return allFormats; } /** * Create the response to the ListRecords verb. * * @throws DatabaseConfigException */ public String doListRecords(OaiRequestBean oaiRequest) throws DatabaseConfigException, IndexException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Entering doListRecords"); // Return an error if the metadataPrefix was null or empty if ((oaiRequest.getResumptionToken() == null || oaiRequest.getResumptionToken().trim().length() == 0) && (oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix() == null || oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix().trim().length() == 0)) { log.warn("The OAI request did not contain an metadataPrefix element."); LogWriter.addWarning(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "The OAI ListRecords request did not contain a metadataFormat."); warningCount++; return ErrorBuilder.badArgumentError("Missing metadataPrefix parameter"); } // Get the XML for the full records // The last parameter is true to query for the full records and not just the identifiers return handleRecordLists(oaiRequest.getFrom(), oaiRequest.getUntil(), getPersistedMetadataPrefix(oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix()), oaiRequest.getSet(), oaiRequest.getResumptionToken(), true); } /** * Create response to the GetRecord verb * * @throws DatabaseConfigException */ public String doGetRecord(OaiRequestBean oaiRequest) throws DatabaseConfigException, IndexException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Entering doGetRecord"); // Return an error if the identifier was null or empty if (oaiRequest.getIdentifier() == null || oaiRequest.getIdentifier().trim().length() == 0) { log.warn("The OAI request did not contain an identifier element."); LogWriter.addWarning(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "The OAI GetRecord request did not contain an identifier."); warningCount++; return ErrorBuilder.badArgumentError("Missing identifier parameter"); } // Return an error if the metadataPrefix was null or empty if (oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix() == null || oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix().trim().length() == 0) { log.warn("The OAI request did not contain an metadataPrefix element."); LogWriter.addWarning(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "The OAI GetRecord request did not contain a metadataFormat."); warningCount++; return ErrorBuilder.badArgumentError("Missing metadataPrefix parameter"); } // Get the record Record record = service.getMetadataService().getRepository().getRecord(oaiRequest.getIdentifier()); // If the record didn't exist, the XML should be an error explaining this. if (record == null) { log.warn("The record with OAI identifier " + oaiRequest.getIdentifier() + " could not be found."); LogWriter.addWarning(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "The record with the OAI Identifier " + oaiRequest.getIdentifier() + " could not be found."); warningCount++; return XMLUtil.xmlTag("error", Constants.ERROR_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST, new String[] { "code", "idDoesNotExist" }); } else { // If the format didn't exist or didn't match the metadataPrefix, // the XML should be an error explaining this. // Otherwise it should be the XML for the OAI record boolean bogusMetadataFormat = true; if (record.getFormat() != null) { for (Format f : getAllFormats(record.getFormat())) { if (f.getName().equals(oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix())) { bogusMetadataFormat = false; break; } } } if (bogusMetadataFormat) { log.warn("The record with OAI identifier " + oaiRequest.getIdentifier() + " did not match the metadataPrefix " + oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix() + "."); LogWriter.addWarning(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "The record with the OAI Identifier " + oaiRequest.getIdentifier() + " did not match the metadata format " + oaiRequest.getMetadataPrefix() + "."); warningCount++; return XMLUtil.xmlTag("error", Constants.ERROR_CANNOT_DISSEMINATE_FORMAT, new String[] { "code", "cannotDisseminateFormat" }); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Setting the record with OAI identifier " + oaiRequest.getIdentifier() + " on the XML parameter of the form."); LogWriter.addInfo(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "Found the record with the OAI Identifier " + oaiRequest.getIdentifier() + "."); try { record.setMode(Record.JDOM_MODE); Element recordContentEl = record.getOaiXmlEl(); if (transformer != null) { recordContentEl = transformRecord(recordContentEl); } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append("<record>").append(getHeader(record)).append("<metadata>") .append(xmlHelper.getStringRaw(recordContentEl)).append("</metadata>") .append("</record>"); return XMLUtil.xmlTag("GetRecord", stringBuilder.