Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Broad Institute, Inc., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. */ package xapps.browser.gsea; import com.jgoodies.looks.HeaderStyle; import com.jgoodies.looks.Options; import com.jidesoft.docking.DefaultDockableHolder; import com.jidesoft.docking.DefaultDockingManager; import com.jidesoft.docking.DockingManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import xapps.browser.MSigDBViewerContainer; import xapps.browser.api.frameworks.fiji.StatusBarJideImpl; import xapps.browser.api.frameworks.fiji.WindowManagerImplJideTabbedPane; import javax.swing.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Properties; public class GseaFijiTabsApplicationFrame extends DefaultDockableHolder implements Application.Handler { private static final Properties buildProps = JarResources.getBuildInfo(); static { System.setProperty("GSEA", Boolean.TRUE.toString()); // needed for vdb manager to work properly if (StringUtils.isBlank(buildProps.getProperty("build.version"))) buildProps.setProperty("build.version", "[NO BUILD VERSION FOUND]"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(buildProps.getProperty("build.number"))) buildProps.setProperty("build.number", "Error loading!"); } public static final String RPT_CACHE_BUILD_DATE = "April4_2006_build"; private static String USER_VISIBLE_FRAME_TITLE = "MSigDB XML Browser " + buildProps.getProperty("build.version"); // Application's Icon that people see in their operating system task bar private static final Image ICON = JarResources.getImage("msigdb.png"); // @note IMP IMP: this is the name under which docking prefs etc are stored public static final String PROFILE_NAME = "gsea_browser"; private StatusBar fStatusBar; private GseaFijiTabsApplicationFrame fFrame = this; private WindowAdapter fWindowListener; private MyWindowManagerImplJideTabbedPane fWindowManager; /** * Class constructor * * @throws HeadlessException */ public GseaFijiTabsApplicationFrame() { super(USER_VISIBLE_FRAME_TITLE); fFrame.setVisible(false); fFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); // we catch and ask fFrame.setIconImage(ICON); // add a window listener to do clear up when windows closing. fWindowListener = new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { exitApplication(e); } }; fFrame.addWindowListener(fWindowListener); // Set the profile key fFrame.getDockingManager().setProfileKey(PROFILE_NAME); // Uses light-weight outline. There are several options here. fFrame.getDockingManager().setOutlineMode(DockingManager.PARTIAL_OUTLINE_MODE); // Now let's start to addFrame() fFrame.getDockingManager().beginLoadLayoutData(); fFrame.getDockingManager().setInitSplitPriority(DefaultDockingManager.SPLIT_SOUTH_NORTH_EAST_WEST); this.fWindowManager = new MyWindowManagerImplJideTabbedPane(); this.fStatusBar = new StatusBarJideImpl(); Application.registerHandler(this); // add menu bar fFrame.setJMenuBar(createMenuBar()); jbInit(); } public void makeVisible(final boolean bring2front) { // load layout information from previous session. This indicates the end of beginLoadLayoutData() method above. // This makes the frame visible fFrame.getDockingManager().loadLayoutData(); // disallow drop dockable frame to workspace area fFrame.getDockingManager().getWorkspace().setAcceptDockableFrame(false); if (bring2front) { fFrame.toFront(); } } // contains routines that make future displays faster public void backgroundInit() { try { Application.getFileManager().getFileChooser(); Application.getFileManager().getDirChooser("test"); } catch (Throwable t) { System.out.println("Error background initing: " + t); } System.out.println("Done background init"); } private void jbInit() { fFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); fFrame.getContentPane().add(new MSigDBViewerContainer()); // create one project tab for current project fFrame.getContentPane().add(fStatusBar.getAsComponent(), BorderLayout.AFTER_LAST_LINE); } /** * @return * @note Placing this here rather in ActionFactory as a developing aid * - > quicker launch of XReg isnt initialized at startup * The applications menu bar is defined here. * @maint if new actions are added -> need to review to see if they should also * be added to the menu bar. */ private JMenuBar createMenuBar() { JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); // @note JGOODIES SUGGESTIONS menuBar.putClientProperty(Options.HEADER_STYLE_KEY, HeaderStyle.SINGLE); if (!SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX) { menuBar.add(createJMenu("File", new Object[] { new MyExitAction() })); } menuBar.add(createJMenu("Help", new Object[] { new GseaHelpAction("GSEA web site", "Open the GSEA website in a web browser", GseaWebResources.getGseaBaseURL()), new GseaHelpAction(), new BrowserAction("GSEA & MSigDB License Terms", "GSEA & MSigDB License Terms", GuiHelper.ICON_HELP16, GseaWebResources.getGseaBaseURL() + "/" + "license_terms_list.jsp"), null, new ShowAppRuntimeHomeDirAction("Show GSEA home folder"), new ShowDefaultOutputDirAction("Show GSEA output folder (default location)"), null, new ContactAction(), null, formatBuildInfoForHelp(), formatBuildTimestampForHelp() })); return menuBar; } private String formatBuildInfoForHelp() { String buildVer = buildProps.getProperty("build.version"); String buildNum = buildProps.getProperty("build.number"); String buildInfo = "MSigDB XML Browser v" + buildVer + " [build: " + buildNum + "]"; return buildInfo; } private String formatBuildTimestampForHelp() { String buildTS = buildProps.getProperty("build.timestamp"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(buildTS)) return null; return "Built: " + buildTS; } /** * @param name * @param objs -> array of Action objects interspersed with nulls wherever * a seperator is needed. * For example new Object[]{Foo, Bar, null, Zoo}; * @return */ private JMenu createJMenu(final String name, final Object[] objs) { JMenu menu = new JMenu(name, true); // true -> can tear off for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { if (objs[i] == null) { menu.addSeparator(); } else { if (objs[i] instanceof JMenuItem) { menu.add((JMenuItem) objs[i]); } else if (objs[i] instanceof String) { menu.add(objs[i].toString()); } else { menu.add(new JMenuItem((Action) objs[i])); } } } return menu; } private void exitApplication(WindowEvent e_opt) { boolean ask = XPreferencesFactory.kAskBeforeAppShutdown.getBoolean(); if (ask) { final boolean res = getWindowManager().showConfirm("Exit the application?"); if (!res) { return; } } fFrame.removeWindowListener(fWindowListener); fWindowListener = null; if (fFrame.getDockingManager() != null) { fFrame.getDockingManager().saveLayoutData(); } fFrame.dispose(); fFrame = null; if (Conf.isDebugMode() == false) { Conf.exitSystem(false); } } class MyWindowManagerImplJideTabbedPane extends WindowManagerImplJideTabbedPane { MyWindowManagerImplJideTabbedPane() { super(fFrame); } } // End class MyWindowManagerImplJideTabbedPane class MyExitAction extends XAction { public MyExitAction() { super("ExitAction", "Exit", "Quit the GSEA application"); } public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { exitApplication(null); } } // End inner class ExitAction // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // --------------------------- APPLICATION HANDLER IMPLEMENTATION ------------------------------ // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private static final VdbManager fVdbmanager = new VdbManagerForGsea(RPT_CACHE_BUILD_DATE); private FileManager fFileManager; public String getName() { return "GSEA"; } public FileManager getFileManager() { if (fFileManager == null) { this.fFileManager = new FileManagerImpl(); } return fFileManager; } public VdbManager getVdbManager() { return fVdbmanager; } public WindowManager getWindowManager() throws HeadlessException { return fWindowManager; } public StatusBar getStatusBar() { return fStatusBar; } } // End class GseaFiji2Application