wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy.java


// $Id: DefaultUploadPolicy.java 289 2007-06-19 10:04:46 +0000 (mar., 19 juin
// 2007) etienne_sf $
// jupload - A file upload juploadContext.
// Copyright 2007 The JUpload Team
// Created: 2006-05-04
// Creator: etienne_sf
// Last modified: $Date: 2011-10-13 22:29:13 +0200 (jeu., 13 oct. 2011) $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
// Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
// version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
// details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

package wjhk.jupload2.policies;

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.SystemColor;
import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetDropEvent;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IllegalFormatException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;

import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;
import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import wjhk.jupload2.context.JUploadContext;
import wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadException;
import wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionStopAddingFiles;
import wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed;
import wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailedSuccessNotFound;
import wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadIOException;
import wjhk.jupload2.filedata.DefaultFileData;
import wjhk.jupload2.filedata.FileData;
import wjhk.jupload2.gui.JUploadFileChooser;
import wjhk.jupload2.gui.JUploadFileFilter;
import wjhk.jupload2.gui.JUploadPanel;
import wjhk.jupload2.upload.helper.ByteArrayEncoder;
import wjhk.jupload2.upload.helper.ByteArrayEncoderHTTP;
import wjhk.jupload2.upload.helper.HTTPConnectionHelper;
import wjhk.jupload2.upload.helper.HttpProtocolFinderThread;
import wjhk.jupload2.upload.helper.InteractiveTrustManager;

 * This class implements all {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy}
 * methods. Its way of working is he same as the JUpload version 1. <BR>
 * The simplest way to use this policy is given in the presentation of
 * {@link UploadPolicy}. The DefaultUploadPolicy is used when no
 * <I>uploadPolicy</I> parameter is given to the juploadContext, or this
 * parameter has 'DefaultUploadPolicy' as a value. <BR>
 * <P>
 * The <U>default behavior</U> is representated below. It can be overridden by
 * adding parameters to the juploadContext. All available parameters are shown
 * in the presentation of {@link UploadPolicy}.
 * </P>
 * <UL>
 * <LI>Default implementation for all
 * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy} methods.
 * <LI>Files are uploaded all in one HTTP request.
 * <LI>No handling for particular kind of files: files are transmitted without
 * any transformation.
 * <LI>The file are transmitted to the server with the navigator cookies,
 * userAgent and Protocol (see also the readCookieFromNavigator and
 * serverProtocol juploadContext parameter). This make upload occurs within the
 * current user session on the server. So, it allows right management and
 * context during the management of uploaded files, on the server.
 * </UL>
 * @author etienne_sf
 * @version $Revision: 1581 $

public class DefaultUploadPolicy implements UploadPolicy {

     * Maximum number of characters allowed for a message that is displayed in a
     * DialogBox
    public final static int DIALOG_MESSAGE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 80;

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // /////////////////// APPLET PARAMETERS
    // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * juploadContext contains the reference of the Applet. It's useful to
     * interact with it. <BR>
     * It also allows access to the navigator properties, if the html tag
     * MAYSCRIPT is put in the APPLET tag. This allows this class to get the
     * cookie, userAgent and protocol, to upload files in the current user
     * session on the server. <BR>
     * Default : no default value
    JUploadContext juploadContext = null;

     * Contains the applet parameter of the same name. If a valid URL is given
     * here, the navigator will get redirected to this page, after a successful
     * upload.
    private String afterUploadURL = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_AFTER_UPLOAD_URL;

     * Contains the allowedFileExtensions applet parameter.
    private boolean allowHttpPersistent = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_ALLOW_HTTP_PERSISTENT;

     * Contains the allowedFileExtensions applet parameter.
    private String allowedFileExtensions = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_ALLOWED_FILE_EXTENSIONS;

     * Indicate whether the log window is shown or not to the user. In all cases
     * it remains in memory, and stores all debug information. This allows a log
     * information, in case of an error occurs.
     * @see #urlToSendErrorTo
    private String showLogWindow = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_SHOW_LOGWINDOW;

    private boolean showStatusbar = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_SHOW_STATUSBAR;

    private String specificHeaders = null;

    /** Indicates the directory in which the file chooser is to be opened */
    private File currentBrowsingDirectory = null;

     * This parameter controls whether the applet generates a debug file or not.
     * If true, this file contains the full debug output, whatever the current
     * debugLevel is.
    private boolean debugGenerateFile = true;

     * The current debug level. This control the details of information that is
     * written in the log part of the applet.
    private int debugLevel = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_DEBUG_LEVEL;

     * Stored value for the fileChooserIconFromFileContent applet property.
    private int fileChooserIconFromFileContent = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_FROM_FILE_CONTENT;

     * Stored value for the fileChooserIconSize applet property.
     * @see UploadPolicy#PROP_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_SIZE
    private int fileChooserIconSize = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_SIZE;

     * Stored value for the {@link UploadPolicy#PROP_FILE_FILTER_NAME}
    private String fileFilterName = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_FILE_FILTER_NAME;
     * This String contains the filenameEncoding parameter. All details about
     * the available applet parameters are displayed in the <a
     * href="UploadPolicy.html@parameters">Upload Policy javadoc page</a>.
    private String filenameEncoding = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_FILENAME_ENCODING;

     * Default value for the ftpCreateDirectoryStructure applet parameter
    private boolean ftpCreateDirectoryStructure = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_FTP_CREATE_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE;

     * Default value for the ftpCreateDirectoryStructure applet parameter
    private boolean ftpTransfertBinary = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_FTP_TRANSFERT_BINARY;

     * Default value for the ftpCreateDirectoryStructure applet parameter
    private boolean ftpTransfertPassive = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_FTP_TRANSFERT_PASSIVE;

    /** Default value for the httpUploadParameterName applet parameter */
    protected String httpUploadParameterName = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_HTTP_UPLOAD_PARAMETER_NAME;

    /** Default value for the httpUploadParameterType applet parameter */
    protected String httpUploadParameterType = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_HTTP_UPLOAD_PARAMETER_TYPE;

     * The lang parameter, given to the applet.
    private String lang = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_LANG;

     * The current Locale. If the lang parameter is given and value, this
     * supersede the default locale.
    private Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();

     * Contains the last exception that occurs in the applet.
     * @see #displayErr(String, Exception)
    private JUploadException lastException = null;

     * The look and feel is used as a parameter of the
     * UIManager.setLookAndFeel(String) method. See the parameters list on the
     * {@link UploadPolicy} page.
    private String lookAndFeel = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_LOOK_AND_FEEL;

     * The applet will do as may HTTP requests to upload all files, with the
     * number as a maximum number of files for each HTTP request. <BR>
     * Default : -1
    private int nbFilesPerRequest = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_NB_FILES_PER_REQUEST;

     * Current value (or default value) of the maxChunkSize applet parameter. <BR>
     * Default : Long.MAX_VALUE
    private long maxChunkSize = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;

     * Current value (or default value) of the maxFileSize applet parameter. <BR>
     * Default : Long.MAX_VALUE
    private long maxFileSize = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE;

     * The URL where files should be posted. <BR>
     * Default : no default value. (mandatory)
    private String postURL = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_POST_URL;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getReadCookieFromNavigator() */
    private boolean readCookieFromNavigator = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_READ_COOKIE_FROM_NAVIGATOR;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getReadUserAgentFromNavigator() */
    private boolean readUserAgentFromNavigator = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_READ_USER_AGENT_FROM_NAVIGATOR;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getRetryMaxNumberOf() */
    private int retryMaxNumberOf = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_RETRY_MAX_NUMBER_OF;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getRetryNbSecondsBetween() */
    private int retryNbSecondsBetween = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_RETRY_NB_SECONDS_BETWEEN;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getSendMD5Sum() */
    private boolean sendMD5Sum = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_SEND_MD5_SUM;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getServerProtocol() */
    private String serverProtocol = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_SERVER_PROTOCOL;

     * @see UploadPolicy#getStringUploadError()
    private String stringUploadError = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_STRING_UPLOAD_ERROR;

     * @see UploadPolicy#getStringUploadSuccess()
    private String stringUploadSuccess = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_STRING_UPLOAD_SUCCESS;

     * @see UploadPolicy#getStringUploadWarning()
    private String stringUploadWarning = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_STRING_UPLOAD_WARNING;

     * If an error occurs during upload, and this attribute is not null, the
     * applet asks the user if wants to send the debug ouput to the
     * administrator. If yes, the full debug information is POSTed to this URL.
     * It's a little development on the server side to send a mail to the
     * webmaster, or just log this error into a log file.
     * @see UploadPolicy#sendDebugInformation(String, Exception)
    private String urlToSendErrorTo = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_URL_TO_SEND_ERROR_TO;

     * Optional name of a form (in the same document like the applet) which is
     * used to populate POST parameters.
    private String formData = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_FORMDATA;

    private String afterUploadTarget = UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_AFTER_UPLOAD_TARGET;

    private String lastResponseBody = null;

    protected String lastResponseMessage = null;

    private int sslVerifyCert = InteractiveTrustManager.NONE;

    private final String CRLF = System.getProperty("line.separator");

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // /////////////////// INTERNAL ATTRIBUTE
    // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * This Vector contains headers that will be added for each upload. It may
     * contains specific cookies, for instance.
     * @see #onAppendHeader(ByteArrayEncoder)
    private Vector<String> headers = new Vector<String>();

     * The resourceBundle contains all localized String (and others ??)
    private ResourceBundle resourceBundle = null;

     * This stream is used to store all information that could be useful, in
     * case a problem occurs. Is content can then be sent to the webmaster.
    protected PrintStream debugOut = null;

