woto.business.PaymentService.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for woto.business.PaymentService.java


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package woto.business;

import java.util.Iterator;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import java.sql.*;
import woto.core.BusinessException;
import woto.core.DBConnection;
import woto.core.ParameterList;

 * @author Ramkumar
public class PaymentService extends BaseService {
    public JSONArray deletePayment(JSONObject methodParam) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        JSONArray joArray = new JSONArray();
        DBConnection db = new DBConnection(true);
        try {

            int pay_id = Integer.parseInt("" + methodParam.get("pay_id"));

            //Get Payment detail for pay id to be deleted
            ParameterList paramList = new ParameterList();
            paramList.add("pay_id", "" + pay_id);
            JSONObject delPayment = (JSONObject) db
                    .Execute("payment.logic", "GetPaymentById", paramList.toJSONArray()).iterator().next();
            int sch_id = Integer.parseInt("" + delPayment.get("sch_id"));
            int s_id = Integer.parseInt("" + delPayment.get("s_id"));

            paramList = new ParameterList();
            paramList.add("s_id", "" + s_id);
            paramList.add("sch_id", "" + sch_id);
            JSONArray paymentsFromSchId1 = db.Execute("payment.logic", "GetPaymentAfterSchedule",

            //Delete the  payment
            paramList = new ParameterList();
            paramList.add("pay_id", "" + pay_id);
            db.Execute("payment.logic", "deletePayment", paramList.toJSONArray());

            //Get the  payment to be reshuffed. Reschuffle all schedule from deleted scheddule
            paramList = new ParameterList();
            paramList.add("s_id", "" + s_id);
            paramList.add("sch_id", "" + sch_id);
            JSONArray paymentsFromSchId = db.Execute("payment.logic", "GetPaymentAfterSchedule",
            if (paymentsFromSchId.size() > 0) {

                //Delete all schedule from deleted pay id schedule
                db.Execute("payment.logic", "deletePaymentFromSchId", paramList.toJSONArray());

                paramList = new ParameterList();
                paramList.add("s_id", "" + s_id);
                paramList.add("sch_id", "" + sch_id);
                JSONArray paymentsFromSchId5 = db.Execute("payment.logic", "GetPaymentAfterSchedule",

                //REpay the amount without the deleted payid
                Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = paymentsFromSchId.iterator();
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    JSONObject paymentFromSchId = (JSONObject) iterator.next();

                    Float f = Float.parseFloat("" + paymentFromSchId.get("amount"));
                    int ramount = f.intValue();

                    JSONObject payment = new JSONObject();
                    payment.put("mem_id", paymentFromSchId.get("mem_id"));
                    payment.put("s_id", paymentFromSchId.get("s_id"));
                    payment.put("pay_date", paymentFromSchId.get("pay_date"));
                    payment.put("amount", "" + ramount);
                    payment.put("collector_id", paymentFromSchId.get("collector_id"));
                    payment.put("created_by", paymentFromSchId.get("created_by"));
                    joArray.addAll(payAmountAtEnd(db, payment));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;

        return joArray;

    public JSONArray payAmount(JSONObject methodParam) throws ClassNotFoundException {

        JSONArray joArray = new JSONArray();

        DBConnection db = new DBConnection(true);
        try {

            int mem_id = Integer.parseInt("" + methodParam.get("mem_id"));
            int s_id = Integer.parseInt("" + methodParam.get("s_id"));
            long amount = Long.parseLong("" + methodParam.get("amount"));
            String pay_date = (String) methodParam.get("pay_date");
            int collector_id = Integer.parseInt("" + methodParam.get("collector_id"));
            int created_by = Integer.parseInt("" + getUserId());

            //Insert a new Bill for student    
            ParameterList paramList = new ParameterList();
            paramList.add("mem_id", "" + mem_id);
            paramList.add("s_id", "" + s_id);
            paramList.add("pay_date", pay_date);
            JSONArray paymentsFromDate = db.Execute("payment.logic", "getMemberPaymentFromDate",
            if (paymentsFromDate.size() == 0) {
                joArray.addAll(payAmountAtEnd(db, methodParam));
            } else {

