Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Matthias Einwag * * The jawampa authors license this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package ws.wamp.jawampa; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import rx.Observable; import rx.Observable.OnSubscribe; import rx.Observer; import rx.Subscriber; import rx.exceptions.OnErrorThrowable; import rx.functions.Func1; import rx.subjects.AsyncSubject; import ws.wamp.jawampa.client.ClientConfiguration; import ws.wamp.jawampa.client.SessionEstablishedState; import ws.wamp.jawampa.client.StateController; import ws.wamp.jawampa.internal.ArgArrayBuilder; import ws.wamp.jawampa.internal.Promise; import ws.wamp.jawampa.internal.UriValidator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; /** * Provides the client-side functionality for WAMP.<br> * The {@link WampClient} allows to make remote procedure calls, subscribe to * and publish events and to register functions for RPC.<br> * It has to be constructed through a {@link WampClientBuilder} and can not * directly be instantiated. */ public class WampClient { /** Base type for all possible client states */ public interface State { } /** The session is not connected */ public static class DisconnectedState implements State { private final Throwable disconnectReason; public DisconnectedState(Throwable closeReason) { this.disconnectReason = closeReason; } /** * Returns an optional reason that describes why the client got * disconnected from the server. This can be null if the client * requested the disconnect or if the client was never connected * to a server. */ public Throwable disconnectReason() { return disconnectReason; } @Override public String toString() { return "Disconnected"; } } /** The session is trying to connect to the router */ public static class ConnectingState implements State { @Override public String toString() { return "Connecting"; } } /** * The client is connected to the router and the session was established */ public static class ConnectedState implements State { private final long sessionId; private final ObjectNode welcomeDetails; private final EnumSet<WampRoles> routerRoles; public ConnectedState(long sessionId, ObjectNode welcomeDetails, EnumSet<WampRoles> routerRoles) { this.sessionId = sessionId; this.welcomeDetails = welcomeDetails; this.routerRoles = routerRoles; } /** Returns the sessionId that was assigned to the client by the router */ public long sessionId() { return sessionId; } /** * Returns the details of the welcome message that was sent from the router * to the client */ public ObjectNode welcomeDetails() { return welcomeDetails.deepCopy(); } /** * Returns the roles that the router implements */ public Set<WampRoles> routerRoles() { return EnumSet.copyOf(routerRoles); } @Override public String toString() { return "Connected"; } } final StateController stateController; final ClientConfiguration clientConfig; /** Returns the URI of the router to which this client is connected */ public URI routerUri() { return clientConfig.routerUri(); } /** Returns the name of the realm on the router */ public String realm() { return clientConfig.realm(); } WampClient(ClientConfiguration clientConfig) { this.clientConfig = clientConfig; // Create a new stateController this.stateController = new StateController(clientConfig); } /** * Opens the session<br> * This should be called after a subscription on {@link #statusChanged} * was installed.<br> * If the session was already opened this has no effect besides * resetting the reconnect counter.<br> * If the session was already closed through a call to {@link #close} * no new connect attempt will be performed. */ public void open() {; } /** * Closes the session.<br> * It will not be possible to open the session again with {@link #open} for safety * reasons. If a new session is required a new {@link WampClient} should be built * through the used {@link WampClientBuilder}. */ public Observable<Void> close() { stateController.initClose(); return getTerminationObservable(); } /** * An Observable that allows to monitor the connection status of the Session. */ public Observable<State> statusChanged() { return stateController.statusObservable(); } /** * Publishes an event under the given topic. * @param topic The topic that should be used for publishing the event * @param args A list of all positional arguments of the event to publish. * These will be get serialized according to the Jackson library serializing * behavior. * @return An observable that provides a notification whether the event * publication was successful. This contains either a single value (the * publication ID) and will then be completed or will be completed with * an error if the event could not be published. */ public Observable<Long> publish(final String topic, Object... args) { return publish(topic, ArgArrayBuilder.buildArgumentsArray(clientConfig.objectMapper(), args), null); } /** * Publishes