     * The actual file, used for the debug log.
     * @see #debugGenerateFile
    protected File debugFile = null;

     * This flag prevents endless repeats of opening the debug log, if that
     * failed for some reason.
    protected boolean debugOk = true;

     * Same as {@link #patternSuccess}, but for the error message. If found,
     * then the upload was accepted by the remote HTTP server, but rejected by
     * the remote application. This pattern should also find the error message
     * in the first matching string.
    protected Pattern patternError = Pattern.compile(UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_STRING_UPLOAD_ERROR);

     * The regexp pattern that is used to find the success string in the HTTP
     * response. If found, the upload is considered to be a success: it has been
     * accepted by the remote server and the remote application.
    protected Pattern patternSuccess = Pattern.compile(UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_STRING_UPLOAD_SUCCESS);

     * Same as {@link #patternSuccess}, but for the warning message. Each time
     * it is found, a message is displayed to the user.
    protected Pattern patternWarning = Pattern.compile(UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_STRING_UPLOAD_WARNING);

    File currentDirectory;

    File[] selectedFiles;

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // /////////////////// CONSTRUCTORS
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * The main constructor : use default values, and the given postURL.
     * @param juploadContext
     *            The current juploadContext. As the reference to the current
     *            upload policy exists almost everywhere, this parameter allows
     *            any access to anyone on the juploadContext... including
     *            reading the applet parameters.
     * @throws JUploadException
     *             If an applet parameter is invalid
    public DefaultUploadPolicy(JUploadContext juploadContext) throws JUploadException {
        // Call default constructor for all default initialization;.
        this.juploadContext = juploadContext;
        displayInfo("JUpload juploadContext started, with " + this.getClass().getName() + " upload policy");

        // get the debug level. This control the level of debug messages that
        // are written in the log window (see displayDebugMessage). In all
        // cases, the full output is written in the debugBufferString (see also
        // urlToSendErrorTo)
        setDebugLevel(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_DEBUG_LEVEL, DEFAULT_DEBUG_LEVEL), false);

        // Get resource file. This must be the very first parameter to be set,
        // because during initialization, translations may be needed.
        setLang(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_LANG, DEFAULT_LANG));

        // Force the look and feel of the current system. This must be the
        // second
        // first parameter to be set, because during initialization, dialogs can
        // appear.
        setLookAndFeel(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_LOOK_AND_FEEL, DEFAULT_LOOK_AND_FEEL));

        // This must be set before any URL's because these might trigger an
        // connection attempt.
        setSslVerifyCert(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_SSL_VERIFY_CERT, DEFAULT_SSL_VERIFY_CERT));

        // get the afterUploadURL juploadContext parameter.
        setAfterUploadURL(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_AFTER_UPLOAD_URL, DEFAULT_AFTER_UPLOAD_URL));

        // FTP: whether or not to create subfolders on the server side.
        // FTP transfert mode
        setFtpTransfertBinary(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_FTP_TRANSFERT_BINARY, DEFAULT_FTP_TRANSFERT_BINARY));
        // FTP connection mode
                juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_FTP_TRANSFERT_PASSIVE, DEFAULT_FTP_TRANSFERT_PASSIVE));

        // get the fileChooser parameters
        setFileFilterName(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_FILE_FILTER_NAME, DEFAULT_FILE_FILTER_NAME));

                juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_ALLOW_HTTP_PERSISTENT, DEFAULT_ALLOW_HTTP_PERSISTENT));

        setShowStatusbar(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_SHOW_STATUSBAR, DEFAULT_SHOW_STATUSBAR));

        setShowLogWindow(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_SHOW_LOGWINDOW, DEFAULT_SHOW_LOGWINDOW));

        // set the fileChooser relative stuff.
                juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_SIZE, DEFAULT_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_SIZE));
                juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_BROWSING_DIRECTORY, DEFAULT_BROWSING_DIRECTORY));
        // get the filenameEncoding. If not null, it should be a valid argument
        // for the URLEncoder.encode method.
        // DEPRECATED.
        setFilenameEncoding(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_FILENAME_ENCODING, DEFAULT_FILENAME_ENCODING));

        // Read parameters about the HTTP upload request.
        setNbFilesPerRequest(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_NB_FILES_PER_REQUEST, DEFAULT_NB_FILES_PER_REQUEST));
        // get the maximum size of a file on one HTTP request (indicates if the
        // file must be splitted before upload, see UploadPolicy comment).
        setMaxChunkSize(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE));
        // get the maximum size of an uploaded file.
        setMaxFileSize(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_MAX_FILE_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE));
        // retry management
        setRetryMaxNumberOf(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_RETRY_MAX_NUMBER_OF, DEFAULT_RETRY_MAX_NUMBER_OF));
                juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_RETRY_NB_SECONDS_BETWEEN, DEFAULT_RETRY_NB_SECONDS_BETWEEN));

        // get the URL where files must be posted.
        setPostURL(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_POST_URL, DEFAULT_POST_URL));

        // get any additional headers.
        setSendMD5Sum(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_SEND_MD5_SUM, DEFAULT_SEND_MD5_SUM));
        setSpecificHeaders(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_SPECIFIC_HEADERS, DEFAULT_SPECIFIC_HEADERS));
        setStringUploadError(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_STRING_UPLOAD_ERROR, DEFAULT_STRING_UPLOAD_ERROR));
                juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_STRING_UPLOAD_SUCCESS, DEFAULT_STRING_UPLOAD_SUCCESS));
                juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_STRING_UPLOAD_WARNING, DEFAULT_STRING_UPLOAD_WARNING));

        // get the URL where the full debug output can be sent when an error
        // occurs.
        setUrlToSendErrorTo(juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_URL_TO_SEND_ERROR_TO, DEFAULT_URL_TO_SEND_ERROR_TO));
        this.formData = juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_FORMDATA, DEFAULT_FORMDATA);
        this.afterUploadTarget = juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_AFTER_UPLOAD_TARGET, DEFAULT_AFTER_UPLOAD_TARGET);

        // We let the UploadPolicyFactory call the displayParameterStatus
        // method, so that the initialization is finished, including for classes
        // which inherit from DefaultUploadPolicy.
        displayDebug("[DefaultUploadPolicy] end of constructor (serverProtocol has not been set)", 30);

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // /////////////////// UploadPolicy methods
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    /** @see UploadPolicy#start() */
    public void start() {
        // The current context may add any specific headers.
        if (getReadCookieFromNavigator()) {
        if (getReadUserAgentFromNavigator()) {

        // Let's touch the server, to test that everything is Ok. Take care,
        // this is the only place where we override the default value, by null:
        // the default value will be used by the HttpConnect.getProtocol()
        // method.
        // Also, in FTP mode, there can be no default value.
        // Must be done AFTER reading the cookie and the userAgent.
                juploadContext.getParameter(PROP_SERVER_PROTOCOL, null));

    // getters and setters are sorted below

     * @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#addHeader(java.lang.String)
    public void addHeader(String header) {

     * The default behavior (see {@link DefaultUploadPolicy}) is to check that
     * the stringUploadSuccess applet parameter is present in the response from
     * the server. The return is tested, in the order below: <DIR> <LI>False, if
     * the stringUploadError is found. An error message is then displayed. <LI>
     * True, if the stringUploadSuccess is null or empty (no test at all). <LI>
     * True, if the stringUploadSuccess string is present in the
     * serverOutputBody. <LI>True, If previous condition is not filled, but the
     * HTTP header "HTTP(.*)200OK$" is present: the test is currently non
     * blocking, because I can not test all possible HTTP configurations.<BR>
     * <LI>False if the previous conditions are not fullfilled. </DIR> <BR>
     * This method also looks for the stringUploadWarning regular expression.
     * Each time it is matched, the found message is displayed to the user.
     * @param status
     *            The HTTP response code
     * @param msg
     *            The status message from the first line of the response (e.g.
     *            "200 OK").
     * @param body
     *            The body of the HTTP answer.
     * @return True or False, indicating if the upload is a success or not.
     * @see UploadPolicy#checkUploadSuccess(int, String, String)
    public boolean checkUploadSuccess(int status, String msg, String body) throws JUploadException {
        boolean bReturn = false;

        if (getDebugLevel() > 100) {
            // Let's have a little time to check the upload messages written on
            // the progress bar.
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        this.lastResponseBody = body;
        this.lastResponseMessage = msg;
        displayDebug("HTTP status: " + msg, 30);
        // HTTP-100 correction, thanks to Marc Reidy
        if ((status != 200) && (status != 100))
            throw new JUploadExceptionUploadFailed("Received HTTP status " + msg);

        // HTTP-100 "continue", in case we're uploading
        // to an ASP.NET development server. We should
        // continue sending...
        if (status == 100)
            return true;

        // Let's analyze the body returned, line by line. The end of line
        // character may be CR, LF, or CRLF. We navigate through the body, and
        // replace any end of line character by a uniform CRLF.
        Matcher matcherError, matcherWarning;
        String line;
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[\\r\\n]", Pattern.MULTILINE);
        String[] lines = p.split(body);
        StringBuffer sbBodyWithUniformCRLF = new StringBuffer(body.length());
        for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) {
            line = lines[i];

            boolean bStatus = true;
            List<Map<String, String>> uploads = null;
            try {
                JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(line);
                uploads = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(jsonArray.length());
                for (int j = 0; j < jsonArray.length(); j++) {
                    JSONObject jsonObj = jsonArray.getJSONObject(j);
                    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    String[] names = JSONObject.getNames(jsonObj);
                    for (String name : names)
                        map.put(name, jsonObj.getString(name));
                    if (!"SUCCESS".equals(map.get("status"))) {
                        bStatus = false;
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("Upload of " + map.get("name") + " completed successfully");
            } catch (JSONException e) {

            // FIXME some empty lines are given by the server
            // Let's remove the empty line: with the p pattern, a multiline is
            // generated each time a \r\n is received, that is: for each line.
            if (line == null || line.equals("")) {
                // An empty line. Let's go the next line.