                //Get the list of amount pay after the min sche"select     gm_id,    substring(cast(t_date as char), 1, 10) p_date,    sum(amount) amount,    user_id from ( (select "+gmId+" gm_id,'"+ChittyUtil.ToDBDate(payDate)+"' t_date,"+amount+" amount,"+userId+" user_id,-999 trans_id) union (select gm_id,t_date,amount,user_id,p.trans_id from     payment p  inner join chitty.transaction  t ON t.trans_id = p.trans_id  where     gm_id = "+gmId+" ) ) dt group by gm_id , substring(cast(t_date as char), 1, 10) , user_id order by t_date "
                db.Execute("payment.logic", "deletePaymentFromDate", paramList.toJSONArray());

                joArray.addAll(payAmountAtEnd(db, methodParam));
                //Pay the amount payed till now.
                Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = paymentsFromDate.iterator();
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    JSONObject paymentFromDate = (JSONObject) iterator.next();

                    Float f = Float.parseFloat("" + paymentFromDate.get("amount"));
                    int ramount = f.intValue();

                    JSONObject payment = new JSONObject();
                    payment.put("mem_id", paymentFromDate.get("mem_id"));
                    payment.put("s_id", paymentFromDate.get("s_id"));
                    payment.put("pay_date", paymentFromDate.get("pay_date"));
                    payment.put("amount", "" + ramount);
                    payment.put("collector_id", paymentFromDate.get("collector_id"));
                    payment.put("created_by", paymentFromDate.get("created_by"));
                    joArray.addAll(payAmountAtEnd(db, payment));


        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;

        return joArray;

    //Note method only insert at the last available space.
    public JSONArray payAmountAtEnd(DBConnection db, JSONObject methodParam) throws ClassNotFoundException {

        JSONArray joArray = new JSONArray();

        // DBConnection db = new DBConnection(true);

        int mem_id = Integer.parseInt("" + methodParam.get("mem_id"));
        int s_id = Integer.parseInt("" + methodParam.get("s_id"));
        long amount = Long.parseLong("" + methodParam.get("amount"));
        String pay_date = (String) methodParam.get("pay_date");
        int collector_id = Integer.parseInt("" + methodParam.get("collector_id"));
        int created_by = Integer.parseInt("" + getUserId());

        //Insert a new Bill for student    
        ParameterList paramList = new ParameterList();
        paramList.add("mem_id", "" + mem_id);
        paramList.add("s_id", "" + s_id);
        JSONArray freeSchedules = db.Execute("payment.logic", "getFreeSchedule", paramList.toJSONArray());

        if (freeSchedules.size() == 0) {
            throw new BusinessException("Payment Failed. Reason: All payment already completed.");
        } else {
            Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = freeSchedules.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                //If all amount is paid    
                if (amount <= 0) {
                //Read the free sch_id and balance that is not yet paid
                JSONObject freeSchedule = (JSONObject) iterator.next();
                int sch_id = Integer.parseInt("" + freeSchedule.get("sch_id"));
                Float f = Float.parseFloat("" + freeSchedule.get("balance"));
                int balance = f.intValue();

                //4 50
                //5 100

                long payamount = 0;
                if (balance >= amount) {
                    payamount = amount;
                } else {
                    payamount = balance;
                amount = amount - payamount;

                paramList = new ParameterList();
                paramList.add("s_id", "" + s_id);
                paramList.add("pay_date", pay_date, "Date");
                paramList.add("amount", "" + payamount);
                paramList.add("sch_id", "" + sch_id);
                paramList.add("collector_id", "" + collector_id);
                paramList.add("created_by", "" + created_by);
                JSONArray payments = db.Execute("payment.logic", "insertPayment", paramList.toJSONArray());
                int pay_id = Integer.parseInt((String) ((JSONObject) payments.iterator().next()).get("key_value"));

                JSONObject payment = new JSONObject();
                payment.put("pay_id", pay_id);

                payment.put("sch_id", "" + sch_id);
                payment.put("pay_date", pay_date);
                payment.put("amount", "" + payamount);
                payment.put("collector_id", "" + collector_id);
                payment.put("created_by", "" + created_by);

        //  db.commit();

        return joArray;