an event under the given topic. * @param topic The topic that should be used for publishing the event * @param event The event to publish * @return An observable that provides a notification whether the event * publication was successful. This contains either a single value (the * publication ID) and will then be completed or will be completed with * an error if the event could not be published. */ public Observable<Long> publish(final String topic, PubSubData event) { if (event != null) return publish(topic, event.arguments, event.keywordArguments); else return publish(topic, null, null); } /** * Publishes an event under the given topic. * @param topic The topic that should be used for publishing the event * @param arguments The positional arguments for the published event * @param argumentsKw The keyword arguments for the published event. * These will only be taken into consideration if arguments is not null. * @return An observable that provides a notification whether the event * publication was successful. This contains either a single value (the * publication ID) and will then be completed or will be completed with * an error if the event could not be published. */ public Observable<Long> publish(final String topic, final ArrayNode arguments, final ObjectNode argumentsKw) { return publish(topic, null, arguments, argumentsKw); } /** * Publishes an event under the given topic. * @param topic The topic that should be used for publishing the event * @param flags Additional publish flags if any. This can be null. * @param arguments The positional arguments for the published event * @param argumentsKw The keyword arguments for the published event. * These will only be taken into consideration if arguments is not null. * @return An observable that provides a notification whether the event * publication was successful. This contains either a single value (the * publication ID) and will then be completed or will be completed with * an error if the event could not be published. */ public Observable<Long> publish(final String topic, final EnumSet<PublishFlags> flags, final ArrayNode arguments, final ObjectNode argumentsKw) { final AsyncSubject<Long> resultSubject = AsyncSubject.create(); try { UriValidator.validate(topic, clientConfig.useStrictUriValidation()); } catch (WampError e) { resultSubject.onError(e); return resultSubject; } stateController.scheduler().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!(stateController.currentState() instanceof SessionEstablishedState)) { resultSubject.onError(new ApplicationError(ApplicationError.NOT_CONNECTED)); return; } // Forward publish into the session SessionEstablishedState curState = (SessionEstablishedState) stateController.currentState(); curState.performPublish(topic, flags, arguments, argumentsKw, resultSubject); } }); return resultSubject; } /** * Registers a procedure at the router which will afterwards be available * for remote procedure calls from other clients.<br> * The actual registration will only happen after the user subscribes on * the returned Observable. This guarantees that no RPC requests get lost. * Incoming RPC requests will be pushed to the Subscriber via it's * onNext method. The Subscriber can send responses through the methods on * the {@link Request}.<br> * If the client no longer wants to provide the method it can call * unsubscribe() on the Subscription to unregister the procedure.<br> * If the connection closes onCompleted will be called.<br> * In case of errors during subscription onError will be called. * @param topic The name of the procedure which this client wants to * provide.<br> * Must be valid WAMP URI. * @return An observable that can be used to provide a procedure. */ public Observable<Request> registerProcedure(final String topic) { return this.registerProcedure(topic, EnumSet.noneOf(RegisterFlags.class)); } /** * Registers a procedure at the router which will afterwards be available * for remote procedure calls from other clients.<br> * The actual registration will only happen after the user subscribes on * the returned Observable. This guarantees that no RPC requests get lost. * Incoming RPC requests will be pushed to the Subscriber via it's * onNext method. The Subscriber can send responses through the methods on * the {@link Request}.<br> * If the client no longer wants to provide the method it can call * unsubscribe() on the Subscription to unregister the procedure.<br> * If the connection closes onCompleted will be called.<br> * In case of errors during subscription onError will be called. * @param topic The name of the procedure which this client wants to * provide.