Java tutorial
/* * @(#)$Id: 3619 2008-03-26 07:23:03Z yui $ * * Copyright 2006-2008 Makoto YUI * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Contributors: * Makoto YUI - initial implementation */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import xbird.config.Settings; import; import xbird.util.concurrent.reference.FinalizableSoftValueReferenceMap; import xbird.util.concurrent.reference.ReferentFinalizer; import; import; import xbird.util.resource.PropertyMap; import; import; import; import; import; import xbird.xquery.meta.DynamicContext; import xbird.xquery.misc.IStringChunk; import xbird.xquery.misc.QNameTable; import xbird.xquery.misc.StringChunkLoader; /** * * <DIV lang="en"></DIV> * <DIV lang="ja"></DIV> * * @author Makoto YUI ( */ public final class DbCollection implements Closeable { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DbCollection.class); public static final String QNAMES_FILE_SUFFIX = ".qnames"; private static final String DTM_PROPS_FILE_SUFFIX = ".dtmp"; private static final String ROOT_COLLECTION_NAME = "/"; public static final String DATA_DIR; private static final Map<String, DbCollection> _collectionCache; private static final DbCollection _rootCol; static { String dataDir = Settings.get("xbird.database.datadir"); if (dataDir == null) { String tmp = System.getProperty(""); File file = new File(tmp, "xbird"); if (!file.exists() || file.isFile()) { file.mkdir(); } dataDir = file.getAbsolutePath();"Use `" + dataDir + "' for the data repository"); } DATA_DIR = dataDir; _collectionCache = new FinalizableSoftValueReferenceMap<String, DbCollection>( new ReferentFinalizer<String, DbCollection>() { public void finalize(String key, DbCollection reclaimed) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(reclaimed); } }); _rootCol = new DbCollection(); } private final DbCollection _parent; private final String _colName; private final String _absolutePath; private final Symbols _symbols; private volatile PropertyMap _properties = null; private volatile IStringChunk _stringChunk = null; /** creates root collection */ private DbCollection() { this._parent = null; this._colName = ROOT_COLLECTION_NAME; this._absolutePath = DATA_DIR; this._symbols = null; } private DbCollection(String name, DbCollection parent) throws DbException { if (name == null || name.indexOf('/') != -1) { throw new DbException("Collection name must not contain '/', but was '" + name + '\''); } this._parent = parent; this._colName = name; this._absolutePath = parent.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + name; this._symbols = (parent == _rootCol) ? loadSymbols() : parent.getSymbols(); } public PropertyMap getCollectionProperties() throws IOException { if (_properties == null) { synchronized (this) { if (_properties == null) { this._properties = generatePropertyMap(_absolutePath, _colName); } } } return _properties; } private static PropertyMap generatePropertyMap(String colDir, String colName) throws IOException { String propFilename = colName + DTM_PROPS_FILE_SUFFIX; File propFile = new File(colDir, propFilename); if (!propFile.exists()) { return new PropertyMap(propFile); } PropertyMap map = PropertyMap.load(propFile); return map; } public IStringChunk getStringChunk() throws IOException { synchronized (this) { if (_stringChunk == null || _stringChunk.getAndIncrementReferenceCount() == 0) { this._stringChunk = StringChunkLoader.load(this); } } return _stringChunk; } public static DbCollection getRootCollection() { return _rootCol; } private Symbols loadSymbols() throws DbException { return new Symbols(loadQNameTable()); } private QNameTable loadQNameTable() throws DbException { File colDir = new File(getAbsolutePath()); if (!colDir.exists()) { throw new DbException("Collection does not exist: " + colDir.getAbsolutePath()); } if (!colDir.isDirectory()) { throw new DbException( "Collection '" + colDir.getAbsolutePath() + "' is not a directory, but was a file"); } File symbolFile = new File(colDir, _colName + QNAMES_FILE_SUFFIX); if (!symbolFile.exists()) { return new QNameTable(128); } // load symbols final ObjectInputStream ois; try { ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(symbolFile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException fe) { throw new DbException(fe); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new DbException(ioe); } final QNameTable symbols; try { symbols = (QNameTable) ois.readObject(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new DbException(ioe); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ce) { throw new DbException(ce); } finally { try { ois.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } symbols.setDirty(false); return symbols; } public DbCollection createCollection(String colName) throws DbException { if (colName == null || colName.indexOf('/') != -1) { throw new DbException("Collection name must not contain '/', but was " + colName); } DbCollection coll = _collectionCache.get(colName); if (coll != null) { return coll; } File baseDir = getDirectory(); File colDir = new File(baseDir, colName); if (colDir.exists()) { return new DbCollection(colName, this); } if (!baseDir.canWrite()) { throw new DbException("Could not write file. Check the permission of " + baseDir.getAbsolutePath()); } if (!colDir.mkdir()) { throw new IllegalStateException("create directory failed: " + colDir.getAbsolutePath()); } coll = new DbCollection(colName, this); _collectionCache.put(colName, coll); return