Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Thedeath<> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package wowhead_itemreader; import java.util.ArrayList; import wowhead_itemreader.core.ArcEmuSheme; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.dom4j.Attribute; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import wowDatatypes.Spell; import wowDatatypes.SpellStats; import wowhead_itemreader.core.MangosSheme; import wowhead_itemreader.core.SkyfireSheme; public class WoWHeadData { public static String[] userdFields = new String[] {}; // patch public static final int NO_CATACLYSM = 4, PATCH_3_3_5 = 3, PATCH_4_1_0 = 2, PATCH_4_2_0 = 1, NONE = 0; // Error Definition public boolean urlexists; public boolean scanned; // Error Items Arr public static int[] errArr; public static int count; // Html Tooltip public String tooltip; // patch public String patch; // Link Definition public String url; // Picture Definition public String iconName; // data not need by emu public double gearScore; public double dps; public int slot; public int heroic; public int nsockets; // Data Definition public int itemId; public String name = ""; public String description = ""; public int itemLevel; public int itemQuality; public int itemClass; public int itemSubClass; public int itemDisplayId; public int itemInventoryId; public double itemParry; public double itemDef; public double dmg_min1; public double dmg_max1; public int dmg_type1; public double dmg_min2; public double dmg_max2; public int dmg_type2; public int durability; public double attSpeed; public int reqLevel; public int inventoryType; public double attackPower; public double critStr; public double hitRat; public int sellPrice; public int buyprice; public double hasteRat; public int socket_color1; public int socket_color2; public int socket_color3; public int socket_bonus; public int reqDisentSkill; public int maxCount; public double armorDurch; public Spell[] itemSpells; public int reqClass; public int reqRace; public int spellPower; public int armor; public int stamina; public int strength; public int agility; public int intellect; public int spirit; public int containerSlots; public int frostRes; public int holyRes; public int naturRes; public int shadowRes; public int fireRes; public int arcRes; public int scaDist; public int scaFlag; public int block; public int blockRat; public int dodgeRat; public int itemSet; public int manaReg; public int resiRat; public int expRat; public int splPen; public double rangeDmgMin; public double rangeDmgMax; public int range; public double armorbonus; public SpellStats[] spellStatsAr; public int reqskill; public int reqskillrank; public int reqArenaRat; public int cooldown; public int itemstatscount; public int bonding; public int healthrgn; public int rgdatkpwr; public int rgdcritstrkrtng; // unused public int mastrtng; public double mledmgmax; public double mledmgmin; public double mledps; public double mlespeed; public int reqFaction; public WoWHeadData() { reqClass = -1; reqRace = -1; reqLevel = -1; urlexists = true; scanned = true; itemSpells = new Spell[5]; errArr = new int[50000]; } /** Creates the site scanner * @param itemid Means the Item Id * @param lang Means the language of wowhead. * @param multi If multi is selected. * @return The scanner with the site information. **/ public URL getURL(int itemid, String lang, boolean multi, boolean xml) throws Exception { if (lang.equals("en")) { lang = "www"; } url = "http://" + lang + "" + itemid; URL x = null; try { if (xml) x = new URL(url + "&xml"); else x = new URL(url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { if (multi == false) { urlexists = false; throw new Exception("UTR dont exists !"); } // Print error System.out.println(e); } return x; } /** Main Search Method * @param itemid Means the Item Id * @param lang Means the language of wowhead. * @param multi If multi is selected. **/ // For Example // lang = de -> // lang = "en" -> Means the normal website public void search(int itemid, String lang, boolean multi, boolean deep, int addedIn) throws Exception { try { String toString = getURL(itemid, lang, multi, false).toString(); if (deep) { URL x = new URL(toString); boolean parseMainHTML = parseMainHTML(x, addedIn); if (parseMainHTML == false) { this.itemId = 0; throw new Exception("Item doesnt match your patch input!"); } } org.dom4j.Document document = parse(toString + "&xml"); Element rootElement = document.getRootElement(); parseXML(rootElement); parseHTML(this.tooltip); doSpellStats(); endUpCheckValues(); } catch (Exception ex) { // Print Error ex.printStackTrace(); if (multi == false) { throw new Exception(ex.getMessage()); } else { WoWHeadData.errArr[WoWHeadData.count] = itemid; WoWHeadData.count++; } } } private void doSpellStats() { double[][] spellStats = SpellStats.getValues(this); spellStats = delTrashSpellStats(spellStats); this.spellStatsAr = new SpellStats[10]; for (int i = 0; i < spellStatsAr.length; i++) { if (i > spellStats[0].length - 1) { this.spellStatsAr[i] = new SpellStats(); } else { this.spellStatsAr[i] = new SpellStats((int) (spellStats[1][i]), spellStats[0][i]); } } } private void parseXML(Element n) throws Exception { addToEngine(n); for (int i = 0; i < n.nodeCount(); i++) { Node node = n.node(i); if (node instanceof Element) { parseXML((Element) node); } } } private void addToEngine(Element n) throws Exception { String nodeName = n.getName(); try { if (nodeName.equals("item")) { this.itemId = getAttributeValue(n, "id"); } else if (nodeName.equals("name")) { = n.getData().toString(); } else if (nodeName.equals("level")) { this.itemLevel = Integer.parseInt(n.getData().toString()); } else if (nodeName.equals("gearScore")) { this.gearScore = Double.parseDouble(n.getData().toString()); } else if (nodeName.equals("quality")) { this.itemQuality = getAttributeValue(n, "id"); } else if (nodeName.equals("class")) { this.itemClass = getAttributeValue(n, "id"); } else if (nodeName.equals("subclass")) { this.itemSubClass = getAttributeValue(n, "id"); } else if (nodeName.equals("icon")) { this.itemDisplayId = getAttributeValue(n, "displayId"); this.iconName = n.getData().toString(); } else if (nodeName.equals("inventorySlot")) { this.itemInventoryId = getAttributeValue(n, "id"); } else if (nodeName.equals("htmlTooltip")) { this.tooltip = n.getData().toString(); } else if (nodeName.startsWith("json")) { parseJson(n.getData().toString()); } else if (nodeName.startsWith("error")) { this.urlexists = false; throw new Exception(n.getData().toString()); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { } } private int getAttributeValue(Element ele, String attributeName) { Attribute attribute = ele.attribute(attributeName); int value = Integer.parseInt(attribute.getValue()); return value; } private void parseHTML(String html) { try { DeepParser pars = new DeepParser(html); pars.scanTooltip(); ArrayList<Spell> itemSpells1 = pars.getItemSpells(); int size = itemSpells1.size(); if (size < 5) { size = 5; } this.itemSpells = new Spell[size]; for (int i = 0; i < itemSpells.length; i++) { try { Spell get = itemSpells1.get(i); if (this.cooldown > 0 && get.getSpellTrigger() == 0) { get.setSpellCooldown(this.cooldown); } this.itemSpells[i] = get; } catch (Exception ex) { this.itemSpells[i] = Spell.noSpell; } } this.description = pars.getDescription(); this.bonding = pars.getBounding(); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WoWHeadData.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WoWHeadData.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (DocumentException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WoWHeadData.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(WoWHeadData.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } private boolean parseMainHTML(URL url, int addedIn) { try { DeepParser parser = new DeepParser(url); parser.scanMainPage(); this.patch = parser.getAddedInPatch(); if (this.patch != null) { String[] split = this.patch.split("\\."); try { int firstNumber = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); int secondNumber = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); int thirdNumber = Integer.parseInt(split[2]); if (addedIn == WoWHeadData.NO_CATACLYSM) { if (firstNumber > 3) { return false; } } else if (addedIn == WoWHeadData.PATCH_3_3_5) { if (firstNumber != 3 || secondNumber != 3 || thirdNumber != 5) { return false; } } else if (addedIn == WoWHeadData.PATCH_4_1_0) { if (firstNumber != 4 || secondNumber != 1 || thirdNumber != 0) { return false; } } else if (addedIn == WoWHeadData.PATCH_4_2_0) { if (firstNumber != 4 || secondNumber != 2 || thirdNumber != 0) { return false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } this.reqDisentSkill = parser.getReqDisentSkill(); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WoWHeadData.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WoWHeadData.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (DocumentException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WoWHeadData.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(WoWHeadData.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return true; } private void endUpCheckValues() { if (this.itemSubClass < 0) { this.itemSubClass = 0; } } private void parseJson(String json) { try { json = "{" + json + "}"; JSONObject object = new JSONObject(json); setJsonValue("dps", getJsonValue(object, "dps"), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("mledps", getJsonValue(object, "mledps"), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("reqLevel", (getJsonValue(object, "reqlevel")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("slot", (getJsonValue(object, "slot")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("inventoryType", (getJsonValue(object, "slotbak")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("attSpeed", (getJsonValue(object, "speed")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("mlespeed", (getJsonValue(object, "mlespeed")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("sellPrice", (getJsonValue(object, "sellprice")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("durability", (getJsonValue(object, "dura")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("socket_color1", (getJsonValue(object, "socket1")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("socket_color2", (getJsonValue(object, "socket2")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("socket_color3", (getJsonValue(object, "socket3")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("socket_bonus", (getJsonValue(object, "socketbonus")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("nsockets", (getJsonValue(object, "nsockets")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("maxCount", (getJsonValue(object, "maxcount")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("reqClass", (getJsonValue(object, "reqclass")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("reqRace", (getJsonValue(object, "reqrace")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("armor", (getJsonValue(object, "armor")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("buyprice", (getJsonValue(object, "buyprice")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("containerSlots", (getJsonValue(object, "nslots")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("arcRes", (getJsonValue(object, "arcres")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("fireRes", (getJsonValue(object, "firres")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("frostRes", (getJsonValue(object, "frores")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("naturRes", (getJsonValue(object, "natres")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("shadowRes", (getJsonValue(object, "shares")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("holyRes", (getJsonValue(object, "holres")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("scaDist", (getJsonValue(object, "scadist")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("scaFlag", (getJsonValue(object, "scaflags")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("itemSet", (getJsonValue(object, "itemset")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("rangeDmgMin", (getJsonValue(object, "rgddmgmin")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