Java tutorial
/* * Wilos Is a cLever process Orchestration Software - * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Paul Sabatier University, IUP ISI (Toulouse, France) <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package wilos.presentation.web.tree; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent; import javax.faces.model.SelectItem; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import wilos.model.misc.concreteactivity.ConcreteActivity; import wilos.model.misc.concreteiteration.ConcreteIteration; import wilos.model.misc.concretephase.ConcretePhase; import wilos.model.misc.concreterole.ConcreteRoleDescriptor; import wilos.model.misc.concretetask.ConcreteTaskDescriptor; import wilos.model.misc.project.Project; import wilos.model.misc.wilosuser.Participant; import wilos.presentation.web.expandabletable.ExpTableBean; import wilos.presentation.web.expandabletable.ProcessBean; import wilos.presentation.web.viewer.ConcreteActivityViewerBean; import wilos.presentation.web.viewer.ConcreteIterationViewerBean; import wilos.presentation.web.viewer.ConcretePhaseViewerBean; import wilos.presentation.web.viewer.ConcreteRoleViewerBean; import wilos.presentation.web.viewer.ConcreteTaskViewerBean; import wilos.presentation.web.viewer.ProjectViewerBean; /** * @author deder * @author eperico * @author garwind <p/> A basic backing bean for a ice:tree component. The only * instance variable needed is a DefaultTreeModel Object which is bound * to the icefaces tree component in the jspx code. * </p> * <p/> The tree created by this backing bean is used to control the * selected panel in a ice:panelStack. * </p> */ public class TreeBean { /* Services */ private WebCommonService webCommonService; private WebSessionService webSessionService; private ProjectService projectService; private LoginService loginService; private ParticipantService participantService; private ProcessService processService; /* Simple fields */ private Project project; private static final String DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID = "default"; private String projectId = DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID; private boolean loadTree; private boolean hideRadio; private String selectedMode = TASKS_MODE; public static final String TASKS_MODE = "tasksMode"; public static final String ROLES_MODE = "rolesMode"; // tree default model, used as a value for the tree component private DefaultTreeModel model = null; protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); // HashMap which contains the object and his id private HashMap<String, Object> treeMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); public TreeBean() { this.model = new DefaultTreeModel(this.getDefaultTree()); } /* Manage the tree. */ /** * Sets PROJECT_ID attribute to DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID and cleans tree and node * to show Must be called at participant logout */ public DefaultMutableTreeNode getDefaultTree() { DefaultMutableTreeNode defaultTree = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(); WilosObjectNode iceUserObject = new WilosObjectNode(defaultTree); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("wilos.resources.messages", FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getDefaultLocale()); iceUserObject.setText(bundle.getString("navigation.tree.defaulttreenodetext")); defaultTree.setUserObject(iceUserObject); return defaultTree; } public void refreshProjectTree() { this.buildTreeModel(); } public void rebuildProjectTree() { String prId = (String) this.webSessionService.getAttribute(WebSessionService.PROJECT_ID); this.project = this.projectService.getProject(prId); this.buildTreeModel(); } public void cleanTreeDisplay() { this.webSessionService.setAttribute(WebSessionService.PROJECT_ID, DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID); this.projectId = DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID; this.buildTreeModel(); } private void buildTreeModel() { if (this.projectId != null && !this.projectId.equals(DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID)) { ProjectNode projectNode; if (this.selectedMode.equals(TASKS_MODE)) { projectNode = new ProjectNode(this.project, true, treeMap); this.webSessionService.setAttribute(WebSessionService.TREE_MODE, TASKS_MODE); } else { projectNode = new ProjectNode(this.project, false, treeMap); this.webSessionService.setAttribute(WebSessionService.TREE_MODE, ROLES_MODE); } this.model = new DefaultTreeModel(projectNode); } else { // Build the default tree. this.model = new DefaultTreeModel(this.getDefaultTree()); } } public void changeTreeActionListener(ValueChangeEvent evt) { String nodeTypeToShow = DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID; this.projectId = (String) evt.getNewValue(); // Put into the session the current project used. this.webSessionService.setAttribute(WebSessionService.PROJECT_ID, this.projectId); if (!this.projectId.equals(DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID)) { // Retrieve the entire project. this.project = this.projectService.getProject(this.projectId); nodeTypeToShow = WilosObjectNode.PROJECTNODE; // masquage de la exptable d'instanciation String projectId = (String) this.webSessionService.getAttribute(WebSessionService.PROJECT_ID); Project project = this.projectService.getProject(projectId); ProcessBean processBean = (ProcessBean) this.webCommonService.getBean("Woops2ProcessBean"); ExpTableBean expTableBean = (ExpTableBean) this.webCommonService.getBean("ExpTableBean"); if (project.getProcess() == null) { processBean.setSelectedProcessGuid("default"); expTableBean.setSelectedProcessGuid("default"); processBean.setIsVisibleExpTable(false); expTableBean.setIsInstanciedProject(false); expTableBean.getExpTableContent().clear(); } else { processBean.setSelectedProcessGuid(project.getProcess().getGuid()); expTableBean.setSelectedProcessGuid(project.getProcess().getGuid()); processBean.setIsVisibleExpTable(true); expTableBean.setIsInstanciedProject(true); } } this.buildTreeModel(); if (this.projectId.length() > 0) this.selectNodeToShow(this.projectId, nodeTypeToShow); } public void selectNodeActionListener(ActionEvent evt) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); Map map = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap(); String nodeId = (String) map.get("nodeId"); String pageId = (String) map.get("pageId"); this.selectNodeToShow(nodeId, pageId); /* * logger.debug("### TreeBean ### HIBERNATE STATS :: \n" + * this.getProcessService().getActivityDao().getSessionFactory() * .getStatistics()); */ } /* Manage the select one radio */ public void changeModeActionListener(ValueChangeEvent evt) { this.selectedMode = (String) evt.getNewValue(); this.buildTreeModel(); } public List<SelectItem> getModesList() { ArrayList<SelectItem> modesList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("wilos.resources.messages", FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getDefaultLocale()); modesList.add(new SelectItem(TASKS_MODE, bundle.getString("navigation.tree.checkboxlabel.tasks"))); modesList.add(new SelectItem(ROLES_MODE, bundle.getString("navigation.tree.checkboxlabel.roles"))); return modesList; } /* Manage the combobox. */ public List<SelectItem> getProjects() { List<SelectItem> projectsList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); String wilosUserId = (String) this.webSessionService.getAttribute(WebSessionService.WILOS_USER_ID); Participant participant = this.participantService.getParticipant(wilosUserId); if (participant != null) { HashMap<Project, Boolean> projects = this.participantService.getProjectsForAParticipant(participant); for (Project project : projects.keySet()) { if (projects.get(project)) { this.addSelectItemToList(projectsList, new SelectItem(project.getId(), project.getConcreteName())); } } } ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("wilos.resources.messages", FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getDefaultLocale()); projectsList.add(0, new SelectItem(DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID, bundle.getString("navigation.tree.defaulttreenodetext"))); return projectsList; } /* Private methods. */ /** * Inserts the SelectItem _si representing a project into the list used by * the combo * * @param _projectsList * the projectsList * @param _si * the SelectItem */ private void addSelectItemToList(List<SelectItem> _projectsList, SelectItem _si) { if (_projectsList.size() == 0) _projectsList.add(_si); else { int i; // inserting the project in an alphabetically ordered list for (i = 0; i < _projectsList.size() && _si.getLabel().compareTo(_projectsList.get(i).getLabel()) > 0; i++) { } _projectsList.add(i, _si); } } /** * * @param _objectId * @param _pageId * node selection function */ private void selectNodeToShow(String _objectId, String _pageId) { if (_objectId != null && _pageId != null) { if (_pageId.equals(WilosObjectNode.ACTIVITYNODE)) { ConcreteActivityViewerBean av = (ConcreteActivityViewerBean) this.webCommonService .getBean(WilosObjectNode.ACTIVITYNODE + "Bean"); // recover the object