            // Check if this is a success
            // The success string should be in the http body
            if (getStringUploadSuccess() != null && !getStringUploadSuccess().equals("")) {
                if (this.patternSuccess.matcher(line).matches()) {
                    // We go on. There may be some WARNING message, hereafter.
                    bReturn = true;
            if (bStatus)
                bReturn = true;

            // Check if this is an error
            if (getStringUploadError() != null && !getStringUploadError().equals("")) {
                matcherError = this.patternError.matcher(line);
                if (matcherError.matches()) {
                    String errmsg = "An error occurs during upload (but the applet couldn't find the error message)";
                    if (matcherError.groupCount() > 0) {
                        if (!matcherError.group(1).equals("")) {
                            // Let's do a (very simple) formatting: one line to
                            // 100 characters
                            errmsg = formatMessage(matcherError.group(1));
                    this.lastResponseMessage = errmsg;
                    throw new JUploadExceptionUploadFailed(errmsg);
            } // getStringUploadError

            // Check if this is an warning
            if (getStringUploadWarning() != null && !getStringUploadWarning().equals("")) {
                matcherWarning = this.patternWarning.matcher(line);
                if (matcherWarning.matches()) {
                    String warnmsg = "A warning occurs during upload (but the applet couldn't find the warning message)";
                    if (matcherWarning.groupCount() > 0) {
                        if (!matcherWarning.group(1).equals("")) {
                            warnmsg = formatMessage(matcherWarning.group(1));
                    this.lastResponseMessage = warnmsg;
            } // getStringUploadWarning

        } // while(st.hasMoreTokens())

        if (bReturn) {
            return true;

        // We found no stringUploadSuccess nor stringUploadError
        if (getStringUploadSuccess() == null || getStringUploadSuccess().equals("")) {
            // No chance to check the correctness of this upload. -> Assume Ok
            return true;

        // stringUploadSuccess was defined but we did not find it.
        // This is most certainly an error as http-status 200 does *not* refer
        // to the correctness of the content. It merely means that the protocol
        // handling was ok. -> throw an exception
        throw new JUploadExceptionUploadFailedSuccessNotFound(
                getClass().getName() + ".checkUploadSuccess(): The regexp string \"" + getStringUploadSuccess()
                        + "\" was not found in the response body");
    } // checkUploadSuccess

     * Generation of a formatted error message, so that it can be displayed in a
     * DialogBox. That is: each line that contains more than
     * {@link #DIALOG_MESSAGE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH} is truncated to
     * @param msg
     * @return
    protected String formatMessage(String msg) {
        StringBuffer sbMsg = new StringBuffer();
        String[] lines = msg.split("\\\\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) {
            // For each line, we truncate it, if it's too long.
            String line = lines[i];
            for (int j = 0, remaining = line
                    .length(); remaining > 0; remaining -= DIALOG_MESSAGE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH, j += 1) {
                if (remaining <= DIALOG_MESSAGE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
                    // It's the last loop.
                    sbMsg.append(line.substring(j * DIALOG_MESSAGE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH));
                } else {
                    sbMsg.append(line.substring(j * DIALOG_MESSAGE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH,
                            (j + 1) * DIALOG_MESSAGE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH));
            // End we add the EOL characters, for all lines, but the last one.
            if (i < lines.length - 1) {

        return sbMsg.toString();

     * @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#afterUpload(Exception, String)
    public void afterUpload(Exception e, String serverOutput) throws JUploadException {
        // If there was no error, and afterUploadURL is defined, let's try to go
        // to this URL.
        String url = getAfterUploadURL();
        if (url != null) {
            this.juploadContext.displayURL(url, e == null);

    /** @see UploadPolicy#alertStr(String) */
    public void alertStr(String str) {
        String str2 = str.replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n");
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, str2, "Alert", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);

    /** @see UploadPolicy#confirmDialogStr(String, int) */
    public int confirmDialogStr(String str, int optionTypes) {
        String str2 = str.replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n");
        return JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(getContext().getUploadPanel().getJComponent().getParent(), str2,
                "Alert", optionTypes);

    /** @see UploadPolicy#alert(String) */
    public void alert(String key) {

     * The DefaultUpload accepts all file types: we just return an instance of
     * FileData, without any test.
     * @exception JUploadExceptionStopAddingFiles
     *                If the users choosed to stop adding. This occurs when the
     *                {@link #fileFilterAccept(File)} method returns false, and
     *                the user then choose to stop adding files.
     * @see UploadPolicy#createFileData(File, File)
    public FileData createFileData(File file, File root) throws JUploadExceptionStopAddingFiles {
        if (!fileFilterAccept(file)) {
            String msg = file.getName() + " : " + getLocalizedString("errForbiddenExtension");
            if (confirmDialogStr(msg, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) {
                // The user want to stop to add files to the list. For instance,
                // when he/she added a whole directory, and it contains a lot of
                // files that don't match the allowed file extension.
                throw new JUploadExceptionStopAddingFiles("Stopped by the user");
            return null;
        } else if (!file.canRead()) {
            displayInfo("Can't read file " + file.getName() + ". No DefaultFileData creation.");
            return null;
        } else {
            return new DefaultFileData(file, root, this);

     * Default implementation of
     * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#createTopPanel(JButton, JButton, JButton, JUploadPanel)}
     * . IT creates a JPanel, containing the three given JButton. It creates the
     * same panel as the original JUpload.
     * @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#createTopPanel(JButton, JButton,
     *      JButton, JUploadPanel)
    public JPanel createTopPanel(JButton browse, JButton remove, JButton removeAll, JUploadPanel jUploadPanel) {
        JPanel jPanel = new JPanel();

        jPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 3, 10, 5));
        jPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 10, 5, 10));


        return jPanel;

     * @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#createProgressPanel(JProgressBar,
     *      JProgressBar, JButton, JButton, JUploadPanel)
    public JPanel createProgressPanel(JProgressBar preparationProgressBar, JProgressBar uploadProgressBar,
            JButton uploadButton, JButton stopButton, JUploadPanel mainPanel) {

        // There may be two progress bar: one for preparation progress of files
        // (preparation before upload) and one to follow the actual upload.
        JPanel jProgressBarPanel = new JPanel();
        jProgressBarPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(10, 1));
        jProgressBarPanel.add(preparationProgressBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        jProgressBarPanel.add(uploadProgressBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

        JPanel jProgressPanel = new JPanel();
        jProgressPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(10, 0));
        jProgressPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 10, 5, 10));
        jProgressPanel.add(uploadButton, BorderLayout.LINE_START);
        jProgressPanel.add(jProgressBarPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        jProgressPanel.add(stopButton, BorderLayout.LINE_END);
        return jProgressPanel;

     * @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#createStatusBar(javax.swing.JLabel,
     *      JUploadPanel)
    public JPanel createStatusBar(JLabel content, JUploadPanel mainPanel) {
        if (this.showStatusbar) {
            JPanel pstatus = new JPanel();
            pstatus.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            pstatus.add(content, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            pstatus.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED));
            return pstatus;
        return null;

     * This methods allow the upload policy to override the default disposition
     * of the components on the applet.
     * @see UploadPolicy#addComponentsToJUploadPanel(JUploadPanel)
    public void addComponentsToJUploadPanel(JUploadPanel jUploadPanel) {
        // Set the global layout of the panel.
        jUploadPanel.getJComponent().setLayout(new BoxLayout(jUploadPanel.getJComponent(), BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

        // The top panel is the upper part of the applet: above the file
        // list.
        // JPanel topPanel = new JPanel();
        JPanel topPanel = createTopPanel(jUploadPanel.getBrowseButton(), jUploadPanel.getRemoveButton(),
                jUploadPanel.getRemoveAllButton(), jUploadPanel);
        if (topPanel != null) {

        // Then, we add the file list.

        // The progress panel contains the progress bar, and the upload and stop
        // buttons.
        JPanel progressPanel = createProgressPanel(jUploadPanel.getPreparationProgressBar(),
                jUploadPanel.getUploadProgressBar(), jUploadPanel.getUploadButton(), jUploadPanel.getStopButton(),

        // Now, we add the log window.

        // And, to finish with: the status bar.
        JPanel p = createStatusBar(jUploadPanel.getStatusLabel(), jUploadPanel);
        if (null != p) {

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void updateButtonState(int executionStatus) {
        // First step: check the parameter.
        if (executionStatus != UploadPolicy.EXEC_STATUS_READY
                && executionStatus != UploadPolicy.EXEC_STATUS_UPLOADING) {
            throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Unknow value for executionStatus: " + executionStatus);

        // Then ... nothing to do! This class has no specific GUI item.

