wjhk.jupload2.upload.helper.ProgressBarManager.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for wjhk.jupload2.upload.helper.ProgressBarManager.java


// $Id$
// jupload - A file upload applet.
// Copyright 2010 The JUpload Team
// Created: 10 fevr. 2010
// Creator: etienne_sf
// Last modified: $Date$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

package wjhk.jupload2.upload.helper;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
import javax.swing.Timer;

import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadException;
import wjhk.jupload2.filedata.FileData;
import wjhk.jupload2.gui.JUploadPanel;
import wjhk.jupload2.gui.filepanel.SizeRenderer;
import wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy;
import wjhk.jupload2.upload.FilePreparationThread;
import wjhk.jupload2.upload.FileUploadManagerThread;
import wjhk.jupload2.upload.UploadFileData;
import wjhk.jupload2.upload.UploadFilePacket;

 * @author etienne_sf
public class ProgressBarManager implements ActionListener {
     * The delay between to updates of the progress bar, in ms.
    public final static int DELAY_FOR_UPDATE_OF_PROGRESS_BAR = 100;

     * Contains the date/time (as a long) of the start of the current upload.
     * This allows to sum the time of the actual upload, and ignore the time the
     * applet is waiting for the server's response. Once the request is
     * finished, and the applet waits for the server's response, the duration of
     * the sending to the server is added to currentRequestStartTime, and
     * currentRequestStartTime is reseted to 0. It's then ready for the next
     * upload request.
    long currentRequestStartTime = 0;

     * The file that is currently being uploaded. Allow to refresh the progress
     * bar, with up to date information, based on a timer event.
    UploadFileData currentUploadFileData = null;

     * The files which is currently being sent to the server.
    UploadFilePacket currentUploadFilePacket = null;

     * The file preparatoin thread prepares each file for upload, and manage
     * possible errors that can occurs at preparation time.
    FilePreparationThread filePreparationThread = null;

     * Contains the system time of the start of the global upload. This is used
     * to calculate the ETA, and display it to the user, on the status bar.
    long globalStartTime = 0;

     * Indicated the number of bytes that have currently been sent for the
     * current file. This allows the management of the progress bar.
    long nbBytesUploadedForCurrentFile = 0;

     * Number of files that have already been sent. The control on the upload
     * success may be done or not. It's used to properly display the progress
     * bar.
    int nbSentFiles = 0;

    /** Current number of bytes that have been uploaded. */
    long nbUploadedBytes = 0;

     * The {@link JUploadPanel} progress bar, to follow the file preparation
     * progress.
    JProgressBar preparationProgressBar = null;

     * The timer which schedules the update for the progress and status bar.
    Timer timer;

     * Contains the sum of the upload duration for all requests, in
     * milliseconds. For instance, if sending in 10 chunks one big file, the
     * uploadDuration contains the sum of the sending of these 10 request to the
     * server. This allows to calculate the true upload speed, and ignore the
     * time we'll wait for the server's response.
    long totalUploadDuration = 0;

    /** The current upload policy */
    UploadPolicy uploadPolicy;

     * The {@link JUploadPanel} progress bar, to follow the upload of the
     * prepared files to the server.
    JProgressBar uploadProgressBar = null;

     * Indicates what is the current file being uploaded, and its upload status.
    int uploadStatus = FileUploadManagerThread.UPLOAD_STATUS_NOT_STARTED;

     * @param uploadPolicy
     * @param filePreparationThread
    public ProgressBarManager(UploadPolicy uploadPolicy, FilePreparationThread filePreparationThread) {
        this.uploadPolicy = uploadPolicy;
        this.filePreparationThread = filePreparationThread;
        // our timer is a daemon.
        this.timer = new Timer(DELAY_FOR_UPDATE_OF_PROGRESS_BAR, this);

        JUploadPanel uploadPanel = uploadPolicy.getContext().getUploadPanel();

        this.uploadProgressBar = uploadPanel.getUploadProgressBar();
        this.preparationProgressBar = uploadPanel.getPreparationProgressBar();