in the HashMap for the viewer ConcreteActivity ca = (ConcreteActivity) treeMap.get(_objectId); av.setConcreteActivity(ca); this.webCommonService.changeContentPage(_pageId); } else if (_pageId.equals(WilosObjectNode.CONCRETETASKNODE)) { ConcreteTaskViewerBean ctv = (ConcreteTaskViewerBean) this.webCommonService .getBean(WilosObjectNode.CONCRETETASKNODE + "Bean"); // recover the object in the HashMap for the viewer ConcreteTaskDescriptor ctd = (ConcreteTaskDescriptor) treeMap.get(_objectId); ctv.setConcreteTaskDescriptor(ctd); this.webCommonService.changeContentPage(_pageId); } else if (_pageId.equals(WilosObjectNode.CONCRETEROLENODE)) { ConcreteRoleViewerBean crv = (ConcreteRoleViewerBean) this.webCommonService .getBean(WilosObjectNode.CONCRETEROLENODE + "Bean"); // recover the object in the HashMap for the viewer ConcreteRoleDescriptor crd = (ConcreteRoleDescriptor) treeMap.get(_objectId); crv.setConcreteRoleDescriptor(crd); this.webCommonService.changeContentPage(_pageId); } else if (_pageId.equals(WilosObjectNode.ITERATIONNODE)) { ConcreteIterationViewerBean iv = (ConcreteIterationViewerBean) this.webCommonService .getBean(WilosObjectNode.ITERATIONNODE + "Bean"); // recover the object in the HashMap for the viewer ConcreteIteration ci = (ConcreteIteration) treeMap.get(_objectId); iv.setConcreteIteration(ci); this.webCommonService.changeContentPage(_pageId); } else if (_pageId.equals(WilosObjectNode.PHASENODE)) { ConcretePhaseViewerBean pb = (ConcretePhaseViewerBean) this.webCommonService .getBean(WilosObjectNode.PHASENODE + "Bean"); // recover the object in the HashMap for the viewer ConcretePhase cp = (ConcretePhase) treeMap.get(_objectId); pb.setConcretePhase(cp); this.webCommonService.changeContentPage(_pageId); } else if (_pageId.equals(WilosObjectNode.PROJECTNODE)) { ProjectViewerBean p = (ProjectViewerBean) this.webCommonService .getBean(WilosObjectNode.PROJECTNODE + "Bean"); // recover the object in the HashMap for the viewer Project proj = (Project) treeMap.get(_objectId); p.setProject(proj); this.webCommonService.changeContentPage(_pageId); } else { // displays blank page this.webCommonService.changeContentPage("wilos"); } } } /* Getters & Setters */ public DefaultTreeModel getModel() { return this.model; } public String getProjectId() { return this.projectId; } public void setProjectId(String _processId) { this.projectId = _processId; } public ProjectService getProjectService() { return projectService; } public void setProjectService(ProjectService projectService) { this.projectService = projectService; } public Boolean getLoadTree() { if (this.projectId != null && !this.projectId.equals(DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID)) this.loadTree = false; else this.loadTree = true; return this.loadTree; } public void setLoadTree(Boolean loadTree) { this.loadTree = loadTree; } public LoginService getLoginService() { return loginService; } public void setLoginService(LoginService loginService) { this.loginService = loginService; } public ParticipantService getParticipantService() { return participantService; } public void setParticipantService(ParticipantService participantService) { this.participantService = participantService; } public WebSessionService getWebSessionService() { return this.webSessionService; } public void setWebSessionService(WebSessionService _webSessionService) { this.webSessionService = _webSessionService; } public ProcessService getProcessService() { return processService; } public void setProcessService(ProcessService processService) { this.processService = processService; } public HashMap<String, Object> getTreeMap() { return treeMap; } public void setTreeMap(HashMap<String, Object> _treeMap) { this.treeMap = _treeMap; } /** * @return the selectedMode */ public String getSelectedMode() { return this.selectedMode; } /** * @param selectedMode * the selectedMode to set */ public void setSelectedMode(String _selectedMode) { this.selectedMode = _selectedMode; } public boolean getHideRadio() { if (this.projectId != null && !this.projectId.equals(DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID)) this.hideRadio = true; else this.hideRadio = false; return this.hideRadio; } public void setHideRadio(boolean _hideRadio) { this.hideRadio = _hideRadio; } /** * @return the webCommonService */ public WebCommonService getWebCommonService() { return webCommonService; } /** * @param webCommonService the webCommonService to set */ public void setWebCommonService(WebCommonService webCommonService) { this.webCommonService = webCommonService; } }