    /** @see UploadPolicy#displayErr(Exception) */
    public void displayErr(Exception e) {
        displayErr(e.getMessage(), e);

    /** @see UploadPolicy#displayErr(String) */
    public void displayErr(String err) {
        displayErr(err, null);

     * Logs a stack trace for the given exception.
     * @param throwable
    private void displayStackTrace(Throwable throwable) {
        if (throwable != null) {
            ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(bs);
            displayMsg("", bs.toString());

            // If there is a cause, let's be sure its stack trace is displayed.
            if (throwable.getCause() != null) {
                displayMsg("", "Caused by:");

     * This method just logs an error.
     * @param errorText
     * @param exception
    private void logErr(String errorText, Exception exception) {
        if (exception == null) {
            setLastException(new JUploadException("errorText"));
        } else if (exception instanceof JUploadException) {
            setLastException((JUploadException) exception);
        } else {
            setLastException(new JUploadException(exception));

        // Default behavior: if debugLevel is 0, and an error occurs, we force
        // the debug level to 1: this makes the log window become visible, if it
        // was hidden.
        if (getDebugLevel() == 0)

        String exceptionMsg = null;
        String exceptionClassName = null;
        String logMsg = errorText;

        // First, we construct the exception class name.
        if (exception == null) {
            exceptionClassName = "";
        } else if (exception instanceof JUploadException) {
            exceptionClassName = "[" + ((JUploadException) exception).getClassNameAndClause() + "] ";
        } else {
            exceptionClassName = "[" + exception.getClass().getName() + "] ";

        // Then, the message body can be completed by the exception message.
        if (exception != null) {
            // Ok, we have an exception.
            if (exception.getCause() != null) {
                exceptionMsg = exception.getCause().getMessage();
            } else {
                exceptionMsg = exception.getMessage();
            logMsg = exceptionMsg + " (" + errorText + ")";

        // Add the message to the log window
        displayMsg("[ERROR]", exceptionClassName + logMsg);
        // Let's display the stack trace, if relevant.

        // Then we copy the debug output to the clipboard, and say it to the
        // current user.
        if (this.juploadContext.getUploadPanel() != null && getDebugLevel() >= 99) {
            // Ok, the applet has been fully built.


     * If debug is off, the log window may not be visible. We switch the debug
     * to on, to be sure that some information will be displayed to the user. <BR>
     * If debug is -1, the log window remains hidden.
     * @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#displayErr(java.lang.String,
     *      java.lang.Exception, int)
    public int displayErr(String errorText, Exception exception, int optionTypes) {
        // Then, we display it to the user.
        String alertMsg = errorText;
        // Then, the message body can be completed by the exception message.
        if (exception != null && (errorText == null || errorText.equals(""))) {
            // Ok, we have an exception.
            if (exception.getCause() != null) {
                alertMsg = exception.getCause().getMessage();
            } else {
                alertMsg = exception.getMessage();

        // The message displayed depend on the debug level:
        if (getDebugLevel() >= 30 && exception != null) {
            alertMsg = exception.getClass().getName() + ": " + alertMsg;

        // Display the message to the user. The kind of alert box depends on the
        // given options:
        int buttonClicked = 0;
        switch (optionTypes) {
        case -1:
            // Standard message box.
            buttonClicked = JOptionPane.OK_OPTION;
        case JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION:
        case JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION:
        case JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION:
            buttonClicked = confirmDialogStr(alertMsg, optionTypes);
            // This is a problem. Let's display it to the user as a standard
            // alert box.
            buttonClicked = JOptionPane.OK_OPTION;
            // Then, we log this new problem.
            String msg = "Unknown optionType in displayErr(String, Exception, int)";
            logErr(msg, null);

        // First, we log the error.
        logErr(errorText, exception);

        return buttonClicked;

     * If debug is off, the log window may not be visible. We switch the debug
     * to on, to be sure that some information will be displayed to the user. <BR>
     * If debug is -1, the log window remains hidden.
     * @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#displayErr(java.lang.String,
     *      java.lang.Exception)
    public void displayErr(String errorText, Exception exception) {
        displayErr(errorText, exception, -1);

     * @see UploadPolicy#displayInfo(String)
    public void displayInfo(String info) {
        displayMsg("[INFO]", info);

     * @see UploadPolicy#displayWarn(String)
    public void displayWarn(String warn) {
        displayMsg("[WARN]", warn);

     * @see UploadPolicy#displayDebug(String, int)
    public void displayDebug(String debug, int minDebugLevel) {
        final String tag = "[DEBUG]";
        if (this.debugLevel >= minDebugLevel) {
            // displayMsg will add the message to the debugStrignBuffer.
            displayMsg(tag, debug);
        } else if (this.debugGenerateFile) {
            // We have to write the message to the debug file, whatever the
            // debugLevel is.
            addMsgToDebugLog(tag + debug);

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getLocalizedString(String, Object...) */
    public String getLocalizedString(String key, Object... args) {
        String ret = this.resourceBundle.getString(key);
        try {
            // We have to recreate the correct call to String.format
            switch (args.length) {
            case 0:
                return String.format(ret);
            case 1:
                return String.format(ret, args[0]);
            case 2:
                return String.format(ret, args[0], args[1]);
            case 3:
                return String.format(ret, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
            case 4:
                return String.format(ret, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
            case 5:
                return String.format(ret, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
            case 6:
                return String.format(ret, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]);
            case 7:
                return String.format(ret, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "DefaultUploadPolicy.getLocalizedString accepts up to 7 variable parameters (" + args.length
                                + " values were given for the 'args' argument");
        } catch (IllegalFormatException ife) {
            displayErr(ife.getClass().getName() + " (" + ife.getMessage() + ")when managing this string: " + ret);
            throw ife;

     * @see UploadPolicy#getUploadFilename(FileData, int)
    public String getUploadFilename(FileData fileData, int index) throws JUploadException {
        return getEncodedFilename(fileData.getFileName());

     * returns the filename and encodes it, if necessary
     * @param filename
     *            the original filename
     * @return filename (encoded, if necessary)
     * @throws JUploadException
    protected final String getEncodedFilename(String filename) throws JUploadException {
        if (this.filenameEncoding == null || this.filenameEncoding.equals("")) {
            return filename;
        try {
            return URLEncoder.encode(filename, this.filenameEncoding);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new JUploadException(e);

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getUploadName(FileData, int) */
    public String getUploadName(FileData fileData, int index) throws JUploadException {
        if (this.httpUploadParameterType.equals(UploadPolicy.HTTPUPLOADPARAMETERTYPE_ARRAY)) {
            return this.httpUploadParameterName + "[]";
        } else if (this.httpUploadParameterType.equals(UploadPolicy.HTTPUPLOADPARAMETERTYPE_ITERATION)) {
            return this.httpUploadParameterName + index;
        } else if (this.httpUploadParameterType.equals(UploadPolicy.HTTPUPLOADPARAMETERTYPE_ONE_FILE)) {
            // Only valid if nbFilesPerRequest is 1. Let's check it.
            if (getNbFilesPerRequest() == 1) {
                return this.httpUploadParameterName;
            } else {
                throw new JUploadException(
                        UploadPolicy.PROP_HTTP_UPLOAD_PARAMETER_TYPE + " value '" + this.httpUploadParameterType
                                + "' is only valid when '" + UploadPolicy.PROP_NB_FILES_PER_REQUEST + " is 1.");
        } else {
            throw new JUploadException(UploadPolicy.PROP_HTTP_UPLOAD_PARAMETER_TYPE + " '"
                    + this.httpUploadParameterType + "' is not implemented.");

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getHttpUploadParameterName() */
    public String getHttpUploadParameterName() {
        return this.httpUploadParameterName;

     * Setter for the {@link #httpUploadParameterName}. This value is used by
     * the {@link #getUploadName(FileData, int)} method, to generate the name of
     * the upload parameter that will contain the uploaded file.<BR>
     * The name must begin by a letter, then contain letter or numbers
     * @throws JUploadException
     *             When the given value is invalid (null, empty string, or
     *             contains other characters than letters and/or numbers)
    protected void setHttpUploadParameterName(String httpUploadParameterName) throws JUploadException {
        // Some useful checks.
        if (httpUploadParameterName == null || httpUploadParameterName.equals("")) {
            throw new JUploadException("httpUploadParameterName may not be null");
        // Control the parameter name content.
        if (!httpUploadParameterName.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$")) {
            throw new JUploadException(
                    "httpUploadParameterName may only contain letters (lowercase or uppercase) and numbers.");

        // Ok, we're happy with the given value. Let's store it.
        this.httpUploadParameterName = httpUploadParameterName;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getHttpUploadParameterType() */
    public String getHttpUploadParameterType() {
        return this.httpUploadParameterType;

     * Setter for the {@link #httpUploadParameterType}. This value is used by
     * the {@link #getUploadName(FileData, int)} method, to generate the name of
     * the upload parameter that will contain the uploaded file. Depending on
     * this value, the parameter will be an iteration or an array.
     * @throws JUploadException
    protected void setHttpUploadParameterType(String httpUploadParameterType) throws JUploadException {
        // Some useful checks.
        if (httpUploadParameterType == null) {
            throw new JUploadException("httpUploadParameterType may not be null");

        // Check against the list of allowed values
        if (!httpUploadParameterType.equals(UploadPolicy.HTTPUPLOADPARAMETERTYPE_ARRAY)
                && !httpUploadParameterType.equals(UploadPolicy.HTTPUPLOADPARAMETERTYPE_ITERATION)
                && !httpUploadParameterType.equals(UploadPolicy.HTTPUPLOADPARAMETERTYPE_ONE_FILE)) {
            throw new JUploadException(
                    "'" + httpUploadParameterType + "' is not an allowed value for httpUploadParameterType.");

        // OneFile is only valid ... when we upload file per file !
        if (httpUploadParameterType.equals(UploadPolicy.HTTPUPLOADPARAMETERTYPE_ONE_FILE)) {
            if (getNbFilesPerRequest() != 1) {
                throw new JUploadException(
                        "'" + httpUploadParameterType + "' is only valid when nbFilesPerRequest is 1.");