     * The only event managed here is the timer event. We update the progress
     * and status bar.
     * @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {


     * Called when a new file is uploaded. This method update the bars
     * accordingly to this new status, by calling the
     * updateUploadProgressBarText() method.
     * @param uploadFilePacket
     * @param uploadFileData
     * @throws JUploadException
     * @see wjhk.jupload2.upload.FileUploadManagerThread#anotherFileHasBeenSent(wjhk.jupload2.upload.UploadFilePacket,
     *      wjhk.jupload2.upload.UploadFileData)
    public synchronized void anotherFileHasBeenSent(UploadFilePacket uploadFilePacket,
            UploadFileData uploadFileData) throws JUploadException {
        if (uploadFilePacket != this.currentUploadFilePacket) {
            throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
                    "Wrong file packet in " + this.getClass().getName() + ".anotherFileHasBeenSent()");
        if (uploadFileData != this.currentUploadFileData) {
            throw new java.lang.AssertionError(
                    "Wrong file packet in " + this.getClass().getName() + ".anotherFileHasBeenSent()");
        this.nbSentFiles += 1;
        this.nbBytesUploadedForCurrentFile = 0;
                + ".anotherFileHasBeenSent(): before call to newlyUploadedFileData.getUploadLength()", 100);

        // We are finished with this one. Let's display it.
        this.uploadStatus = FileUploadManagerThread.UPLOAD_STATUS_UPLOADED;

     * Clean all bar content.
    public void clearBarContent() {
        // Let's stop the update process.



     * @return the globalStartTime
    public long getGlobalStartTime() {
        return this.globalStartTime;

     * @return the nbUploadedBytes
    public long getNbUploadedBytes() {
        return this.nbUploadedBytes;

     * @return the uploadDuration
    public long getUploadDuration() {
        long currentRequestDuration = 0;
        if (this.currentRequestStartTime != 0) {
            //A request is running on
            currentRequestDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.currentRequestStartTime;

        return this.totalUploadDuration + currentRequestDuration;

     * Initialize the maximum value for the two progress bar: 100*the number of
     * files to upload.
     * @throws JUploadException
     * @see #updateUploadProgressBar(UploadFilePacket, UploadFileData)
    private void initProgressBar() throws JUploadException {
        // To follow the state of file preparation
        this.preparationProgressBar.setMaximum(100 * this.filePreparationThread.getNbFilesToSent());

        // To follow the state of the actual upload
                .setMaximum(100 * this.uploadPolicy.getContext().getUploadPanel().getFilePanel().getFilesLength());

     * The progressBar is updated each 50ms and each 10% of the target file.
     * @param nbBytes
     * @param uploadFileData
     * @throws JUploadException
     * @see wjhk.jupload2.upload.FileUploadManagerThread#nbBytesUploaded(long,
     *      UploadFileData)
    public synchronized void nbBytesUploaded(long nbBytes, UploadFileData uploadFileData) throws JUploadException {
        this.nbUploadedBytes += nbBytes;
        this.nbBytesUploadedForCurrentFile += nbBytes;

     * Set an error text, that will be displayed on the progress bar
     * @param errorTexte
    public void setErrorMessage(String errorTexte) {

     * @param uploadFilePacket
     * @param uploadFileData
     * @param uploadStatus
     * @throws JUploadException
    public synchronized void setUploadStatus(UploadFilePacket uploadFilePacket, UploadFileData uploadFileData,
            int uploadStatus) throws JUploadException {
        // Let's store the file we're working on.
        this.currentUploadFileData = uploadFileData;
        this.currentUploadFilePacket = uploadFilePacket;

        switch (uploadStatus) {
            // We're waiting for the server: let's add it to the sending
            // duration.
            this.totalUploadDuration += System.currentTimeMillis() - this.currentRequestStartTime;
            this.currentRequestStartTime = 0;
        case FileUploadManagerThread.UPLOAD_STATUS_UPLOADING:
            //We mark the start of the request, if it was not already done.
            if (this.currentRequestStartTime == 0) {
                this.currentRequestStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        case FileUploadManagerThread.UPLOAD_STATUS_UPLOADED:
            // Indicated that the current request is finished. Nothing to do
            this.uploadPolicy.displayWarn("Unknown value for uploadStatus: " + uploadStatus);
        this.uploadStatus = uploadStatus;


