Java tutorial
/* * @(#)$Id: 3619 2008-03-26 07:23:03Z yui $ * * Copyright 2006-2008 Makoto YUI * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Contributors: * Makoto YUI - initial implementation */ package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import xbird.config.Settings; import; import xbird.util.cache.ILongCache; import xbird.util.codec.IntCodec; import xbird.util.concurrent.jsr166.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap; import xbird.util.concurrent.jsr166.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.ReferenceType; import xbird.util.datetime.StopWatch; import; import; import xbird.util.lang.ClassResolver; import xbird.util.lang.ObjectUtils; import xbird.util.xml.XMLUtils; import xbird.xquery.DynamicError; import xbird.xquery.XQRTException; import xbird.xquery.XQueryConstants; import xbird.xquery.XQueryException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import xbird.xquery.expr.path.NodeTest; import xbird.xquery.meta.DynamicContext; import xbird.xquery.misc.QNameTable; import xbird.xquery.misc.QNameTable.QualifiedName; /** * * <DIV lang="en"></DIV> * <DIV lang="ja"></DIV> * * @author Makoto YUI ( */ public final class DocumentTableModel extends DataModel implements Externalizable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6670281140109393291L; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DocumentTableModel.class); private static final String profileAccessPattern = System.getProperty("xbird.profile_dtm"); private static final boolean resolveEntity = Boolean.parseBoolean(Settings.get("xbird.xml.resolve_entity")); private static final String HTML_PARSER_CLASS = Settings.get("xbird.xml.html_saxparser", "xbird.util.xml.HTMLSAXParser"); private static final String TMP_DATA_DIR = Settings.get("xbird.database.tmpdir"); private static final boolean hasSunXerces; static { hasSunXerces = ClassResolver.isPresent(""); } private transient final DocumentTableBuilder _handler; private transient final XMLReader _reader; private transient boolean _mmapedStore; private/* final */IDocumentTable _store; private int _docid = -1; private static ConcurrentMap<String, MemoryMappedDocumentTable> _remoteDoctblCache = null; /** * Only for {@link Externalizable}. */ public DocumentTableModel() { this._handler = null; this._reader = null; } public DocumentTableModel(boolean parseAsHtml) { this(parseAsHtml, resolveEntity); } public DocumentTableModel(boolean parseAsHtml, boolean resolveEntity) { this(profileAccessPattern != null ? getProfiledDocumentTable() : new DocumentTable(), false, parseAsHtml, resolveEntity); } public DocumentTableModel(IDocumentTable store) { this(store, false, false, resolveEntity); } public DocumentTableModel(IDocumentTable store, boolean loaded) { this(store, loaded, false, resolveEntity); } private DocumentTableModel(IDocumentTable store, boolean loaded, boolean parseAsHtml, boolean resolveEntity) { super(); this._mmapedStore = (store instanceof MemoryMappedDocumentTable); this._store = store; if (loaded) { this._handler = null; this._reader = null; this._docid = nextDocumentId(); } else { this._handler = new DocumentTableBuilder(store); this._reader = getXMLReader(_handler, parseAsHtml, resolveEntity); } } public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { this._docid = in.readInt(); final IDocumentTable doctbl = (IDocumentTable) in.readObject(); if (doctbl instanceof MemoryMappedDocumentTable) { this._mmapedStore = true; MemoryMappedDocumentTable mmDoctbl = (MemoryMappedDocumentTable) doctbl; String docId = mmDoctbl.getDocumentIdentifer(); if (docId != null) { setPool(mmDoctbl, docId); } } this._store = doctbl; } private static synchronized void setPool(MemoryMappedDocumentTable mmDoctbl, String docId) throws IOException { ConcurrentMap<String, MemoryMappedDocumentTable> cache = _remoteDoctblCache; if (cache == null) { cache = new ConcurrentReferenceHashMap<String, MemoryMappedDocumentTable>(16, ReferenceType.STRONG, ReferenceType.SOFT); _remoteDoctblCache = cache; } MemoryMappedDocumentTable prevDoctbl = cache.putIfAbsent(docId, mmDoctbl); if (prevDoctbl != null) { ILongCache<int[]> prevCache = prevDoctbl.getBufferPool(); if (prevCache != null) { mmDoctbl.setBufferPool(prevCache); } } else { File tmpDir = (TMP_DATA_DIR == null) ? null : new File(TMP_DATA_DIR); String docname = FileUtils.basename(docId); File tmpFile = File.createTempFile(docname, ".tmp", tmpDir); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); ILongCache<int[]> pool = new DiskPagedLongCache<int[]>(tmpFile, MemoryMappedDocumentTable.CACHED_PAGES, new IntCodec()); mmDoctbl.setBufferPool(pool); } } public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(_docid); out.writeObject(_store); } @Deprecated public static DocumentTableModel read(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { DocumentTableModel model = new DocumentTableModel(); model.readExternal(in); return model; } @Override public boolean isMemoryMappedStore() { return _mmapedStore; } private static DocumentTable getProfiledDocumentTable() { return new ProfiledDocumentTable(new File(profileAccessPattern)); } public <T extends DTMNodeBase> T createNode(long id) { final byte kind = _store.getNodeKindAt(id); return this.<T>createNode(kind, id); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends DTMNodeBase> T createNode(byte kind, long id) { switch (kind) { case NodeKind.DOCUMENT: return (T) new DTMDocument(this, id); case NodeKind.ELEMENT: return (T) new DTMElement(this, id); case NodeKind.ATTRIBUTE: return (T) new DTMAttribute(this, id); case NodeKind.NAMESPACE: return (T) new DTMNamespace(this, id); case NodeKind.COMMENT: return (T) new DTMComment(this, id); case NodeKind.TEXT: return (T) new DTMText(this, id); case NodeKind.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: return (T) new DTMProcessingInstruction(this, id); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid node kind: " + kind + " for node#" + id); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends DTMNodeBase> T getPrototype(DocumentTableModel model, byte kind, long nid) { switch (kind) { case NodeKind.ELEMENT: return (T) new DTMElement(model, nid); case NodeKind.TEXT: return (T) new DTMText(model, nid); case NodeKind.ATTRIBUTE: return (T) new DTMAttribute(model, nid); case NodeKind.DOCUMENT: return (T) new DTMDocument(model, nid); case NodeKind.NAMESPACE: return (T) new DTMNamespace(model, nid); case NodeKind.COMMENT: return (T) new DTMComment(model, nid); case NodeKind.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: return (T) new DTMProcessingInstruction(model, nid); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid node kind " + kind + " for nid #" + nid); } } public DTMDocument documentNode() { return new DTMDocument(this, 0); } /** * Traverses tree in depth first order and reports events. */ public void export(final XQNode curNode, final XQEventReceiver receiver) throws XQueryException { this.export(curNode.getPosition(), receiver); } public void export(final long nodeid, final XQEventReceiver receiver) throws XQueryException { final PagingProfile profile = _store.getPagingProfile(); Strategy origStrategy = null; if (profile != null) { origStrategy = profile.getStrategy(); profile.setStrategy(Strategy.serialization); } final IDocumentTable doctbl = _store; doctbl.ensureOpen(); switch (doctbl.getNodeKindAt(nodeid)) { case NodeKind.DOCUMENT: receiver.evStartDocument(); final long firstChild = doctbl.firstChild(nodeid); if (firstChild != -1L) { export(firstChild, receiver); long nextSib = doctbl.nextSibling(firstChild); while (nextSib != 0L) { export(nextSib, receiver); nextSib = doctbl.nextSibling(firstChild); } } receiver.evEndDocument(); break; case NodeKind.ELEMENT: final QualifiedName qname = doctbl.getName(nodeid); receiver.evStartElement(nodeid, qname); // namespace decl final int nsdeclCnt = doctbl.getNamespaceCountAt(nodeid); for (int i = 0; i < nsdeclCnt; i++) { final long nsid = doctbl.getNamespaceDecl(nodeid, i); final QualifiedName nsName = doctbl.getAttributeName(nsid); final String uri = doctbl.getText(nsid); receiver.evNamespace(nsid, nsName, uri); } // attribute final int attrCnt = doctbl.getAttributeCountAt(nodeid); for (int i = 0; i < attrCnt; i++) { final long attid = doctbl.getAttribute(nodeid, i); final QualifiedName attName = doctbl.getAttributeName(attid); final String attValue = doctbl.getText(attid); receiver.evAttribute(attid, attName, attValue); } final long elemFirstChild = doctbl.firstChild(nodeid); if (elemFirstChild != -1L) { export(elemFirstChild, receiver); long nextSib = doctbl.nextSibling(elemFirstChild); while (nextSib != 0L) { export(nextSib, receiver); nextSib = doctbl.nextSibling(nextSib); } } receiver.evEndElement(nodeid, qname); break; case NodeKind.ATTRIBUTE: receiver.evAttribute(nodeid, doctbl.getAttributeName(nodeid), doctbl.getText(nodeid)); break; case NodeKind.NAMESPACE: receiver.evNamespace(nodeid, doctbl.getAttributeName(nodeid), doctbl.getText(nodeid)); break; case NodeKind.TEXT: receiver.evText(nodeid, doctbl.getText(nodeid)); break; case NodeKind.COMMENT: receiver.evComment(nodeid, doctbl.getText(nodeid)); break; case NodeKind.