        // Ok, we're happy. Let's store the value !
        this.httpUploadParameterType = httpUploadParameterType;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#beforeUpload() */
    public boolean beforeUpload() {
        // Default : nothing to do before upload, so we're ready.
        return true;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#onAppendHeader(ByteArrayEncoder) */
    public ByteArrayEncoder onAppendHeader(ByteArrayEncoder bae) throws JUploadIOException {
        Iterator<String> it = this.headers.iterator();
        String header;
        displayDebug("[onAppendHeader] Start", 80);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            header = it.next();
            if (header == null || header.equals("")) {
                displayWarn("[onAppendHeader] Found one empty header. Ignoring it.");
            } else {
                displayDebug("[onAppendHeader] Header appended; " + header, 80);
        displayDebug("[onAppendHeader] End", 80);
        return bae;
    }// appendHeader

     * Default implementation of the
     * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#onFileSelected(wjhk.jupload2.filedata.FileData)}
     * . Nothing's done.
    public void onFileSelected(FileData fileData) {
        // Default implementation : no action

     * Default implementation of the
     * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#onFileDoubleClicked(FileData)}
     * . Nothing's done.
    public void onFileDoubleClicked(FileData fileData) {
        // Default implementation : no action

    /** @see UploadPolicy#sendDebugInformation(String, Exception) */
    public void sendDebugInformation(String description, Exception exception) {
        try {
            if (null == getUrlToSendErrorTo()) {
                displayInfo("getUrlToSendErrorTo is null. No debug information is sent.");
                if (exception == null) {
                    displayInfo("  No exception was stored!");
                } else {
                    displayInfo("  The exception was: " + exception.getClass().getName() + exception.getMessage());
            } else {
                displayInfo("Sending debug information to " + getUrlToSendErrorTo());
                if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, getLocalizedString("questionSendMailOnError"),
                        getLocalizedString("Confirm"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,
                        JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
                    displayDebug("[sendDebugInformation] Within response == true", 30);

                    String action = null;
                    String line;
                    HTTPConnectionHelper connectionHelper = null;
                    boolean localDebugOk = this.debugOk;

                    try {
                        URL url = new URL(this.urlToSendErrorTo);
                        connectionHelper = new HTTPConnectionHelper(this);
                        connectionHelper.initRequest(url, "POST", false, true);

                        ByteArrayEncoder baeContent = new ByteArrayEncoderHTTP(this,
                        // The message is written in English, as it is not sure
                        // that
                        // the webmaster speaks the same language as the current
                        // user.
                        baeContent.appendTextProperty("description", "An error occured during upload, in JUpload.",
                        String exceptionClass = null;
                        String exceptionCause = null;
                        String exceptionStackTrace = null;
                        if (exception != null) {
                            exceptionClass = exception.getClass().getName();
                            if (exception.getCause() != null) {
                                exceptionCause = exception.getCause().getClass().getName();
                            StackTraceElement[] elements = exception.getStackTrace();
                            ByteArrayEncoderHTTP baeStackTrace = new ByteArrayEncoderHTTP(this,
                            for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1) {
                                baeStackTrace.append(" at ");
                                baeStackTrace.append("() [line ");
                            exceptionStackTrace = baeStackTrace.getString();
                        baeContent.appendTextProperty("exceptionClass", exceptionClass, -1);
                        baeContent.appendTextProperty("exceptionCause", exceptionCause, -1);
                        baeContent.appendTextProperty("exceptionStackTrace", exceptionStackTrace, -1);

                        String baeBound = connectionHelper.getByteArrayEncoder().getBoundary();
                        String baeEncoding = connectionHelper.getByteArrayEncoder().getEncoding();
                        ByteArrayEncoder baeDebug = new ByteArrayEncoderHTTP(this, baeBound, baeEncoding);
                        if (this.debugGenerateFile) {
                            // During debug output, we need to make sure that
                            // the debug log is not changed, so we set debugOk
                            // to false temporarily. -> Everything goes to
                            // stdout.
                            action = "flush (debugGenerateFile=true)";
                            synchronized (this) {
                                this.debugOk = false;
                                // First, calculate the size of the strings we
                                // will
                                // send.
                                action = "read debug file (debugGenerateFile=true)";
                                BufferedReader debugIn = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.debugFile));
                                while ((line = debugIn.readLine()) != null) {

                                // We are done with the debug log, so re-enable
                                // it.
                                this.debugOk = localDebugOk;
                            } // synchronized(this)
                        } // if (this.debugGenerateFile)
                        else {
                            action = "read debug file (debugGenerateFile=false)";
                        action = "baeDebug.close()";

                        baeContent.appendTextProperty("debugOutput", baeDebug.getString(), -1);
                        // The content has been built.

                        // byteArrayEncoder
                        // .append("Content-type:
                        // application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
                        action = "send request";
                        connectionHelper.append("Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=")
                        connectionHelper.append("Content-length: ")

                        // Let's send the headers (without baeDescription) ...
                        // Blank line (end of header)

                        action = "connectionHelper.readHttpResponse()";
                        int status = connectionHelper.readHttpResponse();

                                "==================      sendDebugInformation [start]   =================================",
                        displayDebug("[sendDebugInformation] Sent to server: \r\n"
                                + connectionHelper.getByteArrayEncoder().getString(), 90);
                                "[sendDebugInformation] Body received: \r\n" + connectionHelper.getResponseBody(),
                                "==================      sendDebugInformation [end]     =================================",

                        // Is our upload a success ?
                        if (!checkUploadSuccess(status, connectionHelper.getResponseMsg(),
                                connectionHelper.getResponseBody())) {
                            throw new JUploadExceptionUploadFailed(getLocalizedString("errHttpResponse"));

                        displayInfo("debug information sent correctly");
                    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                        throw new JUploadIOException("Malformed URL Exception for " + this.urlToSendErrorTo, e);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.debugOk = localDebugOk;
                        displayErr(getLocalizedString("errDuringLogManagement") + " (" + action + ")", e);
                    } finally {
                        this.debugOk = localDebugOk;
        } catch (JUploadIOException e) {
            displayErr("Could not send debug information", e);
    }// sendDebugInformation

     * This method manages all applet parameters. It allows javascript to update
     * their value, for instance after the user chooses a value in a list ...
     * @throws JUploadException
     * @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#setProperty(java.lang.String,
     *      java.lang.String)
    public void setProperty(String prop, String value) throws JUploadException {

        displayDebug("[DefaultUploadPolicy] Call of setProperty: " + prop + " => " + value, 30);

        if (prop.equals(PROP_AFTER_UPLOAD_URL)) {
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_ALLOW_HTTP_PERSISTENT)) {
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_ALLOWED_FILE_EXTENSIONS)) {
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_DEBUG_LEVEL)) {
            setDebugLevel(this.juploadContext.parseInt(value, this.debugLevel));
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_FROM_FILE_CONTENT)) {
                    this.juploadContext.parseInt(value, getFileChooserIconFromFileContent()));
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_SIZE)) {
            setFileChooserIconSize(this.juploadContext.parseInt(value, getFileChooserIconSize()));
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_FILE_FILTER_NAME)) {
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_FILENAME_ENCODING)) {
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_LANG)) {
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_LOOK_AND_FEEL)) {
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)) {
            setMaxChunkSize(this.juploadContext.parseLong(value, this.maxChunkSize));
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_MAX_FILE_SIZE)) {
            setMaxFileSize(this.juploadContext.parseLong(value, this.maxFileSize));
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_NB_FILES_PER_REQUEST)) {
            setNbFilesPerRequest(this.juploadContext.parseInt(value, this.nbFilesPerRequest));
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_POST_URL)) {
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_SERVER_PROTOCOL)) {
            HttpProtocolFinderThread.computeServerProtocol(this, value);
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_STRING_UPLOAD_SUCCESS)) {
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_SSL_VERIFY_CERT)) {
        } else if (prop.equals(PROP_URL_TO_SEND_ERROR_TO)) {
        } else {
            displayWarn("Unknown applet parameter: " + prop + " (in DefaultUploadPolicy.setProperty)");

     * This method displays the applet parameter list, according to the current
     * debugLevel. It is called by the {@link #setDebugLevel(int)} method. It
     * should be override by any subclasses, that should display its own
     * parameters, then call <I>super.displayParameterStatus()</I>.
     * @see UploadPolicy#displayParameterStatus()
    public void displayParameterStatus() {
        displayDebug("=======================================================================", 30);
        displayDebug("======= Parameters managed by DefaultUploadPolicy", 30);
        // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // Let's display some information to the user, about the received
        // parameters.
        displayInfo("JUpload applet, version " + this.juploadContext.getDetailedVersionMessage() + " (compiled: "
                + this.juploadContext.getBuildDate() + "), available at http://jupload.sourceforge.net/");
        displayDebug("Java version: " + System.getProperty("java.version"), 30);

        displayDebug("List of all applet parameters:", 30);
        displayDebug("  language: " + this.resourceBundle.getLocale().getLanguage(), 30);
        displayDebug("  country: " + this.resourceBundle.getLocale().getCountry(), 30);