     * Update the progress bar, based on the following data: <DIR> <LI>
     * nbSentFiles: number of files that have already been updated. <LI>
     * nbBytesUploadedForCurrentFile: allows calculation of the upload progress
     * for the current file, based on it total upload length. </DIR> <BR>
     * Note 1: The progress bar update is ignored, if last update was less than
     * 100ms before.<BR>
     * Note 2: This method calls the
     * {@link #updateUploadProgressBarValue(UploadFileData)} method, to also
     * update its value.
     * @throws JUploadException
    private void updateUploadProgressBarText() {
         * final String msgInfoUploaded = this.uploadPolicy
         * .getLocalizedString("infoUploaded"); final String msgInfoUploading =
         * this.uploadPolicy .getLocalizedString("infoUploading"); final String
         * msgNbUploadedFiles = this.uploadPolicy
         * .getLocalizedString("nbUploadedFiles");

        String msg = null;
        switch (this.uploadStatus) {
        case FileUploadManagerThread.UPLOAD_STATUS_NOT_STARTED:
            msg = "";
        case FileUploadManagerThread.UPLOAD_STATUS_UPLOADING:
            // Uploading files %1$s
            msg = this.uploadPolicy.getLocalizedString("infoUploading", (this.nbSentFiles + 1));
            // %1$s file(s) uploaded. Waiting for server response ...

            // nbSentFiles it number of files whose data is already sent to
            // the server. This include the currentUploadFileData (which
            // should be the last file in the packet)
            int firstFileInPacket = this.currentUploadFileData.getNumOfFileInCurrentUpload();
            int currentFile = this.nbSentFiles;

            if (this.currentUploadFilePacket.size() == 1) {
                msg = currentFile + "/" + this.filePreparationThread.getNbFilesToSent();
            } else {
                msg = firstFileInPacket + "-" + currentFile + "/" + this.filePreparationThread.getNbFilesToSent();
            msg = this.uploadPolicy.getLocalizedString("infoUploaded", msg);

        case FileUploadManagerThread.UPLOAD_STATUS_UPLOADED:
            // %1$d file(s) uploaded
            msg = this.uploadPolicy.getLocalizedString("nbUploadedFiles", (this.nbSentFiles));
            // Hum, that's strange !
                    .displayWarn("Unknown upload status in FileUploadManagerThreadImpl.updateProgressBar(): "
                            + this.uploadStatus);

        // Let's show the modifications to the user
        // To be sure that the new text is displayed, we force instantaneous
        // refresh. This won't slow down the upload, as it's done in separate
        // thread.

     * Update the progress bar value, that is: the percent of upload of the
     * current file. This is based on nbBytesUploadedForCurrentFile and the
     * total upload length of the current file.<BR>
     * Note: The progress bar update is ignored, if last update was less than
     * 100ms before.
     * @throws JUploadException
    private void updateUploadProgressBarValue() {
         * final String msgInfoUploaded = this.uploadPolicy
         * .getLocalizedString("infoUploaded"); final String msgInfoUploading =
         * this.uploadPolicy .getLocalizedString("infoUploading"); final String
         * msgNbUploadedFiles = this.uploadPolicy
         * .getLocalizedString("nbUploadedFiles");
        int percent = 0;

        // First, we update the bar itself.
        if (this.nbBytesUploadedForCurrentFile == 0
                || this.nbSentFiles == this.filePreparationThread.getNbFilesToSent()) {
            percent = 0;
        } else if (this.currentUploadFileData == null) {
            percent = 0;
        } else {
            if (this.currentUploadFileData.isPreparedForUpload()) {
                percent = (int) (this.nbBytesUploadedForCurrentFile * 100
                        / this.currentUploadFileData.getUploadLength());
            } else {
                // Hum, hum. The file is not prepared for upload yet. So we
                // actually didn't send any thing for it.
                percent = 0;
            // Usually, a percentage if advancement for one file is no more than
            // 100. Let's check that.
            if (percent > 100) {
                this.uploadPolicy.displayWarn("percent is more than 100 (" + percent
                        + ") in FileUploadManagerThreadImpl.update.UploadProgressBar");
                percent = 100;

        this.uploadProgressBar.setValue(100 * this.nbSentFiles + percent);