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: final QualifiedName pi = doctbl.getName(nodeid); receiver.evProcessingInstruction(nodeid, pi.getLocalPart(), pi.getNamespaceURI()); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid node kind '" + NodeKind.resolveName(doctbl.getNodeKindAt(nodeid)) + "' for node#" + nodeid); } if (profile != null) { profile.setStrategy(origStrategy); } } public void loadDocument(InputStream is) throws XQueryException { if (!(is instanceof FastBufferedInputStream)) { is = new FastBufferedInputStream(is); } _handler.init(); final StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(); try { _reader.parse(new InputSource(is)); } catch (IOException ie) { throw new DynamicError("Invalid source", ie); } catch (SAXException se) { throw new DynamicError("Parse failed", se); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Elasped time of building a DTM: " + sw.elapsed() + " msec"); } this._docid = nextDocumentId(); if (_store instanceof IProfiledDocumentTable) { ((IProfiledDocumentTable) _store).setProfiling(true); } } public void loadDocument(final InputStream is, final DynamicContext dynEnv) throws XQueryException { this.loadDocument(is); } private static final XMLReader getXMLReader(final DocumentTableBuilder handler, final boolean parseAsHtml, final boolean resolveEntity) { final XMLReader myReader; try { if (parseAsHtml) { Class clazz = ClassResolver.get(HTML_PARSER_CLASS); assert (clazz != null); myReader = ObjectUtils.<XMLReader>instantiate(clazz); } else { final SAXParserFactory factory; if (hasSunXerces) { factory = ObjectUtils .instantiate("", null); } else { factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); } factory.setNamespaceAware(true); SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); myReader = parser.getXMLReader(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new XQRTException("Creating SAX XMLReader failed", e); } // setup handlers (requires saxHandler) myReader.setContentHandler(handler); try { myReader.setProperty("", handler); myReader.setFeature("", true); // Validate the document and report validity errors. if (!parseAsHtml) { myReader.setFeature("", true); // The parser will validate the document only if a grammar is specified. myReader.setFeature("", true); // Turn on XML Schema validation by inserting an XML Schema validator into the pipeline. } } catch (Exception e) { throw new XQRTException("Configuaring SAX XMLReader failed.", e); } // setup entity resolver if (resolveEntity) { org.apache.xml.resolver.CatalogManager catalog = org.apache.xml.resolver.CatalogManager .getStaticManager(); catalog.setIgnoreMissingProperties(true); catalog.setPreferPublic(true); catalog.setUseStaticCatalog(false); EntityResolver resolver = new; myReader.setEntityResolver(resolver); } return myReader; } public IDocumentTable getDocumentTable() { return _store; } public static abstract class DTMNodeBase extends XQNode implements Externalizable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected DocumentTableModel _model; protected IDocumentTable _store; private transient Sequence<Item> _toReplace; public DTMNodeBase(DocumentTableModel model, long id) { super(id); this._model = model; this._store = model._store; } public DTMNodeBase() {//for serialization super(-1L); this._model = null; this._store = null; } public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { final XQEventEncoder encoder = new XQEventEncoder(out); try { encoder.emit(this); } catch (XQueryException xqe) { throw new XQRTException(xqe); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.fatal(e); throw new IllegalStateException("failed encoding", e); } } public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { assert (_toReplace == null); final XQEventDecoder decoder = new XQEventDecoder(in); final Sequence<Item> decoded; try { decoded = decoder.decode(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new XQRTException("decode failed", ioe); } catch (XQueryException