        displayDebug(PROP_AFTER_UPLOAD_URL + ": " + getAfterUploadURL(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_ALLOW_HTTP_PERSISTENT + ": " + getAllowHttpPersistent(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_ALLOWED_FILE_EXTENSIONS + ": " + getAllowedFileExtensions(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_BROWSING_DIRECTORY + " (current value): " + getCurrentBrowsingDirectory(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_DEBUG_LEVEL + ": " + this.debugLevel, 1);
        synchronized (this) {
            if (this.debugGenerateFile) {
                displayDebug("  (debugfile: " + this.debugFile.getAbsolutePath() + ")", 1);
        displayDebug(PROP_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_FROM_FILE_CONTENT + ": " + getFileChooserIconFromFileContent(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_SIZE + ": " + getFileChooserIconSize(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_FILE_FILTER_NAME + ": " + getFileFilterName(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_FILENAME_ENCODING + ": " + getFilenameEncoding(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_FORMDATA + ": " + getFormdata(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_FTP_CREATE_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE + ": " + getFtpCreateDirectoryStructure(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_FTP_TRANSFERT_BINARY + ": " + getFtpTransfertBinary(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_FTP_TRANSFERT_PASSIVE + ": " + getFtpTransfertPassive(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_HTTP_UPLOAD_PARAMETER_NAME + ": " + getHttpUploadParameterName(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_HTTP_UPLOAD_PARAMETER_TYPE + ": " + getHttpUploadParameterType(), 30);
        displayDebug("lang: " + this.lang, 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE + ": " + getMaxChunkSize(), 30);
        if (this.maxFileSize == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
            // If the maxFileSize was not given, we display its value only
            // in debug mode.
            displayDebug(PROP_MAX_FILE_SIZE + ": " + getMaxFileSize(), 30);
        } else {
            // If the maxFileSize was given, we always inform the user.
            displayInfo(PROP_MAX_FILE_SIZE + ": " + getMaxFileSize());
        displayDebug(PROP_NB_FILES_PER_REQUEST + ": " + getNbFilesPerRequest(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_POST_URL + ": " + this.postURL, 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_READ_COOKIE_FROM_NAVIGATOR + ": " + this.readCookieFromNavigator, 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_READ_USER_AGENT_FROM_NAVIGATOR + ": " + this.readUserAgentFromNavigator, 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_RETRY_MAX_NUMBER_OF + ": " + this.retryMaxNumberOf, 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_RETRY_NB_SECONDS_BETWEEN + ": " + this.retryNbSecondsBetween, 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_SEND_MD5_SUM + ": " + getSendMD5Sum(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_SERVER_PROTOCOL + ": " + getServerProtocol(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_SHOW_LOGWINDOW + ": " + getShowLogWindow(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_SHOW_STATUSBAR + ": " + this.showStatusbar, 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_SPECIFIC_HEADERS + ": " + getSpecificHeaders(), 30);

        displayDebug("Headers that will be added to the POST request: ", 30);
        for (Iterator<String> it = this.headers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            displayDebug(it.next() + "\n", 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_STRING_UPLOAD_ERROR + ": " + getStringUploadError(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_STRING_UPLOAD_SUCCESS + ": " + getStringUploadSuccess(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_STRING_UPLOAD_WARNING + ": " + getStringUploadWarning(), 30);
        displayDebug(PROP_URL_TO_SEND_ERROR_TO + ": " + getUrlToSendErrorTo(), 30);
        displayDebug("", 30);

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // /////////////////// getters / setters
    // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getAfterUploadURL() */
    public String getAfterUploadURL() {
        return this.afterUploadURL;

     * Set the {@link #afterUploadURL}
     * @param afterUploadURL
     *            The URL to use.
     * @throws JUploadException
    protected void setAfterUploadURL(String afterUploadURL) throws JUploadException {
        if (null == afterUploadURL)
        if (afterUploadURL.toLowerCase().startsWith("javascript:")) {
            this.afterUploadURL = afterUploadURL;
        } else
            this.afterUploadURL = this.juploadContext.normalizeURL(afterUploadURL);

     * @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getAllowHttpPersistent()
    public boolean getAllowHttpPersistent() {
        return this.allowHttpPersistent;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getAllowedFileExtensions() */
    public String getAllowedFileExtensions() {
        return this.allowedFileExtensions;

     * @param allowedFileExtensions
     *            the allowedFileExtensions to set
    protected void setAllowedFileExtensions(String allowedFileExtensions) {
        if (allowedFileExtensions == null || allowedFileExtensions.equals("")) {
            this.allowedFileExtensions = null;
        } else {
            this.allowedFileExtensions = (allowedFileExtensions.startsWith("/") ? "" : "/")
                    + allowedFileExtensions.toLowerCase() + (allowedFileExtensions.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/");

    protected void setAllowHttpPersistent(boolean value) {
        this.allowHttpPersistent = value;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getContext() */
    public JUploadContext getContext() {
        return this.juploadContext;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void setCurrentBrowsingDirectory(File currentBrowsingDirectoryParam) {
        try {
            if (currentBrowsingDirectoryParam.isDirectory()) {
                this.currentBrowsingDirectory = currentBrowsingDirectoryParam;
            } else {
                displayWarn("DefaultUploadPolicy.setCurrentBrowsingDirectory(): " + currentBrowsingDirectoryParam
                        + " doesn't exist.");
        } catch (SecurityException se) {
            displayWarn(se.getClass().getName() + " in DefaultUploadPolicy.setCurrentBrowsingDirectory(): "
                    + currentBrowsingDirectoryParam + " is ignored.");

     * @param currentBrowsingDirectoryParam
     *            The name of the directory that should be the current one.
     * @see UploadPolicy#setCurrentBrowsingDirectory(String)
    public void setCurrentBrowsingDirectory(String currentBrowsingDirectoryParam) {
        try {
            if (currentBrowsingDirectoryParam == null) {
                this.currentBrowsingDirectory = null;
            } else {
                // Apparently, Java deosn't manage path beginning by ~. folder
                // is actually ... ~!
                // Let's manager this.
                if (currentBrowsingDirectoryParam.startsWith("~")) {
                    // Let's keep the part of this path that is after the ~
                    currentBrowsingDirectoryParam = System.getProperty("user.home")
                            + currentBrowsingDirectoryParam.substring(1);

                this.currentBrowsingDirectory = new File(currentBrowsingDirectoryParam);

                // Let's check that we have a folder.
                if (this.currentBrowsingDirectory != null && !this.currentBrowsingDirectory.isDirectory()) {
                    displayWarn("DefaultUploadPolicy.setCurrentBrowsingDirectory(): <"
                            + currentBrowsingDirectoryParam + "> doesn't exist or is not a directory.");
                    this.currentBrowsingDirectory = null;
        } catch (SecurityException se) {
            displayWarn(se.getClass().getName() + " in DefaultUploadPolicy.setCurrentBrowsingDirectory(): "
                    + currentBrowsingDirectoryParam + " is ignored.");

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getCurrentBrowsingDirectory() */
    public File getCurrentBrowsingDirectory() {
        return this.currentBrowsingDirectory;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getDateFormat() */
    public String getDateFormat() {
        return UploadPolicy.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getDebugLevel() */
    public int getDebugLevel() {
        return this.debugLevel;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#setDebugLevel(int) */
    public void setDebugLevel(int debugLevel) {
        setDebugLevel(debugLevel, true);

     * Set the debug level.
     * @param debugLevel
     *            The new debuglevel.
     * @param displayAppletParameterList
     *            Flag. If set to true, the applet's parameters are shown.
    public synchronized void setDebugLevel(int debugLevel, boolean displayAppletParameterList) {
        // If the debugLevel was previously set, we inform the user of this
        // change.
        if (this.debugLevel >= 0) {
            displayInfo("Debug level set to " + debugLevel);
            if (this.debugGenerateFile) {
                displayInfo("Current debug output file: " + this.debugFile.getAbsolutePath());
        this.debugLevel = debugLevel;

        // Let's display the current applet parameters.
        if (displayAppletParameterList) {

     * Getter for fileChooserIconFromFileContent.
     * @return Current value for fileChooserIconFromFileContent
    public int getFileChooserIconFromFileContent() {
        return this.fileChooserIconFromFileContent;

     * Setter for fileChooserIconFromFileContent. Current allowed values are:
     * -1, 0, 1. Default value is 0.
     * @param fileChooserIconFromFileContent
     *            Value to be set. If the value is not allowed (not -1, 0 or 1),
     *            the current value is unchangeed.
     * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
     *                When a value not in -1, 0 1 is given.
    public void setFileChooserIconFromFileContent(int fileChooserIconFromFileContent) {
        if (fileChooserIconFromFileContent != -1 && fileChooserIconFromFileContent != 0
                && fileChooserIconFromFileContent != 1) {
            throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("fileChooserIconFromFileContent must be one of -1, 0, 1");
        this.fileChooserIconFromFileContent = fileChooserIconFromFileContent;

     * Getter for fileChooserIconSize.
     * @return Current value for fileChooserIconSize
     * @see UploadPolicy#PROP_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_SIZE
    public int getFileChooserIconSize() {
        return this.fileChooserIconSize;

     * Setter for fileChooserIconSize.
     * @param fileChooserIconSize
     *            Value to be set.
     * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
     *                When a negative value is given.
     * @see UploadPolicy#PROP_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_SIZE
    public void setFileChooserIconSize(int fileChooserIconSize) {
        if (fileChooserIconSize <= 0) {
            throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("fileChooserIconSize must be more than 0");
        this.fileChooserIconSize = fileChooserIconSize;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#setLang(String) */
    public void setLang(String lang) {
        this.lang = lang;
        if (lang == null) {
            displayInfo("lang = null, taking default language");
            locale = Locale.getDefault();
        } else {
            // If we have a 5 characters lang string, then it should look like
            // ll_CC, where ll is the language code
            // and CC is the Country code.
            if (lang.length() == 5 && (lang.substring(2, 3).equals("_") || lang.substring(2, 3).equals("-"))) {
                String language = lang.substring(0, 2);
                String country = lang.substring(3, 5);
                displayDebug("setLang - language read: " + language, 50);
                displayDebug("setLang - country read: " + country, 50);
                locale = new Locale(language, country.toUpperCase());
            } else {
                locale = new Locale(lang);
                displayDebug("setLang - language read (no country): " + lang, 50);