     * Displays the current upload speed on the status bar.
    private void updateUploadStatusBar() {
        // We'll update the status bar, only if it exists and if the upload
        // actually started.
        if (null != this.uploadPolicy.getContext().getUploadPanel().getStatusLabel() && this.nbUploadedBytes > 0) {
            double percent;
            // uploadCPS: contains the upload speed.
            double uploadSpeed;
            // globalCPS: contains the average speed, including the time the
            // applet is waiting for the server response.
            double globalCPS;
            long remaining;
            String eta;

            try {
                percent = 100.0 * this.nbUploadedBytes / this.filePreparationThread.getTotalFileBytesToSend();

            } catch (ArithmeticException e1) {
                percent = 100;

            // Calculation of the 'pure' upload speed.
            uploadSpeed = ((double) this.nbUploadedBytes) / ((double) getUploadDuration() / 1000);
            if (uploadSpeed == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
                this.uploadPolicy.displayDebug("uploadSpeed is Infinity, for nbUploadedBytes=" + nbUploadedBytes
                        + " and actualUploadDuration(ms)=" + getUploadDuration(), 80);

            // Calculation of the 'global' upload speed.
            try {
                globalCPS = ((double) this.nbUploadedBytes) / (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.globalStartTime)
                        * 1000;
            } catch (ArithmeticException e1) {
                globalCPS = this.nbUploadedBytes;

            // Calculation of the ETA. It's based on the global upload speed.
            try {
                remaining = (long) ((this.filePreparationThread.getTotalFileBytesToSend() - this.nbUploadedBytes)
                        / globalCPS);
                if (remaining > 3600) {
                    eta = this.uploadPolicy.getLocalizedString("timefmt_hms", Long.valueOf(remaining / 3600),
                            Long.valueOf((remaining / 60) % 60), Long.valueOf(remaining % 60));
                } else if (remaining > 60) {
                    eta = this.uploadPolicy.getLocalizedString("timefmt_ms", Long.valueOf(remaining / 60),
                            Long.valueOf(remaining % 60));
                } else
                    eta = this.uploadPolicy.getLocalizedString("timefmt_s", Long.valueOf(remaining));
            } catch (ArithmeticException e1) {
                eta = this.uploadPolicy.getLocalizedString("timefmt_unknown");
            String status = this.uploadPolicy.getLocalizedString("status_msg", Integer.valueOf((int) percent),
                    SizeRenderer.formatFileUploadSpeed(uploadSpeed, this.uploadPolicy), eta);
            // this.uploadPanel.getStatusLabel().repaint();
            // this.uploadPolicy.displayDebug("[updateUploadStatusBar] " +
            // status, 101);

     * This just stops the timer. A 'last' update is done.
    public void uploadIsFinished() {
        // Let's stop the update process.


     * @throws JUploadException
    public void uploadIsStarted() throws JUploadException {
        // Ok, the upload just starts. We keep the date, to later calculate the
        // ETA.
        this.globalStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Let's start the update process.

    public String getProgressInfoJSON(FileData[] fileDatas) {
        long totalBytes = 0;
        for (FileData fd : fileDatas)
            totalBytes += fd.getFileLength();
        JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
        try {
            jsonObj.put("bytes_loaded_for_current_file", nbBytesUploadedForCurrentFile);
            jsonObj.put("num_sent_files", nbSentFiles);
            jsonObj.put("all_bytes_loaded", nbUploadedBytes);
            jsonObj.put("all_bytes_total", totalBytes);

        } catch (JSONException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        String sRet = jsonObj.toString();
        return sRet;