xqe) { throw new XQRTException(xqe); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new IllegalStateException("decode failed", e); } this._toReplace = decoded; } public void writeTo(final ObjectOutput out, final SerializationContext context) throws IOException { out.writeObject(_model); out.writeByte(nodeKind()); long curr = getPosition(); out.writeLong(curr); long nextsib = _store.nextSibling(_id); long last = (nextsib == 0L) ? curr : nextsib; out.writeLong(last); long[] textBlocks = ((MemoryMappedDocumentTable) _store).referredTextBlocks(curr, last, context); out.writeInt(textBlocks.length); for (long tb : textBlocks) { out.writeLong(tb); } } public static DTMNodeBase readFrom(final ObjectInput in, SerializationContext serContext) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { DocumentTableModel model = (DocumentTableModel) in.readObject(); byte nodeKind = in.readByte(); long curr = in.readLong(); DTMNodeBase node = getPrototype(model, nodeKind, curr); long last = in.readLong(); final int tbSize = in.readInt(); final long[] textBlocks = new long[tbSize]; for (int i = 0; i < tbSize; i++) { textBlocks[i] = in.readLong(); } MemoryMappedDocumentTable mmtable = (MemoryMappedDocumentTable) node._store; mmtable.markReferredBlocks(curr, last, textBlocks, serContext); return node; } public static void redirect(ObjectInput in, ObjectOutput out) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { DocumentTableModel model = (DocumentTableModel) in.readObject(); out.writeObject(model); byte nodeKind = in.readByte(); out.writeByte(nodeKind); long curr = in.readLong(); out.writeLong(curr); long last = in.readLong(); out.writeLong(last); final int tbsize = in.readInt(); out.writeInt(tbsize); final byte[] b = new byte[80]; int i = 0; final int limit = tbsize - 9; for (; i < limit; i += 10) { in.readFully(b, 0, 80); out.write(b, 0, 80); } for (; i < tbsize; i++) { in.readFully(b, 0, 8); out.write(b, 0, 8); } } protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { Sequence replaced = _toReplace; this._toReplace = null; return replaced; } public void setInternalTable(DocumentTableModel model) { this._model = model; this._store = model._store; } public IDocumentTable documentTable() { return _store; } public DocumentTableModel getDataModel() { return _model; } public String baseUri() { return null; } public DTMNodeBase firstChild() { return null; } public String getContent() { return null; } public int getDocumentId() { final DocumentTableModel model = getDataModel(); return model._docid; } public DTMDocument getDocumentNode() { final DocumentTableModel model = getDataModel(); return model.createNode(NodeKind.DOCUMENT, 0); } public String getNamespaceURI() { return null; } public DTMNodeBase lastChild() { return null; } @Override public final XQNode following(final boolean firstcall) { final PagingProfile profile = _store.getPagingProfile(); final XQNode node; if (profile != null) { Strategy origStrategy = profile.getStrategy(); if (origStrategy != Strategy.nextsib) { assert (origStrategy != null); profile.setStrategy(Strategy.nextsib); node = super.following(firstcall); profile.setStrategy(origStrategy); } else { node = super.following(firstcall); } } else { node = super.following(firstcall); } return node; } @Override public byte nodeKind() { return 0; } public DTMNodeBase nextSibling() { final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); final long nextsib = store.nextSibling(_id); if (nextsib == 0L) { return null; } final DocumentTableModel model = getDataModel(); return model.createNode(store.getNodeKindAt(nextsib), nextsib); } public final DTMNodeBase nextSibling(NodeTest filter) { if (_id == 0L) { return null; } final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); final DocumentTableModel model = getDataModel(); for (long nid = store.nextSibling(_id); nid != 0L; nid = store.nextSibling(nid)) { byte nodekind = store.getNodeKindAt(nid); DTMNodeBase probe = getPrototype(model, nodekind, nid); if (filter.accepts(probe)) { return model.createNode(probe.nodeKind(), probe.getPosition()); } } return null; } public QualifiedName nodeName() { return null; } public int getNameCode() { return -1; } public DTMElement parent() { final DocumentTableModel model = getDataModel(); if (_id == BLOCKS_PER_NODE) { return model.createNode(NodeKind.DOCUMENT, 0); } final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); final