         * Patch given by Patrick Use of a specific class loader. The standard
         * ResourceBundle checks first for a class that has the name of the
         * resource bundle. Since there is no such class in the jar file, the
         * AppletClassLoader makes a http request to the server, which will end
         * with a 404 since there is no such class either. To avoid this
         * unnecessary lookup we use a class loader that throws directly a
         * ClassNotFoundException. After looking for a class (which is
         * unsuccessful) ResourceBundle looks finally for a properties file.
         * Therefore we delegate that lookup to the original class loader since
         * this is in the jar file.
        this.resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("lang.lang", locale,
                // Special class loader, see description above
                new ClassLoader(this.getClass().getClassLoader()) {
                    /** {@inheritDoc} */
                    public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
                        throw new ClassNotFoundException();

                    /** {@inheritDoc} */
                    public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) {
                        return this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(name);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Locale getLocale() {
        return this.locale;

    protected String getLookAndFeel() {
        return this.lookAndFeel;

     * @param lookAndFeel
     *            the lookAndFeel to set
    protected void setLookAndFeel(String lookAndFeel) {
        try {
            this.lookAndFeel = lookAndFeel;
            if (lookAndFeel != null && !lookAndFeel.equals("") && !lookAndFeel.equals("java")) {
                // We try to call the UIManager.setLookAndFeel() method. We
                // catch
                // all possible exceptions, to prevent
                // that the applet is blocked.
                if (!lookAndFeel.equals("system")) {
                    // Correction given by Fritz. Thanks to him.
                } else {
            } else {
                this.lookAndFeel = "java";
                UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            try {
                this.lookAndFeel = "java";
                UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel());
            } catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e1) {
                // Hum, hum: we should not arrive here... We not a 'dummy' one.
                this.lookAndFeel = null;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getMaxChunkSize() */
    public long getMaxChunkSize() {
        return this.maxChunkSize;

     * If the given value is less or equals to 0, it is set back to
     * Long_MAX_VALUE.
     * @param maxChunkSize
     *            the maxChunkSize to set
    protected void setMaxChunkSize(long maxChunkSize) {
        if (maxChunkSize <= 0) {
            displayDebug("maxChunkSize<=0 which is invalid. Switched to the default value (Long.MAX_VALUE)", 1);
            maxChunkSize = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        this.maxChunkSize = maxChunkSize;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getMaxFileSize() */
    public long getMaxFileSize() {
        return this.maxFileSize;

     * @param maxFileSize
     *            the maxFileSize to set
    protected void setMaxFileSize(long maxFileSize) {
        if (maxFileSize <= 0) {
            displayDebug("maxFileSize<=0 which is invalid. Switched to the default value (Long.MAX_VALUE)", 1);
            maxFileSize = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        this.maxFileSize = maxFileSize;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getNbFilesPerRequest() */
    public int getNbFilesPerRequest() {
        return this.nbFilesPerRequest;

     * @param nbFilesPerRequest
     *            the nbFilesPerRequest to set
     * @throws JUploadException
    protected void setNbFilesPerRequest(int nbFilesPerRequest) throws JUploadException {
        // If httpUploadParameterType is oneFile,
        if (getHttpUploadParameterType().equals(UploadPolicy.HTTPUPLOADPARAMETERTYPE_ONE_FILE)
                && nbFilesPerRequest != 1) {
            throw new JUploadException("nbFilesPerRequest must be 1, when httpUploadParameterType is oneFile");

        if (nbFilesPerRequest < 1) {
            displayDebug("nbFilesPerRequest <1 : switched to the 'unlimited' value (Integer.MAX_VALUE)", 1);
            this.nbFilesPerRequest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        } else {
            this.nbFilesPerRequest = nbFilesPerRequest;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getFilenameEncoding() */
    public String getFilenameEncoding() {
        return this.filenameEncoding;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getFileFilterName() */
    public String getFileFilterName() {
        return this.fileFilterName;

     * @param fileFilterName
     *            The new name for the fileFilter
     * @see UploadPolicy#PROP_FILE_FILTER_NAME
    protected void setFileFilterName(String fileFilterName) {
        this.fileFilterName = fileFilterName;

     * @param filenameEncoding
     *            the filenameEncoding to set
    protected void setFilenameEncoding(String filenameEncoding) {
        if (filenameEncoding != null && filenameEncoding.equals("")) {
            filenameEncoding = null;
        if (filenameEncoding != null && !Charset.isSupported(filenameEncoding)) {
            throw new UnsupportedCharsetException("non supported charset (" + filenameEncoding + ")");
        this.filenameEncoding = filenameEncoding;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getFtpCreateDirectoryStructure() */
    public boolean getFtpCreateDirectoryStructure() {
        return this.ftpCreateDirectoryStructure;

     * @param ftpCreateDirectoryStructure
     *            the ftpCreateDirectoryStructure to set
    protected void setFtpCreateDirectoryStructure(boolean ftpCreateDirectoryStructure) {
        this.ftpCreateDirectoryStructure = ftpCreateDirectoryStructure;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getFtpTransfertBinary() */
    public boolean getFtpTransfertBinary() {
        return this.ftpTransfertBinary;

     * @param ftpTransfertBinary
     *            the ftpTransfertBinary to set
    protected void setFtpTransfertBinary(boolean ftpTransfertBinary) {
        this.ftpTransfertBinary = ftpTransfertBinary;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getFtpTransfertPassive() */
    public boolean getFtpTransfertPassive() {
        return this.ftpTransfertPassive;

     * @param ftpTransfertPassive
     *            the ftpTransfertPassive to set
    protected void setFtpTransfertPassive(boolean ftpTransfertPassive) {
        this.ftpTransfertPassive = ftpTransfertPassive;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getPostURL() */
    public String getPostURL() {
        return this.postURL;

     * @throws JUploadException
     * @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#setPostURL(String)
    public void setPostURL(String postURL) throws JUploadException {
        // Be more forgiving about postURL:
        // - If none is specified, use the original DocumentBase of the
        // applet.
        // - If a non-absolute URI (an URI without protocol and server) is
        // specified,
        // prefix it with "http://servername"
        // - If a relative URI is specified, prefix it with the DocumentBase's
        // parent
        this.postURL = this.juploadContext.normalizeURL(postURL);

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getReadCookieFromNavigator() */
    public boolean getReadCookieFromNavigator() {
        return this.readCookieFromNavigator;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getReadCookieFromNavigator() */
    protected void setReadCookieFromNavigator(boolean readCookieFromNavigator) {
        this.readCookieFromNavigator = readCookieFromNavigator;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getReadUserAgentFromNavigator() */
    public boolean getReadUserAgentFromNavigator() {
        return this.readUserAgentFromNavigator;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getReadUserAgentFromNavigator() */
    protected void setReadUserAgentFromNavigator(boolean readUserAgentFromNavigator) {
        this.readUserAgentFromNavigator = readUserAgentFromNavigator;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getRetryMaxNumberOf() */
    public int getRetryMaxNumberOf() {
        return this.retryMaxNumberOf;

     * @param retryMaxNumberOf
     *            New value to set for the retryMaxNumberOf applet parameter
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException
     *                If retryMaxNumberOf is less than 0.
     * @see UploadPolicy#getRetryMaxNumberOf()
    public void setRetryMaxNumberOf(int retryMaxNumberOf) {
        if (retryMaxNumberOf < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("retryMaxNumberOf must be 0 or more");
        this.retryMaxNumberOf = retryMaxNumberOf;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#getRetryNbSecondsBetween() */
    public int getRetryNbSecondsBetween() {
        return this.retryNbSecondsBetween;

     * @param retryNbSecondsBetween
     *            New value to set for the retryNbSecondsBetween applet
     *            parameter
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException
     *                If retryNbSecondsBetween is less than 0.
     * @see UploadPolicy#getRetryNbSecondsBetween()
    public void setRetryNbSecondsBetween(int retryNbSecondsBetween) {
        if (retryNbSecondsBetween < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("retryNbSecondsBetween must be 0 or more");
        this.retryNbSecondsBetween = retryNbSecondsBetween;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getServerProtocol() */
    public String getServerProtocol() {
        if (this.serverProtocol == null) {
            return DEFAULT_SERVER_PROTOCOL;
        } else {
            return this.serverProtocol;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#setServerProtocol(String) */
    public void setServerProtocol(String serverProtocol) {
        this.serverProtocol = serverProtocol;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getSendMD5Sum() */
    public boolean getSendMD5Sum() {
        return this.sendMD5Sum;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#setSendMD5Sum(boolean) */
    public void setSendMD5Sum(boolean sendMD5Sum) {
        this.sendMD5Sum = sendMD5Sum;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getShowLogWindow() */
    public String getShowLogWindow() {
        return this.showLogWindow;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void setShowLogWindow(String showLogWindow) {
        if (showLogWindow.equals(SHOWLOGWINDOW_TRUE) || showLogWindow.equals(SHOWLOGWINDOW_FALSE)
                || showLogWindow.equals(SHOWLOGWINDOW_ONERROR)) {
            this.showLogWindow = showLogWindow;
            // The log window may become visible or hidden, depending on this
            // parameter.
            if (this.juploadContext.getUploadPanel() != null) {
        } else {
                    "[setShowLogWindow] Unallowed value: " + showLogWindow + " (showLogWindow is left unchanged)");