<br> * Must be valid WAMP URI. * @param flags procedure flags * @return An observable that can be used to provide a procedure. */ public Observable<Request> registerProcedure(final String topic, final RegisterFlags... flags) { return this.registerProcedure(topic, EnumSet.copyOf(Arrays.asList(flags))); } /** * Registers a procedure at the router which will afterwards be available * for remote procedure calls from other clients.<br> * The actual registration will only happen after the user subscribes on * the returned Observable. This guarantees that no RPC requests get lost. * Incoming RPC requests will be pushed to the Subscriber via it's * onNext method. The Subscriber can send responses through the methods on * the {@link Request}.<br> * If the client no longer wants to provide the method it can call * unsubscribe() on the Subscription to unregister the procedure.<br> * If the connection closes onCompleted will be called.<br> * In case of errors during subscription onError will be called. * @param topic The name of the procedure which this client wants to * provide.<br> * Must be valid WAMP URI. * @param flags procedure flags * @return An observable that can be used to provide a procedure. */ public Observable<Request> registerProcedure(final String topic, final EnumSet<RegisterFlags> flags) { return Observable.create(new OnSubscribe<Request>() { @Override public void call(final Subscriber<? super Request> subscriber) { try { UriValidator.validate(topic, clientConfig.useStrictUriValidation()); } catch (WampError e) { subscriber.onError(e); return; } stateController.scheduler().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // If the Subscriber unsubscribed in the meantime we return early if (subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) return; // Set subscription to completed if we are not connected if (!(stateController.currentState() instanceof SessionEstablishedState)) { subscriber.onCompleted(); return; } // Forward publish into the session SessionEstablishedState curState = (SessionEstablishedState) stateController.currentState(); curState.performRegisterProcedure(topic, flags, subscriber); } }); } }); } /** * Returns an observable that allows to subscribe on the given topic.<br> * The actual subscription will only be made after subscribe() was called * on it.<br> * This version of makeSubscription will automatically transform the * received events data into the type eventClass and will therefore return * a mapped Observable. It will only look at and transform the first * argument of the received events arguments, therefore it can only be used * for events that carry either a single or no argument.<br> * Received publications will be pushed to the Subscriber via it's * onNext method.<br> * The client can unsubscribe from the topic by calling unsubscribe() on * it's Subscription.<br> * If the connection closes onCompleted will be called.<br> * In case of errors during subscription onError will be called. * @param topic The topic to subscribe on.<br> * Must be valid WAMP URI. * @param eventClass The class type into which the received event argument * should be transformed. E.g. use String.class to let the client try to * transform the first argument into a String and let the return value of * of the call be Observable<String>. * @return An observable that can be used to subscribe on the topic. */ public <T> Observable<T> makeSubscription(final String topic, final Class<T> eventClass) { return makeSubscription(topic, SubscriptionFlags.Exact, eventClass); } /** * Returns an observable that allows to subscribe on the given topic.<br> * The actual subscription will only be made after subscribe() was called * on it.<br> * This version of makeSubscription will automatically transform the * received events data into the type eventClass and will therefore return * a mapped Observable. It will only look at and transform the first * argument of the received events arguments, therefore it can only be used * for events that carry either a single or no argument.<br> * Received publications will be pushed to the Subscriber via it's * onNext method.<br> * The client can unsubscribe from the topic by calling unsubscribe() on * it's Subscription.<br> * If the connection closes onCompleted will be called.<br> * In case of errors during subscription onError will be called. * @param topic The topic to subscribe on.<br> * Must be valid WAMP URI. * @param flags Flags to indicate type of subscription. This cannot be null. * @param eventClass The class type into which the received event argument * should be transformed. E.g. use String.class to let the client try to * transform the first argument into a String and let the return value of * of the call be Observable<String>. * @return An observable that can be used to subscribe on the topic. */ public <T> Observable<T> makeSubscription(final String topic, SubscriptionFlags flags, final Class<T> eventClass) { return makeSubscription(topic, flags).map(new Func1<PubSubData, T>() { @Override public T call(PubSubData ev) { if (eventClass == null || eventClass == Void.class) { // We don't need a value return null; } if (ev.arguments == null || ev.arguments.size() < 1) throw OnErrorThrowable.from(new ApplicationError(ApplicationError.MISSING_VALUE)); JsonNode eventNode = ev.arguments.get(0); if (eventNode.isNull()) return null; T eventValue; try { eventValue = clientConfig.objectMapper().convertValue(eventNode, eventClass); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw OnErrorThrowable.from(new ApplicationError(ApplicationError.INVALID_VALUE_TYPE)); } return eventValue; } }); } /** * Returns an observable that allows to subscribe on the given topic.