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Unable to retrieve and process record: " + ex); return XMLUtil.xmlTag("error", Constants.ERROR_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST, new String[] { "code", "idDoesNotExist" }); } } } } /** * Returns the OAI XML for a list of records or identifiers. * * @param from * The earliest date for returned records or identifiers. If null or empty the earliest date out of all records will be used * @param until * The latest date for returned records or identifiers. If null or empty the current date will be used * @param metadataPrefix * The type of metadata which should be returned * @param set * The set which is being queried * @param resumptionTokenId * The resumption token's ID * @param getRecords * true if we should return the full records, false if we should only return the headers * @return The XML containing a list of headers or record and header combinations as well as a resumption token. * These should be included in the response's ListRecords or ListIdentifiers element. * @throws DatabaseConfigException */ private String handleRecordLists(String from, String until, String metadataPrefix, String set, String resumptionToken, boolean getRecords) throws DatabaseConfigException, IndexException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Entering handleRecordLists"); if (from != null && until != null && from.length() != until.length()) { return ErrorBuilder.badArgumentError("From and until have different levels of granularity."); } // The from and until dates. They will be null if the passed Strings could not be parsed Date fromDate = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(from)) { try { fromDate = new Date(UTC_PARSER.parseDateTime(from).getMillis()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { return ErrorBuilder.badArgumentError("from: " + from); } } else { fromDate = new Date(0); } Date untilDate = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(until)) { try { untilDate = new Date(UTC_PARSER.parseDateTime(until).getMillis()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { return ErrorBuilder.badArgumentError("until: " + until); } } else { untilDate = new Date(); } // Starting record id long startingId = 0; // The Format and Set Objects associated with the OAI request Format format; Set setObject = null; // If there was a resumption token, get it from the database // ResumptionToken resToken = null; if (resumptionToken != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("The request had a resumption token " + resumptionToken); // resToken = new ResumptionToken(); String[] rtSplit = resumptionToken.split("\\|"); // Set the values from the resumption token rather than keeping the ones parsed from the request fromDate = new Date(UTC_PARSER.parseDateTime(rtSplit[0]).getMillis()); untilDate = new Date(UTC_PARSER.parseDateTime(rtSplit[1]).getMillis()); set = rtSplit[2]; metadataPrefix = rtSplit[3]; startingId = Long.parseLong(rtSplit[4]); } // Get the Set Object for the requested set if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(set)) { setObject = getSetDAO().getBySetSpec(set); // If the set they asked for didn't exist, return an error if (setObject == null) { log.warn("The requested set could not be found. set was " + set + "."); LogWriter.addWarning(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "The requested set \"" + set + "\" could not be found."); warningCount++; return XMLUtil.xmlTag("error", Constants.ERROR_BAD_SET, new String[] { "code", "badArgument" }); } } format = getFormatDAO().getByName(metadataPrefix); // Return an error if the format was null if (format == null) { log.warn( "The requested metadataPrefix could not be found. metadataPrefix was " + metadataPrefix + "."); LogWriter.addWarning(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "The requested metadataPrefix \"" + metadataPrefix + "\" could not be found."); warningCount++; return XMLUtil.xmlTag("error", Constants.ERROR_NO_RECORDS_MATCH, new String[] { "code", "noRecordsMatch" }); } List<Record> records = new ArrayList<Record>(); // Total number of records satisfying the criteria. This is not the number of records loaded. // long totalRecords = service.getMetadataService().getRepository().getRecordCount(fromDate, untilDate, format, setObject); // BDA TODO: first do a count long totalCount = service.getMetadataService().getRepository().getRecordCount(fromDate, untilDate, format, setObject); // long totalCount = -1; log.debug("totalCount: " + totalCount); if (totalCount != 0) { records = service.getMetadataService().getRepository().getRecords(fromDate, untilDate, startingId, format, setObject); } // The XML for the OAI result StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(); // If there were no records returned, set an error signifying that no records matched. // Otherwise, append data for each returned record to the result and insert a resumption token // to the database if needed if (records == null || records.size() == 0) { LogWriter.addInfo(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "There were no records which matched the parameters provided in the " + (getRecords ? " ListRecords " : " ListIdentifiers") + " request."); return xml.append(XMLUtil.xmlTag("error", Constants.ERROR_NO_RECORDS_MATCH, new String[] { "code", "noRecordsMatch" })).toString(); } else { // True if there are more results remaining than we can return at once boolean hasMore = records.size() == MSTConfiguration.getInstance() .getPropertyAsInt(Constants.CONFIG_OAI_REPO_MAX_RECORDS, 5000); /* if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Returning results " + offset + " - " + offset + recordLimit + " " + (set == null ? "" : "of set " + set + " ") + " and format " + format.getId() + (from == null ? "" : "from " + from + " ") + (until == null ? "" : "until " + until) + "."); */ // The number of records returned int returnedRecordsCount = 0; // Add whitespace to make the result more readable