long pid = store.parent(_id); if (pid == 0L) { return null; } return model.createNode(store.getNodeKindAt(pid), pid); } public DTMNodeBase previousSibling() { final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); final long prevSib = store.previousSibling(_id); if (prevSib == -1L) { return null; } final DocumentTableModel model = getDataModel(); return model.createNode(store.getNodeKindAt(prevSib), prevSib); } public String stringValue() { final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); return store.stringValue(_id); } @Override public DTMNodeBase clone() { if (_cloned++ == 0) { return this; } return (DTMNodeBase) super.cloneWithoutIncr(); } } public static class DTMElement extends DTMNodeBase { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7884779293497299039L; public DTMElement() {//for serialization super(); } protected DTMElement(DocumentTableModel model, long id) { super(model, id); } public DTMAttribute attribute(int i) { final long attid = getAttribute(i); if (attid == -1) { return null; } final DocumentTableModel model = getDataModel(); return new DTMAttribute(model, attid); } @Override public String baseUri() { DTMAttribute base = getAttribute(XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI, "base"); if (base != null) { String uri = base.getContent(); return uri; } else { XQNode p = parent(); while (p != null) { String uri = p.baseUri(); if (uri != null) { return uri; } p = p.parent(); } return null; } } @Override public DTMNodeBase firstChild() { final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); final long cid = store.firstChild(_id); if (cid == -1) { return null; } final DocumentTableModel model = getDataModel(); return model.createNode(store.getNodeKindAt(cid), cid); } public long getAttribute(int i) { assert (i >= 0); final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); return store.getAttribute(_id, i); } public DTMAttribute getAttribute(String nsuri, String attname) { assert (attname != null); final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); int attcnt = store.getAttributeCountAt(_id); for (int i = 0; i < attcnt; i++) { long attid = store.getAttribute(_id, i); assert (attid != -1); assert (store.getNodeKindAt(attid) != NodeKind.ATTRIBUTE); QualifiedName qname = store.getAttributeName(attid); String attUri = qname.getNamespaceURI(); String attName = qname.getLocalPart(); if (nsuri == null || nsuri.equals(attUri)) { if (attname.equals(attName)) { final DocumentTableModel model = getDataModel(); return new DTMAttribute(model, attid); } } } return null; } public int getAttributesCount() { final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); return store.getAttributeCountAt(_id); } public long getNamespaceDecl(int i) { assert (i >= 0); final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); return store.getNamespaceDecl(_id, i); } public DTMNamespace getNamespace(int i) { final long nsid = getNamespaceDecl(i); if (nsid == -1) { return null; } final DocumentTableModel model = getDataModel(); return new DTMNamespace(model, nsid); } public int getNamespaceDeclCount() { final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); return store.getNamespaceCountAt(_id); } @Override public String getNamespaceURI() { return nodeName().getNamespaceURI(); } @Override public DTMNodeBase lastChild() { final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); final long cid = store.lastChild(_id); if (cid == -1) { return null; } final DocumentTableModel model = getDataModel(); return model.createNode(store.getNodeKindAt(cid), cid); } public boolean nilled() { final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); long attid; for (int i = 0; (attid = getAttribute(i)) != -1; i++) { assert (attid != -1); byte attkind = store.getNodeKindAt(attid); if (attkind == NodeKind.ATTRIBUTE) { QualifiedName qname = store.getAttributeName(attid); String nsuri = qname.getNamespaceURI(); String attname = qname.getLocalPart(); if (XQueryConstants.XSI_URI.equals(nsuri) && "nil".equals(attname)) { String attval = store.getText(attid); if (attval == null) { return false; } return BooleanValue.toBoolean(attval); } } } return false; } @Override public byte nodeKind() { return NodeKind.ELEMENT; } @Override public int getNameCode() { final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); return store.getNameCode(_id); } @Override