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getSpecificHeaders() */
    public String getSpecificHeaders() {
        return this.specificHeaders;

     * Set all specific headers defined in the specificHeaders applet parameter.
     * This string is splitted, so that each header is added to the headers
     * Vector. These headers are added to the headers list during applet
     * initialization. There is currently no automatic way to remove the headers
     * coming from specificHeaders, after initialization.
     * @param specificHeaders
    protected void setSpecificHeaders(String specificHeaders) {
        this.specificHeaders = specificHeaders;
        if (specificHeaders != null) {
            // Let's add each header in specificHeaders to the headers list. In
            // specificHeaders, each header is separated by the \n string (two
            // characters: \ then n, not the \n character).
            // The regexp to find the \n string (not the \n character) is: \\n
            // We then double each \ character:
            String[] headerArray = specificHeaders.split("\\\\n");
            for (int x = 0; x < headerArray.length; x++) {

     * @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getSslVerifyCert()
    public int getSslVerifyCert() {
        return this.sslVerifyCert;

    protected void setSslVerifyCert(String mode) throws JUploadException {
        int val = -1;
        if (mode.toLowerCase().equals("none"))
            val = InteractiveTrustManager.NONE;
        if (mode.toLowerCase().equals("server"))
            val = InteractiveTrustManager.SERVER;
        if (mode.toLowerCase().equals("client"))
            val = InteractiveTrustManager.CLIENT;
        if (mode.toLowerCase().equals("strict"))
            val = InteractiveTrustManager.STRICT;
        if (val == -1)
            throw new JUploadException("Invalid parameter sslVerifyCert (" + mode + ")");
        this.sslVerifyCert = val;

     * @param show
     *            the new showStatusbar value
    protected void setShowStatusbar(boolean show) {
        this.showStatusbar = show;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getStringUploadError() */
    public String getStringUploadError() {
        return this.stringUploadError;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getStringUploadSuccess() */
    public String getStringUploadSuccess() {
        return this.stringUploadSuccess;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getStringUploadWarning() */
    public String getStringUploadWarning() {
        return this.stringUploadWarning;

     * @param stringUploadError
     *            the stringUploadError to set
     * @throws JUploadException
    protected void setStringUploadError(String stringUploadError) throws JUploadException {
        this.stringUploadError = stringUploadError;
        if (stringUploadError != null) {
            try {
                this.patternError = Pattern.compile(stringUploadError);
            } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
                throw new JUploadException("Invalid regex in parameter stringUploadError");

     * @param stringUploadSuccess
     *            the stringUploadSuccess to set
     * @throws JUploadException
    protected void setStringUploadSuccess(String stringUploadSuccess) throws JUploadException {
        this.stringUploadSuccess = stringUploadSuccess;
        if (stringUploadSuccess != null) {
            try {
                this.patternSuccess = Pattern.compile(stringUploadSuccess);
            } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
                throw new JUploadException("Invalid regex in parameter stringUploadSuccess");

     * @param stringUploadWarning
     *            the stringUploadWarning to set
     * @throws JUploadException
    protected void setStringUploadWarning(String stringUploadWarning) throws JUploadException {
        this.stringUploadWarning = stringUploadWarning;
        if (stringUploadWarning != null) {
            try {
                this.patternWarning = Pattern.compile(stringUploadWarning);
            } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
                throw new JUploadException("Invalid regex in parameter stringUploadWarning");

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getUrlToSendErrorTo() */
    public String getUrlToSendErrorTo() {
        return this.urlToSendErrorTo;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void setUrlToSendErrorTo(String urlToSendErrorTo) throws JUploadException {
        if (null == urlToSendErrorTo)
        String tmp = this.juploadContext.normalizeURL(urlToSendErrorTo);
        if (tmp.startsWith("ftp://")) {
            throw new JUploadException("urlToSendErrorTo: ftp scheme not supported.");
        this.urlToSendErrorTo = tmp;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getFormdata() */
    public String getFormdata() {
        return this.formData;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getAfterUploadTarget() */
    public String getAfterUploadTarget() {
        return this.afterUploadTarget;

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // /////////////////// Internal methods
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

     * Delete the current log. (called upon applet termination)
    public synchronized void deleteLog() {
        if (this.debugGenerateFile) {
            try {
                if (null != this.debugOut) {
                    this.debugOut = null;
                if (null != this.debugFile) {
                    if (!this.debugFile.delete()) {
                        displayWarn(this.debugFile.getName() + " was not correctly removed!");
                    this.debugFile = null;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // nothing to do: we mask the exception.
                displayWarn(e.getClass().getName() + " occured in deleteLog(). Exception ignored.");

     * This methods allows the applet to store all messages (debug, warning,
     * info, errors...) into a StringBuffer. If any problem occurs, the whole
     * output (displayed or not by the displayDebug, for instance) can be stored
     * in a file, or sent to the webmaster. This can help to identify and
     * correct problems that can occurs on the various computer configurations.
     * @param msg
    protected synchronized void addMsgToDebugLog(String msg) {
        // If uploading lots of chunks, the buffer gets too large, resulting in
        // a OutOfMemoryError on the heap so we now use a temporary file for the
        // debug log.
        if (this.debugGenerateFile && this.debugOk) {
            try {
                if (null == this.debugOut) {
                    this.juploadContext.registerUnload(this, "deleteLog");
                    this.debugFile = File.createTempFile("jupload_", "_log.txt");
                    this.debugOut = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(this.debugFile));
                boolean endsLF = msg.endsWith("\n");
                msg = msg.replaceAll("\n", this.CRLF);
                if (endsLF) {
                } else {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                this.debugOk = false;
                        "IO error on debuglog " + this.debugFile.getPath() + "\nFallback to standard output.");
        } else {

     * Displays a message. If the logWindow panel is set, the message is
     * displayed on it. If not, the System.out.println function is used.
     * @param msg
     *            The message to display.
    private void displayMsg(String tag, String msg) {
        String message;

        if (this.juploadContext.getLogWindow() == null) {
            message = tag + " - " + msg;
        } else {
            message = this.juploadContext.getLogWindow().displayMsg(tag, msg);
        // Let's store all text in the debug logfile
        if (this.debugGenerateFile) {

     * Default reaction after a successful drop operation: no action.
     * @see UploadPolicy#afterFileDropped(DropTargetDropEvent)
    public void afterFileDropped(DropTargetDropEvent dropEvent) {
        // Default: no action.

     * Default implementation for {@link UploadPolicy#createFileChooser()}: just
     * a creation of a {@link JUploadFileChooser}.
     * @see UploadPolicy#createFileChooser()
    public JUploadFileChooser createFileChooser() {
        return new JUploadFileChooser(this);

     * This method returns the response for the
     * {@link JUploadFileFilter#accept(File)} which just calls this method. This
     * method checks that the file extension corresponds to the
     * allowedFileExtensions applet parameter.
     * @see UploadPolicy#fileFilterAccept(File)
    public boolean fileFilterAccept(File file) {
        if (file.isDirectory()) {
            return true;
        } else if (this.allowedFileExtensions == null || this.allowedFileExtensions.equals("")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            // Get the file extension
            String extension = DefaultFileData.getExtension(file).toLowerCase();
            // allowedFileExtensions is :
            // - a list of file extensions,
            // - in lower case,
            // - separated by slash
            // - A slash has been added at the beginning in
            // setAllowedFileExtensions
            // - A slash has been added at the end in setAllowedFileExtensions
            // So, we just look for the /ext/ string in the stored
            // allowedFileExtensions.
            return (this.allowedFileExtensions.indexOf("/" + extension + "/")) >= 0;

    /** @see UploadPolicy#fileFilterGetDescription() */
    public String fileFilterGetDescription() {
        if (this.allowedFileExtensions == null || this.allowedFileExtensions.equals("")) {
            return null;
        } else if (getFileFilterName() != null) {
            return getFileFilterName();
        } else {
            return "JUpload file filter (" + this.allowedFileExtensions + ")";

     * Returns null: the default icon is used.
     * @see UploadPolicy#fileViewGetIcon(File)
    public Icon fileViewGetIcon(File file) {
        return null;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getLastException() */
    public JUploadException getLastException() {
        return this.lastException;

     * Set the last exception.
     * @param exception
     *            The last exception that occurs into the applet.
    public void setLastException(JUploadException exception) {
        this.lastException = exception;

        // The log window may become visible.
        if (this.juploadContext.getUploadPanel() != null) {


    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getLastResponseBody() */
    public String getLastResponseBody() {
        return this.lastResponseBody;

    /** @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getLastResponseMessage() */
    public String getLastResponseMessage() {
        return (null != this.lastResponseMessage) ? this.lastResponseMessage : "";

     * @return The cursor that was active before setting the new one. Can be
     *         used to restore its previous state.
     * @see UploadPolicy#setCursor(Cursor)
    public Cursor setCursor(Cursor cursor) {
        return this.juploadContext.setCursor(cursor);

     * @return The cursor that was active before setting the new one. Can be
     *         used to restore its previous state.
     * @see UploadPolicy#setWaitCursor()
    public Cursor setWaitCursor() {
        return this.juploadContext.setWaitCursor();

    public void setCurrentDirectory(File currentDirectory) {
        this.currentDirectory = currentDirectory;

    public void setSelectedFiles(File[] selectedFiles) {
        this.selectedFiles = selectedFiles;

    public String getSelectedFilesInfoJSON() {
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < selectedFiles.length; i++) {
            JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
            try {
                jsonObj.put("name", selectedFiles[i].getName());
                jsonObj.put("size", selectedFiles[i].length());
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        String sRet = jsonArray.toString();
        return sRet;