xml.append("\n"); // Append XML for each record to the result for (Record record : records) { // If we're to get the records, append the record's OAI XML. // Otherwise, we're just supposed to get the identifiers, so // append the record's OAI header if (getRecords) { // For deleted record, just append the header if (Record.DELETED == record.getStatus()) { String header = getHeader(record); header = header.replaceAll("<header>", "<header status=\"deleted\">"); xml.append("<record>\n").append(header).append("\n</record>\n"); } else if (Record.ACTIVE == record.getStatus()) { xml.append("<record>\n"); xml.append(getHeader(record)); if (getRecords && !record.getDeleted()) { if (record.getOaiXml() == null) { log.error("record has no content!!!!"); log.error("record.getStatus(): " + record.getStatus()); log.error("record.getId(): " + record.getId()); } else { xml.append("\n<metadata>\n") .append(record.getOaiXml().replaceAll("<\\?xml.*\\?>", "")) .append("\n</metadata>\n"); } } xml.append("\n</record>\n"); } } else { xml.append(getHeader(record).replaceAll("<\\?xml.*\\?>", "")).append("\n"); } startingId = record.getId(); // Increment the counter for the number of records returned returnedRecordsCount++; /* BDA - Is this feature really worthwhile? // If the length of the results exceeds the maximum allowed length, // break from the loop if(xml.length() >= maxLength) { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Breaking from the loop because after adding " + returnedRecordsCount + " records, the length of the results is " + xml.length() + " which exceeds the maximum allowed length of " + maxLength); hasMore = true; break; } */ } if (hasMore) { ResumptionToken newResToken = new ResumptionToken(); // Set the fields on the resumption token newResToken.setFrom(fromDate); newResToken.setUntil(untilDate); newResToken.setSetSpec(set); newResToken.setMetadataFormat(metadataPrefix); newResToken.setStartingId(startingId); if (totalCount < -1) { xml.append("<!-- completeListSize is an estimate -->"); totalCount = -1 * totalCount; } if (totalCount > 0) { xml.append(XMLUtil.xmlTag("resumptionToken", "" + newResToken.getToken(), new String[] { "completeListSize", "" + totalCount })); } else { xml.append(XMLUtil.xmlTag("resumptionToken", "" + newResToken.getToken())); // ,new String[] { "cursor", "" + offset, "completeListSize", ""+totalRecords } )); } // LogWriter.addInfo(service.getHarvestOutLogFileName(), "Returning " + totalRecords + " records and the resumptionToken " + newResToken.getId() + " in response to the " + (getRecords ? " ListRecords " : " ListIdentifiers") + " request."); } } return XMLUtil.xmlTag((getRecords ? "ListRecords" : "ListIdentifiers"), xml.toString()); } /* * Given a String containing a date in the yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ format, returns * a Date Object parsed from that String. If the String could not be parsed, returns * null * * @param dateString A String with a date in the yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ format * @return A Date Object which was parsed from dateString, or null if it could not be parsed */ private Date parseDate(String dateString) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Parsing a date from the String " + dateString); // If the passed string was null, return null if (dateString == null || dateString.length() <= 0) return null; // Try to parse a date from the String. If the parse fails, return null try { dateString = dateString.replace('T', ' '); dateString = dateString.replaceFirst("Z", ""); dateString = dateString.replaceFirst("z", ""); // Parse assuming granularity is to the nearest second return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse(dateString); } catch (ParseException e) { try { // Granularity wasn't to the nearest second, try to the nearest day instead return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(dateString); } catch (ParseException e1) { log.warn("Could not parse a date from the String " + dateString, e1); return null; } } } /* * Builds the OAI header */ private String getHeader(Record record) { StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder(); header.append("<header>\n"); // Inject service to get OAI identifier record.setService(service); header.append("\t<identifier>").append(record.getOaiIdentifier()).append("</identifier>\n"); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); sdf.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME, "UTC")); header.append("\t<datestamp>").append(sdf.format(record.getUpdatedAt())).append("</datestamp>\n"); // Get each set from the list of set IDs this record belongs to. If the set is // not null, add its setSpec to the header. SortedSet<String> setSpecs = new TreeSet<String>(); for (Set s : record.getSets()) if (s != null) setSpecs.add(s.getSetSpec()); for (String setSpec : setSpecs) { header.append("\t<setSpec>").append(setSpec).append("</setSpec>\n"); } header.append("</header>"); return header.toString(); } public Element transformRecord(Element orig) { try { String metadataContentStr = xmlHelper.getString(orig); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new StringReader(metadataContentStr)), new StreamResult(sw)); metadataContentStr = sw.getBuffer().toString(); return (Element) xmlHelper.getJDomDocument(metadataContentStr).getRootElement().detach(); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("", t); return orig; } } }