Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package wssec; import org.apache.axis.Message; import org.apache.axis.MessageContext; import org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient; import org.apache.axis.configuration.NullProvider; import org.apache.axis.message.SOAPEnvelope; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Vector; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; public class TestWSSecurityNewDK extends TestCase implements CallbackHandler { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestWSSecurityNewDK.class); private static final String SOAPMSG = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope " + "xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\" " + "xmlns:xsd=\"\" " + "xmlns:xsi=\"\">" + "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "<ns1:testMethod xmlns:ns1=\"uri:LogTestService2\"></ns1:testMethod>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"; private WSSecurityEngine secEngine = new WSSecurityEngine(); private Crypto crypto = CryptoFactory.getInstance(""); private MessageContext msgContext; private Message message; /** * TestWSSecurity constructor * <p/> * * @param name name of the test */ public TestWSSecurityNewDK(String name) { super(name); } /** * JUnit suite * <p/> * * @return a junit test suite */ public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(TestWSSecurityNewDK.class); } /** * Setup method * <p/> * * @throws Exception Thrown when there is a problem in setup */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { AxisClient tmpEngine = new AxisClient(new NullProvider()); msgContext = new MessageContext(tmpEngine); message = getSOAPMessage(); } /** * Constructs a soap envelope * <p/> * * @return soap envelope * @throws Exception if there is any problem constructing the soap envelope */ protected Message getSOAPMessage() throws Exception { InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(SOAPMSG.getBytes()); Message msg = new Message(in); msg.setMessageContext(msgContext); return msg; } /** * Test encryption using a DerivedKeyToken using TRIPLEDES * @throws Exception Thrown when there is any problem in signing or * verification */ public void testEncryptionDecryptionTRIPLEDES() throws Exception { SOAPEnvelope unsignedEnvelope = message.getSOAPEnvelope(); Document doc = unsignedEnvelope.getAsDocument(); WSSecHeader secHeader = new WSSecHeader(); secHeader.insertSecurityHeader(doc); //EncryptedKey WSSecEncryptedKey encrKeyBuilder = new WSSecEncryptedKey(); encrKeyBuilder.setUserInfo("wss40"); encrKeyBuilder.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.THUMBPRINT_IDENTIFIER); encrKeyBuilder.prepare(doc, crypto); //Key information from the EncryptedKey byte[] ek = encrKeyBuilder.getEphemeralKey(); String tokenIdentifier = encrKeyBuilder.getId(); //Derived key encryption WSSecDKEncrypt encrBuilder = new WSSecDKEncrypt(); encrBuilder.setSymmetricEncAlgorithm(WSConstants.AES_128); encrBuilder.setExternalKey(ek, tokenIdentifier); Document encryptedDoc =, secHeader); encrKeyBuilder.prependToHeader(secHeader); encrKeyBuilder.prependBSTElementToHeader(secHeader); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Encrypted message: 3DES + DerivedKeys"); String outputString =; LOG.debug(outputString); } verify(doc); } /** * Test encryption using a DerivedKeyToken using AES128 * @throws Exception Thrown when there is any problem in signing or verification */ public void testEncryptionDecryptionAES128() throws Exception { SOAPEnvelope unsignedEnvelope = message.getSOAPEnvelope(); Document doc = unsignedEnvelope.getAsDocument(); WSSecHeader secHeader = new WSSecHeader(); secHeader.insertSecurityHeader(doc); //EncryptedKey WSSecEncryptedKey encrKeyBuilder = new WSSecEncryptedKey(); encrKeyBuilder.setUserInfo("wss40"); encrKeyBuilder.