<br> * The actual subscription will only be made after subscribe() was called * on it.<br> * makeSubscriptionWithDetails will automatically transform the * received events data into the type eventClass and will therefore return * a mapped Observable of type EventDetails. It will only look at and transform the first * argument of the received events arguments, therefore it can only be used * for events that carry either a single or no argument.<br> * Received publications will be pushed to the Subscriber via it's * onNext method.<br> * The client can unsubscribe from the topic by calling unsubscribe() on * it's Subscription.<br> * If the connection closes onCompleted will be called.<br> * In case of errors during subscription onError will be called. * @param topic The topic to subscribe on.<br> * Must be valid WAMP URI. * @param flags Flags to indicate type of subscription. This cannot be null. * @param eventClass The class type into which the received event argument * should be transformed. E.g. use String.class to let the client try to * transform the first argument into a String and let the return value of * of the call be Observable<EventDetails<String>>. * @return An observable of type EventDetails that can be used to subscribe on the topic. * EventDetails contains topic and message. EventDetails.topic can be useful in getting * the complete topic name during wild card or prefix subscriptions */ public <T> Observable<EventDetails<T>> makeSubscriptionWithDetails(final String topic, SubscriptionFlags flags, final Class<T> eventClass) { return makeSubscription(topic, flags).map(new Func1<PubSubData, EventDetails<T>>() { @Override public EventDetails<T> call(PubSubData ev) { if (eventClass == null || eventClass == Void.class) { // We don't need a value return null; } //get the complete topic name //which may not be the same as method parameter 'topic' during wildcard or prefix subscriptions String actualTopic = null; if (ev.details != null && ev.details.get("topic") != null) { actualTopic = ev.details.get("topic").asText(); } if (ev.arguments == null || ev.arguments.size() < 1) throw OnErrorThrowable.from(new ApplicationError(ApplicationError.MISSING_VALUE)); JsonNode eventNode = ev.arguments.get(0); if (eventNode.isNull()) return null; T eventValue; try { eventValue = clientConfig.objectMapper().convertValue(eventNode, eventClass); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw OnErrorThrowable.from(new ApplicationError(ApplicationError.INVALID_VALUE_TYPE)); } return new EventDetails<T>(eventValue, actualTopic); } }); } /** * Returns an observable that allows to subscribe on the given topic.<br> * The actual subscription will only be made after subscribe() was called * on it.<br> * Received publications will be pushed to the Subscriber via it's * onNext method.<br> * The client can unsubscribe from the topic by calling unsubscribe() on * it's Subscription.<br> * If the connection closes onCompleted will be called.<br> * In case of errors during subscription onError will be called. * @param topic The topic to subscribe on.<br> * Must be valid WAMP URI. * @return An observable that can be used to subscribe on the topic. */ public Observable<PubSubData> makeSubscription(final String topic) { return makeSubscription(topic, SubscriptionFlags.Exact); } /** * Returns an observable that allows to subscribe on the given topic.<br> * The actual subscription will only be made after subscribe() was called * on it.<br> * Received publications will be pushed to the Subscriber via it's * onNext method.<br> * The client can unsubscribe from the topic by calling unsubscribe() on * it's Subscription.<br> * If the connection closes onCompleted will be called.<br> * In case of errors during subscription onError will be called. * @param topic The topic to subscribe on.<br> * Must be valid WAMP URI. * @param flags Flags to indicate type of subscription. This cannot be null. * @return An observable that can be used to subscribe on the topic. */ public Observable<PubSubData> makeSubscription(final String topic, final SubscriptionFlags flags) { return Observable.create(new OnSubscribe<PubSubData>() { @Override public void call(final Subscriber<? super PubSubData> subscriber) { try { if (flags == SubscriptionFlags.Exact) { UriValidator.validate(topic, clientConfig.useStrictUriValidation()); } else if (flags == SubscriptionFlags.Prefix) { UriValidator.validatePrefix(topic, clientConfig.useStrictUriValidation()); } else if (flags == SubscriptionFlags.Wildcard) { UriValidator.validateWildcard(topic, clientConfig.useStrictUriValidation()); } } catch (WampError e) { subscriber.onError(e); return; } stateController.scheduler().