coll; } public boolean removeCollection(String colName) throws DbException { File baseDir = getDirectory(); File colDir = new File(baseDir, colName); if (!colDir.exists()) { return false; } boolean deleted = colDir.delete(); return deleted; } public void putDocument(String docName, IDocumentTable doc) throws DbException { Transaction tx = new Transaction(); putDocument(tx, docName, doc); tx.commit(); } public void putDocument(Transaction tx, String docName, IDocumentTable doc) throws DbException { try { doc.flush(this, docName); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DbException("putDocument failed: " + docName, e); } } public boolean removeDocument(Transaction tx, String docName) throws DbException { assert (docName != null); // remove from cache String docPath = getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + docName; IDocumentTable removedDoc = DocumentTableLoader.removeDocument(docPath); if (removedDoc != null) { try { removedDoc.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to close a document: " + docPath, e); } } // deletes indices and document itself. final List<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(getDirectory(), new String[] { docName }, null, true); if (files.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (File file : files) { if (!file.delete()) { return false; } } return true; } public Map<String, DTMDocument> listDocuments(DynamicContext dynEnv) throws DbException { return listDocuments(null, true, dynEnv); } public Map<String, DTMDocument> listDocuments(String filterExp, boolean lazy, DynamicContext dynEnv) throws DbException { final Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(getDirectory(), new String[] { IDocumentTable.DTM_SEGMENT_FILE_SUFFIX }, false); final Map<String, DTMDocument> colls = new IdentityHashMap<String, DTMDocument>(files.size()); for (File f : files) { String fname = FileUtils.getFileName(f); String dname = fname.substring(0, fname.lastIndexOf('.')); if (filterExp != null && !dname.matches(filterExp)) { continue; } final DTMDocument doc; if (lazy) { doc = new LazyDTMDocument(dname, this, dynEnv); } else { doc = getDocument(null, dname, dynEnv); } colls.put(dname, doc); } return colls; } public List<File> listDocumentFiles(boolean recursive) { return FileUtils.listFiles(getDirectory(), new String[] { IDocumentTable.DTM_SEGMENT_FILE_SUFFIX }, recursive); } public boolean containsDocument(String docName) { return !FileUtils.listFiles(getDirectory(), new String[] { docName }, new String[] { IDocumentTable.DTM_SEGMENT_FILE_SUFFIX }, false).isEmpty(); } public DTMDocument getDocument(Transaction tx, String docName, DynamicContext dynEnv) throws DbException { final IDocumentTable dtm; try { dtm = DocumentTableLoader.load(this, docName, dynEnv); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DbException("loading document failed: " + docName, e); } return new DocumentTableModel(dtm, true).documentNode(); } public void flushSymbols() throws DbException { _symbols.flush(this); } public DbCollection getParentCollection() { return _parent; } public String getCollectionName() { return _colName; } public String getAbsolutePath() { return _absolutePath; } @Deprecated public String getRelativePath() { final int rootLength = _rootCol.getAbsolutePath().length(); String rawRelativePath = _absolutePath.substring(rootLength); return rawRelativePath.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); } public Symbols getSymbols() { return _symbols; } public File getDirectory() { String baseDir = getAbsolutePath(); File colDir = new File(baseDir); return colDir; } public static class Symbols { private boolean dirty = true; private final QNameTable qnameTable; public Symbols(QNameTable qnameTable) { if (qnameTable == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } this.qnameTable = qnameTable; } public QNameTable getQnameTable() { return qnameTable; } public boolean isDirty() { return dirty; } public void setDirty(boolean dirty) { this.dirty = dirty; } public synchronized void flush(DbCollection col) throws DbException { if (!dirty) { return; } qnameTable.flush(col); } } public static DbCollection getCollection(String colpath) { if (colpath == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (!colpath.startsWith("/")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal collection path: " + colpath); } DbCollection coll = _collectionCache.get(colpath); if (coll != null) { return coll; } String[] colnames = colpath.split("/"); int lastidx = colnames.length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < colnames.length; i++) { String colname = colnames[i]; if (colname.contains(".")) { lastidx = i - 1; } } try { coll = DbCollection.getRootCollection(); for (int i = 1; i <= lastidx; i++) { String colname = colnames[i]; coll = new DbCollection(colname, coll); } _collectionCache.put(colpath, coll); return coll; } catch (DbException e) { return null; } } public static String getDocumentFilterExp(String colpath) { String[] colnames = colpath.split("/"); if (colnames.length == 0) { return null; } String lastName = colnames[colnames.length - 1]; return lastName.contains(".") ? lastName : null; } @Override public String toString() { return _colName + " [" + _absolutePath + ']'; } public void close() throws IOException { this._properties = null; IStringChunk sc = _stringChunk; if (sc != null) { sc.close(); this._stringChunk = null; } } }