public QualifiedName nodeName() { final IDocumentTable store = documentTable(); return store.getName(_id); } } public static class DTMDocument extends DTMElement implements Closeable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -457402431467614608L; private String documentUri = null; public DTMDocument() {//for serialization super(); } protected DTMDocument(DocumentTableModel model, long id) { super(model, id); } public DTMAttribute attribute(DTMElement elem, int i) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public DTMAttribute attribute(int i) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public String documentUri() { return documentUri; } @Override public long getAttribute(int i) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public DTMAttribute getAttribute(String nsuri, String attname) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int getDocumentId() { return getDataModel()._docid; } @Override public DTMDocument getDocumentNode() { return this; } @Override public String getNamespaceURI() { return null; } @Override public DTMElement getRoot() { return this; } @Override public DTMNodeBase nextSibling() { return null; } @Override public boolean nilled() { return false; } @Override public byte nodeKind() { return NodeKind.DOCUMENT; } @Override public QualifiedName nodeName() { return null; } @Override public DTMElement parent() { return null; } @Override public DTMNodeBase previousSibling() { return null; } public void setDocumentUri(String docUri) { this.documentUri = docUri; } public void close() throws IOException { _store.close(); } } /** * Note: may be used within namespace node. */ public static class DTMAttribute extends DTMNodeBase { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7263434327980382798L; public DTMAttribute() {//for serialization super(); } protected DTMAttribute(DocumentTableModel model, long id) { super(model, id); } @Override public String getContent() { return _store.getText(_id); } @Override public String getNamespaceURI() { return nodeName().getNamespaceURI(); } @Override public DTMNodeBase nextSibling() { return null; } @Override public byte nodeKind() { return NodeKind.ATTRIBUTE; } @Override public QualifiedName nodeName() { return _store.getAttributeName(_id); } @Override public int getNameCode() { return _store.getAttributeNameCode(_id); } @Override public DTMElement parent() { final long eid = _store.parent(_id); return _model.createNode(NodeKind.ELEMENT, eid); } @Override public DTMNodeBase previousSibling() { return null; } } public static final class DTMNamespace extends DTMAttribute { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5955223395627163938L; public DTMNamespace() {//for serialization super(); } protected DTMNamespace(DocumentTableModel model, long id) { super(model, id); } @Override public byte nodeKind() { return NodeKind.NAMESPACE; } } public static final class DTMProcessingInstruction extends DTMNodeBase { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4129132047857524061L; public DTMProcessingInstruction() {//for serialization super(); } protected DTMProcessingInstruction(DocumentTableModel model, long id) { super(model, id); } @Override public String getContent() { return _store.getName(_id).getNamespaceURI(); } public String getTarget() { return _store.getName(_id).getLocalPart(); } @Override public byte nodeKind() { return NodeKind.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION; } @Override public QualifiedName nodeName() { final String target = getTarget(); return QNameTable.instantiate(XMLUtils.NULL_NS_URI, target); } } public static final class DTMText extends DTMNodeBase { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1832518864998703501L; public DTMText() {//for serialization super(); } protected DTMText(DocumentTableModel model, long id) { super(model, id); } @Override public String getContent() { return _store.getText(_id); } @Override public byte nodeKind() { return NodeKind.TEXT; } } public static final class DTMComment extends DTMNodeBase { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2555012444869523835L; public DTMComment() {//for serialization super(); } protected DTMComment(DocumentTableModel model, long id) { super(model, id); } @Override public String getContent() { return _store.getText(_id); } @Override public byte nodeKind() { return NodeKind.COMMENT; } } }