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // If the Subscriber unsubscribed in the meantime we return early if (subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) return; // Set subscription to completed if we are not connected if (!(stateController.currentState() instanceof SessionEstablishedState)) { subscriber.onCompleted(); return; } // Forward performing actual subscription into the session final SessionEstablishedState curState = (SessionEstablishedState) stateController .currentState(); curState.performSubscription(topic, flags, subscriber); } }); } }); } /** * Performs a remote procedure call through the router.<br> * The function will return immediately, as the actual call will happen * asynchronously. * @param procedure The name of the procedure to call. Must be a valid WAMP * Uri. * @param arguments A list of all positional arguments for the procedure call * @param argumentsKw All named arguments for the procedure call * @return An observable that provides a notification whether the call was * was successful and the return value. If the call is successful the * returned observable will be completed with a single value (the return value). * If the remote procedure call yields an error the observable will be completed * with an error. */ public Observable<Reply> call(final String procedure, final ArrayNode arguments, final ObjectNode argumentsKw) { return call(procedure, null, arguments, argumentsKw); } /** * Performs a remote procedure call through the router.<br> * The function will return immediately, as the actual call will happen * asynchronously. * @param procedure The name of the procedure to call. Must be a valid WAMP * Uri. * @param flags Additional call flags if any. This can be null. * @param arguments A list of all positional arguments for the procedure call * @param argumentsKw All named arguments for the procedure call * @return An observable that provides a notification whether the call was * was successful and the return value. If the call is successful the * returned observable will be completed with a single value (the return value). * If the remote procedure call yields an error the observable will be completed * with an error. */ public Observable<Reply> call(final String procedure, final EnumSet<CallFlags> flags, final ArrayNode arguments, final ObjectNode argumentsKw) { final AsyncSubject<Reply> resultSubject = AsyncSubject.create(); try { UriValidator.validate(procedure, clientConfig.useStrictUriValidation()); } catch (WampError e) { resultSubject.onError(e); return resultSubject; } stateController.scheduler().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!(stateController.currentState() instanceof SessionEstablishedState)) { resultSubject.onError(new ApplicationError(ApplicationError.NOT_CONNECTED)); return; } // Forward performing actual call into the session SessionEstablishedState curState = (SessionEstablishedState) stateController.currentState(); curState.performCall(procedure, flags, arguments, argumentsKw, resultSubject); } }); return resultSubject; } /** * Performs a remote procedure call through the router.<br> * The function will return immediately, as the actual call will happen * asynchronously. * @param procedure The name of the procedure to call. Must be a valid WAMP * Uri. * @param args The list of positional arguments for the remote procedure call. * These will be get serialized according to the Jackson library serializing * behavior. * @return An observable that provides a notification whether the call was * was successful and the return value. If the call is successful the * returned observable will be completed with a single value (the return value). * If the remote procedure call yields an error the observable will be completed * with an error. */ public Observable<Reply> call(final String procedure, Object... args) { // Build the arguments array and serialize the arguments return call(procedure, ArgArrayBuilder.buildArgumentsArray(clientConfig.objectMapper(), args), null); } /** * Performs a remote procedure call through the router.<br> * The function will return immediately, as the actual call will happen * asynchronously.<br> * This overload of the call function will automatically map the received * reply value into the specified Java type by using Jacksons object mapping * facilities.<br> * Only the first value in the array of positional arguments will be taken * into account for the transformation. If multiple return values are required * another overload of this function has to be used.