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.THUMBPRINT_IDENTIFIER); encrKeyBuilder.prepare(doc, crypto); //Key information from the EncryptedKey byte[] ek = encrKeyBuilder.getEphemeralKey(); String tokenIdentifier = encrKeyBuilder.getId(); //Derived key encryption WSSecDKEncrypt encrBuilder = new WSSecDKEncrypt(); encrBuilder.setSymmetricEncAlgorithm(WSConstants.AES_128); encrBuilder.setExternalKey(ek, tokenIdentifier); Document encryptedDoc =, secHeader); encrKeyBuilder.prependToHeader(secHeader); encrKeyBuilder.prependBSTElementToHeader(secHeader); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Encrypted message: 3DES + DerivedKeys"); String outputString =; LOG.debug(outputString); } verify(doc); } public void testSignature() throws Exception { SOAPEnvelope unsignedEnvelope = message.getSOAPEnvelope(); Document doc = unsignedEnvelope.getAsDocument(); WSSecHeader secHeader = new WSSecHeader(); secHeader.insertSecurityHeader(doc); //EncryptedKey WSSecEncryptedKey encrKeyBuilder = new WSSecEncryptedKey(); encrKeyBuilder.setUserInfo("wss40"); encrKeyBuilder.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.THUMBPRINT_IDENTIFIER); encrKeyBuilder.prepare(doc, crypto); //Key information from the EncryptedKey byte[] ek = encrKeyBuilder.getEphemeralKey(); String tokenIdentifier = encrKeyBuilder.getId(); //Derived key encryption WSSecDKSign sigBuilder = new WSSecDKSign(); sigBuilder.setExternalKey(ek, tokenIdentifier); sigBuilder.setSignatureAlgorithm(XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_MAC_HMAC_SHA1); /* Document signedDoc = */, secHeader); encrKeyBuilder.prependToHeader(secHeader); encrKeyBuilder.prependBSTElementToHeader(secHeader); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Encrypted message: 3DES + DerivedKeys"); String outputString =; LOG.debug(outputString); } Vector results = verify(doc); WSSecurityEngineResult actionResult = WSSecurityUtil.fetchActionResult(results, WSConstants.SIGN); assertTrue(actionResult != null); assertFalse(actionResult.isEmpty()); assertTrue(actionResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_DECRYPTED_KEY) != null); } /** * A test for WSS-211 - "WSS4J does not support ThumbprintSHA1 in DerivedKeyTokens". * Here we're signing the SOAP body, where the signature refers to a DerivedKeyToken * which uses a Thumbprint-SHA1 reference to the encoded certificate (which is in the * keystore) */ public void testSignatureThumbprintSHA1() throws Exception { SOAPEnvelope unsignedEnvelope = message.getSOAPEnvelope(); Document doc = unsignedEnvelope.getAsDocument(); WSSecHeader secHeader = new WSSecHeader(); secHeader.insertSecurityHeader(doc); SecurityTokenReference secToken = new SecurityTokenReference(doc); X509Certificate[] certs = crypto.getCertificates("wss40"); secToken.setKeyIdentifierThumb(certs[0]); secToken.getElement(); WSSecDKSign sigBuilder = new WSSecDKSign(); key = crypto.getPrivateKey("wss40", "security"); sigBuilder.setExternalKey(key.getEncoded(), secToken.getElement()); sigBuilder.setSignatureAlgorithm(XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_MAC_HMAC_SHA1);, secHeader); sigBuilder.appendSigToHeader(secHeader); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Encrypted message: ThumbprintSHA1 + DerivedKeys"); String outputString =; LOG.debug(outputString); } Vector results = verify(doc); WSSecurityEngineResult actionResult = WSSecurityUtil.fetchActionResult(results, WSConstants.SIGN); assertTrue(actionResult != null); assertFalse(actionResult.isEmpty()); assertTrue(actionResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_DECRYPTED_KEY) != null); } /** * Here we're signing the SOAP body, where the signature refers to a DerivedKeyToken * which uses an SKI reference to the encoded certificate (which is in the * keystore) */ public void testSignatureSKI() throws Exception { SOAPEnvelope unsignedEnvelope = message.getSOAPEnvelope(); Document doc = unsignedEnvelope.getAsDocument(); WSSecHeader secHeader = new WSSecHeader(); secHeader.insertSecurityHeader(doc); SecurityTokenReference secToken = new SecurityTokenReference(doc); X509Certificate[] certs = crypto.getCertificates("wss40"); secToken.setKeyIdentifierSKI(certs[0], crypto); secToken.getElement(); WSSecDKSign sigBuilder = new WSSecDKSign(); key = crypto.getPrivateKey("wss40", "security"); sigBuilder.setExternalKey(key.getEncoded(), secToken.getElement()); sigBuilder.setSignatureAlgorithm(XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_MAC_HMAC_SHA1);, secHeader); sigBuilder.appendSigToHeader(secHeader); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Encrypted