("rangeDmgMax", (getJsonValue(object, "rgddmgmax")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("armorbonus", (getJsonValue(object, "armorbonus")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("reqskill", (getJsonValue(object, "reqskill")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("reqskillrank", (getJsonValue(object, "reqskillrank")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("reqArenaRat", (getJsonValue(object, "reqarenartng")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("reqFaction", (getJsonValue(object, "reqfaction")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("cooldown", (getJsonValue(object, "cooldown")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("dmg_min1", (getJsonValue(object, "dmgmin1")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("dmg_max1", (getJsonValue(object, "dmgmax1")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("dmg_type1", (getJsonValue(object, "dmgtype1")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("dmg_min2", (getJsonValue(object, "dmgmin2")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("dmg_max2", (getJsonValue(object, "dmgmax2")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("dmg_type2", (getJsonValue(object, "dmgtype2")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("mledmgmin", (getJsonValue(object, "mledmgmin")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("mledmgmax", (getJsonValue(object, "mledmgmax")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("stamina", (getJsonValue(object, "sta")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("strength", (getJsonValue(object, "str")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("agility", (getJsonValue(object, "agi")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("intellect", (getJsonValue(object, "int")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("spirit", (getJsonValue(object, "spi")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("itemParry", (getJsonValue(object, "parryrtng")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("itemDef", (getJsonValue(object, "defrtng")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("attackPower", (getJsonValue(object, "atkpwr")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("hitRat", (getJsonValue(object, "hitrtng")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("critStr", (getJsonValue(object, "critstrkrtng")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("armorDurch", (getJsonValue(object, "armorpenrtng")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("hasteRat", (getJsonValue(object, "hastertng")), PARSEDOUBLE); setJsonValue("spellPower", (getJsonValue(object, "splpwr")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("block", (getJsonValue(object, "block")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("blockRat", (getJsonValue(object, "blockrtng")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("dodgeRat", (getJsonValue(object, "dodgertng")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("resiRat", (getJsonValue(object, "resirtng")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("expRat", (getJsonValue(object, "exprtng")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("splPen", (getJsonValue(object, "splpen")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("manaReg", (getJsonValue(object, "manargn")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("heroic", (getJsonValue(object, "heroic")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("mastrtng", (getJsonValue(object, "mastrtng")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("healthrgn", (getJsonValue(object, "healthrgn")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("rgdatkpwr", (getJsonValue(object, "rgdatkpwr")), PARSEINT); setJsonValue("rgdcritstrkrtng", (getJsonValue(object, "rgdcritstrkrtng")), PARSEINT); this.attSpeed = this.attSpeed * 1000D; this.mlespeed = this.mlespeed * 1000D; } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WoWHeadData.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } private String getJsonValue(JSONObject object, String key) { try { return object.get(key).toString(); } catch (JSONException ex) { } return null; } public static int PARSEINT = 1; public static int PARSEDOUBLE = 2; private void setJsonValue(String fieldName, Object value, int type) { try { Class<? extends WoWHeadData> aClass = this.getClass(); Field field = aClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName); if (value != null) { try { switch (type) { case 1: field.setInt(this, Integer.parseInt(value.toString())); break; case 2: field.setDouble(this, Double.parseDouble(value.toString())); break; default: field.set(this, value.toString()); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WoWHeadData.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(WoWHeadData.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * This Method deletes all variables with -1 or 0. * The Array must be at least 10 counts long */ private double[][] delTrashSpellStats(double[][] spellStats) { int countTemp = 0; double[][] spellStats_new = new double[2][15]; for (int i = 0; i < spellStats[0].length; i++) { if (spellStats[0][i] > 0) { spellStats_new[0][countTemp] = spellStats[0][i]; spellStats_new[1][countTemp] = spellStats[1][i]; countTemp++; } } itemstatscount = countTemp; spellStats = new double[2][10]; for (int i = 0; i < spellStats.length; i++) { System.arraycopy(spellStats_new[i], 0, spellStats[i], 0, spellStats[0].length); } return spellStats; } protected org.dom4j.Document parse(String url) throws Exception { SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); org.dom4j.Document document =; return document; } // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Tooltip parsing"> // </editor-fold> /** * Only ArcEmu implemented yet.. * @param i 0 -> ArcEmu 1 -> Mangos 2 -> Trinity 3 -> Oregon Core */ public String createSql(int i) { Sheme sheme = null; switch (i) { case 0: sheme = new ArcEmuSheme(); break; case 1: case 2: sheme = new MangosSheme(); break; case 3: sheme = new SkyfireSheme(); break; } return sheme.getQuery(this); } }