<br> * If the expected return type is not {@link Void} but the return value array * contains no value or if the value in the array can not be deserialized into * the expected type the returned {@link Observable} will be completed with * an error. * @param procedure The name of the procedure to call. Must be a valid WAMP * Uri. * @param returnValueClass The class of the expected return value. If the function * uses no return values Void should be used. * @param args The list of positional arguments for the remote procedure call. * These will be get serialized according to the Jackson library serializing * behavior. * @return An observable that provides a notification whether the call was * was successful and the return value. If the call is successful the * returned observable will be completed with a single value (the return value). * If the remote procedure call yields an error the observable will be completed * with an error. */ public <T> Observable<T> call(final String procedure, final Class<T> returnValueClass, Object... args) { return call(procedure, null, returnValueClass, args); } /** * Performs a remote procedure call through the router.<br> * The function will return immediately, as the actual call will happen * asynchronously.<br> * This overload of the call function will automatically map the received * reply value into the specified Java type by using Jacksons object mapping * facilities.<br> * Only the first value in the array of positional arguments will be taken * into account for the transformation. If multiple return values are required * another overload of this function has to be used.<br> * If the expected return type is not {@link Void} but the return value array * contains no value or if the value in the array can not be deserialized into * the expected type the returned {@link Observable} will be completed with * an error. * @param procedure The name of the procedure to call. Must be a valid WAMP * Uri. * @param flags Additional call flags if any. This can be null. * @param returnValueClass The class of the expected return value. If the function * uses no return values Void should be used. * @param args The list of positional arguments for the remote procedure call. * These will be get serialized according to the Jackson library serializing * behavior. * @return An observable that provides a notification whether the call was * was successful and the return value. If the call is successful the * returned observable will be completed with a single value (the return value). * If the remote procedure call yields an error the observable will be completed * with an error. */ public <T> Observable<T> call(final String procedure, final EnumSet<CallFlags> flags, final Class<T> returnValueClass, Object... args) { return call(procedure, flags, ArgArrayBuilder.buildArgumentsArray(clientConfig.objectMapper(), args), null) .map(new Func1<Reply, T>() { @Override public T call(Reply reply) { if (returnValueClass == null || returnValueClass == Void.class) { // We don't need a return value return null; } if (reply.arguments == null || reply.arguments.size() < 1) throw OnErrorThrowable.from(new ApplicationError(ApplicationError.MISSING_RESULT)); JsonNode resultNode = reply.arguments.get(0); if (resultNode.isNull()) return null; T result; try { result = clientConfig.objectMapper().convertValue(resultNode, returnValueClass); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // The returned exception is an aggregate one. That's not too nice :( throw OnErrorThrowable.from(new ApplicationError(ApplicationError.INVALID_VALUE_TYPE)); } return result; } }); } /** * Returns an observable that will be completed with a single value once the client terminates.<br> * This can be used to asynchronously wait for completion after {@link #close() close} was called. */ public Observable<Void> getTerminationObservable() { final AsyncSubject<Void> termSubject = AsyncSubject.create(); stateController.statusObservable().subscribe(new Observer<State>() { @Override public void onCompleted() { termSubject.onNext(null); termSubject.onCompleted(); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { termSubject.onNext(null); termSubject.onCompleted(); } @Override public void onNext(State t) { } }); return termSubject; } /** * Returns a future that will be completed once the client terminates.<br> * This can be used to wait for completion after {@link #close() close} was called. */ public Future<Void> getTerminationFuture() { final Promise<Void> p = new Promise<Void>(); stateController.statusObservable().subscribe(new Observer<State>() { @Override public void onCompleted() { p.resolve(null); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { p.resolve(null); } @Override public void onNext(State t) { } }); return p.getFuture(); } }