message: SKI + DerivedKeys"); String outputString =; LOG.debug(outputString); } Vector results = verify(doc); WSSecurityEngineResult actionResult = WSSecurityUtil.fetchActionResult(results, WSConstants.SIGN); assertTrue(actionResult != null); assertFalse(actionResult.isEmpty()); assertTrue(actionResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_DECRYPTED_KEY) != null); } public void testSignatureEncrypt() throws Exception { SOAPEnvelope unsignedEnvelope = message.getSOAPEnvelope(); Document doc = unsignedEnvelope.getAsDocument(); WSSecHeader secHeader = new WSSecHeader(); secHeader.insertSecurityHeader(doc); //EncryptedKey WSSecEncryptedKey encrKeyBuilder = new WSSecEncryptedKey(); encrKeyBuilder.setUserInfo("wss40"); encrKeyBuilder.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.THUMBPRINT_IDENTIFIER); encrKeyBuilder.prepare(doc, crypto); //Key information from the EncryptedKey byte[] ek = encrKeyBuilder.getEphemeralKey(); String tokenIdentifier = encrKeyBuilder.getId(); //Derived key encryption WSSecDKSign sigBuilder = new WSSecDKSign(); sigBuilder.setExternalKey(ek, tokenIdentifier); sigBuilder.setSignatureAlgorithm(XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_MAC_HMAC_SHA1);"Before HMAC-SHA1 signature"); Document signedDoc =, secHeader); //Derived key signature WSSecDKEncrypt encrBuilder = new WSSecDKEncrypt(); encrBuilder.setSymmetricEncAlgorithm(WSConstants.AES_128); encrBuilder.setExternalKey(ek, tokenIdentifier); Document signedEncryptedDoc =, secHeader); encrKeyBuilder.prependToHeader(secHeader); encrKeyBuilder.prependBSTElementToHeader(secHeader); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Encrypted message: 3DES + DerivedKeys"); String outputString =; LOG.debug(outputString); } verify(signedEncryptedDoc); } public void testEncryptSignature() throws Exception { SOAPEnvelope unsignedEnvelope = message.getSOAPEnvelope(); Document doc = unsignedEnvelope.getAsDocument(); WSSecHeader secHeader = new WSSecHeader(); secHeader.insertSecurityHeader(doc); //EncryptedKey WSSecEncryptedKey encrKeyBuilder = new WSSecEncryptedKey(); encrKeyBuilder.setUserInfo("wss40"); encrKeyBuilder.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.THUMBPRINT_IDENTIFIER); encrKeyBuilder.prepare(doc, crypto); //Key information from the EncryptedKey byte[] ek = encrKeyBuilder.getEphemeralKey(); String tokenIdentifier = encrKeyBuilder.getId(); //Derived key encryption WSSecDKEncrypt encrBuilder = new WSSecDKEncrypt(); encrBuilder.setSymmetricEncAlgorithm(WSConstants.AES_128); encrBuilder.setExternalKey(ek, tokenIdentifier);, secHeader); //Derived key signature WSSecDKSign sigBuilder = new WSSecDKSign(); sigBuilder.setExternalKey(ek, tokenIdentifier); sigBuilder.setSignatureAlgorithm(XMLSignature.ALGO_ID_MAC_HMAC_SHA1);"Before HMAC-SHA1 signature"); Document encryptedSignedDoc =, secHeader); encrKeyBuilder.prependToHeader(secHeader); encrKeyBuilder.prependBSTElementToHeader(secHeader); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Encrypted message: 3DES + DerivedKeys"); String outputString =; LOG.debug(outputString); } verify(encryptedSignedDoc); } /** * Verifies the soap envelope * <p/> * * @param envelope * @throws Exception Thrown when there is a problem in verification */ private Vector verify(Document doc) throws Exception { Vector results = secEngine.processSecurityHeader(doc, null, this, crypto); String outputString =; assertTrue(outputString.indexOf("LogTestService2") > 0 ? true : false); return results; } public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException { for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { if (callbacks[i] instanceof WSPasswordCallback) { WSPasswordCallback pc = (WSPasswordCallback) callbacks[i]; /* * here call a function/method to lookup the password for * the given identifier (e.g. a user name or keystore alias) * e.g.: pc.setPassword(passStore.getPassword(pc.getIdentfifier)) * for Testing we supply a fixed name here. */ pc.setPassword("security"); } else { throw new UnsupportedCallbackException(callbacks[i], "Unrecognized Callback"); } } } }